02162: Course on Software Engineering 2 (e14)

Week 36:

  • Meet as a group and get going.
  • Discuss the task (see project page) and get a first understanding. What is the major functionality of the tool you are to develop? Which parts does it consist of?
  • Prepare questions and issues for the discussion of the project in the project discussion session on Tuesday in week 37.
  • Assign a project leader and a deputy. Each group leader must send an email with the name of the leader and the deputy to Ekkart Kindler (for arranging a weekly meeting with all group leaders) after the meeting.
  • One person of each group will be handed over a SmartPhone (Galaxy S5) for the group to work with during the project. Decide who will be responsible for this phone. This person will be handed over the phone soon. Send this information to Ekkart Kindler, together with the information on the group leaders (see above).
  • For each deliverable and each presentation (see overall plan), assign a student who will be responsible for it.
  • Make a work plan. Don't forget to consider the times for the work on the tutorials and the presentations. Moreover, even though the deliverables concerning implementation are quite late, you should make first experiments implementing these ideas very soon; this should be considered in the work plan too.
  • Decide who will be responsible for which assignments in the tutorials (in particular the first one).
  • Schedule additional meetings of the complete group or subgroups in order to work on the upcoming deliverables.
  • Note that there should be minutes from each group meeting (eventually, they should be checked in to the SVN repository, once it is available). For the future meetings, the group leader should also prepare and send an agenda ahead of the meeting.

The group meetings are held from 1500 to 1700 in the following rooms:

Group A: 210.142
Group B: 210.148
Group C: 210.162
Group D: 210.168
Ekkart Kindler will be in each group for roughly half an hour in the following order: Group A, B, C, and D. But, the groups should get started right away.


Ekkart Kindler (), Sept. 4, 2014