02162: Course on Software Engineering 2 (e14)

Week 40:

  • Status report (including status of tutorials).
  • Discuss open issues and problems concerning the project's task (you can combine that with discussing the comments on the project defintion below); and take decisions!
  • Discuss project definition and Ekkart Kindler's comments on it. Have all group members the same understanding of the project? What do you learn from the comments concerning the project itself? What do you learn in general (on writing)? What are the implications for the systems specification?
  • Discuss drafts of UML diagram and identify problems and issues assign responsibilities for resolving the problems and for preparing and submitting the diagrams.
  • Status reports on "technology experiments" and findings; plan next steps.
  • Plan early project presentation (don't forget the email, whether you want to do this presentation private or public).
  • Discuss progress in the work on the systems specification and plan the next steps.
  • Update the workplan (in particular for the next upcoming deliverables: UML diagrams, early presentation, systems specification, tutorial presentation).
  • Sum up: Work items and plan for next week.


Remember that there will be the autumn holidays soon; make sure that you consider that when planning the work.



Ekkart Kindler (), Sept. 29, 2014