02162: Course on Software Engineering 2 (e14)

Update log

This page logs the updates of the material and schedule page and the the newly added documents after August 14, 2014, so that it is easier to identify changes and new documents.


August 14, 2014:


September 1, 2014:


September 1, 2014: Material for first lecture (week 36):


September 4, 2014: Material for first tutorial and group meeting (week 36):


September 8, 2014: Material for lecture (week 37):


September 12, 2014: Material for second tutorial (week 37):


September 15, 2014: Material for lecture and group meeting (week 38):

  • Slides for lecture 3: SE2-L03.pdf
  • Hints for group meeting: wk38.shtml
  • Updated starting time of Tuesday lecture/project slot: 830
  • Group leader meetings will be Tuesdays after the lecture/project slot (about 1200) in room 303B.053.


September 17, 2014: Material for third tutorial (week 38):


September 19, 2014: Instructions for installing SVN client to Eclipse:

September 22, 2014: Material for lecture and group meeting (week 39):


September 25, 2014: Material for fourh tutorial (week 39):


September 29, 2014: Material for lecture and group meeting (week 40):


October 2, 2014: Material for fifth tutorial (week 40):

October 6, 2014: Material for lecture and group meeting (week 41):
  • Slides for lecture 6 : SE2-L06.pdf
  • Hints for group meeting: wk41.shtml
  • Removed the unnecessary @XmlRootElement annotations from the code snippets from assignment5.shtml
  • Also note that the mid term course evaluation is open now for your comments (until Oct. 12).


October 9, 2014: Material for sixth/seventh tutorial (week 41):

October 10, 2014: Schedule for early project presentations on October 21 and some guidelines :
  • Early project presentation: early-presentation.shtml
  • Updated fifth assignment (hints for solving issues with security manager, and access to GlassFish server with a database running): assignment5.shtml
  • Updated information on GlassFish and Redmine servers (access to new GlassFish Server with database running): webservers.shtml
October 20, 2014: FYI: Big Data Hackathon 2014, November 18.-19., DTU: October 20, 2014: Information on presentations: October 20, 2014: Information on submissions: October 23, 2014 (fixed broken link October 25): Additional information for tutorial 7: October 27, 2014: Material for lecture: November 6, 2014: Material for lecture: November 7, 2014: Added schedule for discussion of systems specification with individual goups on Tuesday, Nov. 11 in room 303B.053 (on material and schedulepage):
      800 Group C
      900 Group D
    1000 Group B
    1100 Group A
November 13, 2014: Material for lecture: November 20, 2014: Schedule for final persentations added: November 21, 2014: Schedule for code walk-through on Nov. 25 added to schedule page:
  830 Group C
  915 Group D
1000 Group A
1045 Group B
November 27, 2014: Material for lecture: December 1, 2014: Adjusted schedule for final presentations: December 16, 2014: CITIES presentations: (project presentation, student programmer job)


Ekkart Kindler (), Aug 14, 2014 (last updated Dec 16, 2014)