02162: Course on Software Engineering 2 (e14)

Schedule & Material

This is a preliminary schedule of the Course on Software Engineering 2 (02162) in autumn 2014 including a list of all deliverables. The deadline for delivering them is Thursday 24.00 of the respective week (except for the final delivery, which is on a Friday). Note that the column for the deliverables does not contain the practical assignments from the tutorials; these must be demonstrated in the presentation of the tutorials (week 45).


The plan also indicates, at wich times there will be lectures, tutorials, the group meetings, work sessions, and presentaion sessions. Normally, the material for the lectures and tutorials will be made available shortly before or after the resp. lecture or tutorial.


Please note that this is still a preliminary schedule and the exact time slots for lectures and tutorials and their content are subject to change. Please check regularly for changes and updates on this page, and the added material. To make it easier for you to track the changes, there is a page on which the changes are logged.


The group meeting on Friday from 15-17, however, are fixed for the complete lecturing time. The group meetings will held in the following rooms.

Group A: 210.142
Group B: 210.148
Group C: 210.162
Group D: 210.168
The assignments of rooms to groups will be decided in the first week of the course.


Note that, from Tuesday, September 16, the lecture on Tuesdays starts at 830!


The meeting of all group leaders will be held right after the Tuesday slot, at about 1200 (or earlier when the course finishes early). The group leader meeting will be held in room 303B.053.


Wk Tue 8.30-10.00 Tue 10.00-12 Fri 13.00-15 Fri 15-17 Deliverables
  303A/45 303A/45 303A/45 group rooms
(see above)
36 L: Introduction (SE2-L01.pdf) P: Presentation of project (see project page, slides)
P: Group assignments!!
T: Developing Web Applications with Eclipse: "Getting started" (Assignment 1) Group meeting (hints)  
37 L: Modelling software (SE2-L02.pdf) P: Project details and discussion
P/T: Overview of needed technologies
T: Q & A
T: Web services (Assignment 2, code snippet) Group meeting (hints)  
38 L: Defining software (SE2-L03.pdf) P: Discussion of project / Q & A
P: Technologies and Architecture
T: Q & A
T: Developing (Android) Apps with Eclipse (1): Getting started
(Assignment 3)
Hints on use of SVN (see also subversive information here)
Group meeting
Here are two examples for project definitions (from different projects from the Course Advanced Topics in Software Engineering): Example 1, Example 2. Note that your's does not need to be that long!
39 L: Working together (SE2-L04.pdf) P: Models in the project / Q & A
T: Q & A
T: Developing Apps with Eclipse (2): Accessing Web services
(Assignment 4, access to servers)
Group meeting
  • Project definition

    Each group should submit a project definition as a PDF document via CampusNet.

40 L: Specifying software 1 (SE2-L05(03).pdf(selected from L03)) / OOA & OOD P: Discussion of models and project definitions
P: Q & A
T: Web applications with Databases
(Assignment 5)
Group meeting
41 L: Giving talks (SE2-L06.pdf) P: Systems specification discussion
Work on project
T: A video recording App (Assignment 6) Group meeting (hints)
  • UML Diagrams for the major components and of your project. There should be also some brief explanations of the UML diagrams.

    Each group should submit their diagrams as a PDF document via CampusNet.

42 Autumn holidays
43 Early project presentation by groups (see hints):
  830 Group C (private)
  900 Group B (private)
  930 Group D (public)
1000 Group A (public)
L: Specifying software / OOA & OOD 2 T: Video server and client (see Assignment 6 and additionals technologies, slides) Group meeting
  • Own technology experiment for project with a simple combination/variation of the earlier tutorials. Each group should submit their experiement via CampusNet (see more details on the CN submission).
44 L: Handbook (SE2-L07.pdf) P: Q & A / first comments on tutorial experiments There is no tutorial on this day. You can use this time for working on the project!


The group meetings, however, take place!

Group meeting
  • System specification:

    Each group should submit the system specification as a PDF document via CampusNet.
    You will find an example of a systems specification from some year's ago (on a different project) here.

45 T: Tutorial presentations by groups: See here for schedule and details. After the tutorial presentations, there will be a session on the project again, with the focus on OOD. And there will be time for the group for working on the project. L: Qualitymanagement (SE2-L08.pdf) Group meeting  
46 P: Discussion of system specifications individually by groups in room 303B.053:
  800 Group C
  900 Group D
1000 Group B
1100 Group A

P: Work on project

L: Management and "SE Theory" (SE2-L09.pdf) Group meeting
  • 1st prototype with a simple example via CampusNet (see some more information on this submission here here).
47 P: Work on project Guest lecture by Michael Dahl Sørensen from Netcompany Group meeting
  • Draft version of handbook. The handbook should be submitted as a PDF document via CampusNet.
48 P: Work on project

Code walk-trough with different groups (in room 303B.053):
  830 Group C
  915 Group D
1000 Group A
1045 Group B

L: Summary and Outlook (SE2-L10.pdf) Group meeting
  • Feature complete prototype (2nd prototype). See information on the submission here here.
49 Final presentation of projects. Groups can chose to have their final presentation in this slot or on Monday, Dec. 15. (see here for more information and hints).

Schedule for presentations Dec. 2nd (in lecture hall 303A/45, open for all groups):
  945: Group B
1030: Group C


Presentation of CITIES related projects (project presentation, student programmer job) Group meeting  
50-51 Examination period


In this perdiod, the groups can finalize their projects. The groups can chose to do their final presentations in week 49 (slot on Tuesday, Dec. 2) or on Monday, Dec. 15.


Schedule for presentations on Monday, Dec. 15nd (in room 321.033):
1015: Group A
1100: Group D


You will find more information on the final presentations here.


  • Final software and documentation (Deadline: Friday, Dec. 19th, 2400 but early submissions are welcome).


    More details on the final submission will be made available later; it will comprise, the final software with javadoc comments and author tags, the underlying models, and the documentation (revised and updated systems specification and handbook, test documentation, in which all sections are marked with the resp. author).


    You will find more details on the final submission and on how to submit it here!


    You can find an example of a test document here. But think about what is reasonable for your project, and explicitly include which version (tag in the repository) was tested, when, and by whom into your test document.


Ekkart Kindler (), Aug 14, 2014 (last updated Dec 16, 2014)