02162: Course on Software Engineering 2 (e14)

Week 37:

  • Brief status and problem reports (but do NOT start discussing the problems here; instead, put the urgent ones on the agenda).
  • Update agenda of today's meeting (consider some of the points below).
  • Discuss the project (based on project description). Identify relevant components that you need to dig into. Create an example scenarios and create a draft taxonomy.
  • Assign people to the different parts of the project who work on understanding and describing them (this will be input for the project definition) and prepare for a short presentation in the group meeting in wk 38.
  • Plan work on project definition and make a rough table of contents (it would be a good idea, if by week 38, there was a proposal on the structure, and some written text on the different parts already). Assign responsibilities for the different parts of the table of contents. Also think about measures to assure the quality of the document.
  • Assign somebody who is in charge of the SVN repository and proposes a structure for all the documents and the different parts of the software (experiments, tutorials, project itself). This proposal should be presented in week 38.
  • Decide which technologies you need to explore with some small prototypes and assign people to do that (see also tutorials). If you cannot decide that yet, assign people who look into that.


  • Organisation:
    • If you did not do that yet, assign the remaining responsibilities and in particular the group leader.
    • Decide on structure of how to follow up and maintain the workplan.
    • Plan other upcoming work.
    • Outline on how to use the repository (see above).
    • Standing items on the agenda (e.g. status report, next meeting, ...)


  • General hint: Always end a discussion with fixing the conclusion; if you do not reach a conclusion contentswise, then, the conclusion is that there is a work item assigned to somebody (for preparing a discussion and proposal next time) explicitly! The result or conclusion of the discussion should go to the minutes of the meeting. Also fix major items for next week's agenda.


Ekkart Kindler (), Sept. 8, 2014