02162: Course on Software Engineering 2 (e14)

Week 38:

  • Standing agenda item:
    Brief status and problem reports on ongoing work (but do not go into detailed discussion here; if there is something to discuss, put it on the agenda). This could include the tutorials (but only briefly).
  • Discussion of project (guided by the responsible person for the different parts). What are open issues and questions? In particular, what needs to be done with respect to the upcoming deliverables: project definition and UML diagrams.
    Make sure you did not forget anything important (check with project description and project slides).
  • Discuss structure and outline of project definition (if you have it, briefly review the existing parts). Assign responsibilities for the different parts.
  • Make a plan up to the submission of the final project definition (including some steps for quality assurance!).
  • Complete/update long-term plans (remember the systems specification and its associated presentation).
  • Other business.
  • Standing agenda item:
    Sum up main work items and main items on agenda in the next week.


Ekkart Kindler (), Sept. 15, 2014