02162: Course on Software Engineering 2 (e14)

Week 41:

  • Status report (including status of tutorials). Get an overview of the state of the different upcoming deliverables. This concerns in particular the technology experiment.
  • Dicuss open questions and issues on the different deliverables.
  • Make a workplan for the next two weeks, so that different subgroups can work independently of each other on different parts.
  • Make a plan on how to integrate the different parts — where necessary.
  • If possible, schedule a rehearsal for the early project presentations (with part of the group).
  • Sum up: Decisions, work items, and plan for next weeks.


Note that this will probably be the last written hints for the group meeting.


Remember that there will be the autumn holidays in week 42; make sure that you take that into account when planning the work.



Ekkart Kindler (), Oct. 6, 2014