02162: Course on Software Engineering 2 (e14)

Week 39:

  • Status reports.
  • Evaluate experience from the submission of the project definition: what went well, what can you do better next time (but do not spend too much on that)? Celebrate success!
  • Discussion of open issues and problems with understanding the project's task.
  • Plan work on UML diagrams (week 41) and "early project presentation" (week 43): what needs to be done; open issues and problems. Responsibilities for the different parts. Discuss initial versions of UML diagrams.
  • Decide whether you want to do your "early project presentation" on Oct. 21nd publically (open for all groups of the course) or privately (group and Ekkart Kindler only). The group leaders should send an email to Ekkart Kindler with the group's preference. The public presentations will be scheduled last (right before the lecture part on that day), the private presentations will be scheduled first (in reverse order of when the group leaders' emails are received).
  • If you have it already: Discuss first results and status of technology experiments. If not, make a plan for doing them (update the plans).
  • Work on content: Discussion of models, discussion of ideas for solution. The objective being that all group members have a common understanding of the project on a high level of abstraction and an idea of what the interfaces between the different parts are (or could be).
  • Discuss structure of systems specification (submission in week 44), make a work plan and assign responsibilities.
  • Sum up work items and responsibilities for next week.


Ekkart Kindler (), Sept. 22, 2014