DTU Ph.D.-course (02930)
of Sensory and Consumer Data
at the
Technical University of Denmark,
Lyngby, Denmark
The course will NOT run in 2017 and there are currently no plan for when or if the course will run again

Organized by:
Per Bruun Brockhoff, DTU Compute
Technical University
of Denmark
Material and lecture podcasts from the 2015 version are available below!!
If you would like to pursue some of this further:
- Get support for the planning and analysis of your experiments
- Get dedicated courses
- Co-finance collaborative research projects e.g. Ph.D projects
- Get support for dedicated implementations of some of the methodology - e.g. by personalized R Shiny web applications meeting your needs
- Etc
Don't hesitate to contact us:
Per Bruun Brockhoff , Email: perbb@dtu.dk
Our Statistics and Data Analysis section here at DTU Compute has a large experience and interest in entering collaborative contracts
- as well pure research contracts as research based consultancy contracts
2015 Material overview and access: (See podcast link table below - OR go directly to raw podcast channel )
Block |
Topic |
Slides |
R and Data |
Reading Material |
Exercises |
Solutions |
Mon1 |
Intro to R
Discrimination basic, part 1 |
sensR_part1.pdf |
sensR_part1_examples.R |
eNote1fromCourse02402 (with R intro)
Chapter 7 from the book by Næs, Brockhoff and Tomic.
sensR_part1_exercises.pdf |
sensR_part1_exercises_AND_solutions.pdf |
Mon2 |
Discrimination basic, part2
Similarity testing Replicated data |
sensR_part2HA.pdf |
sensR_part2.R |
The statistical power of Replications, FQP 2003
sensR Vignette on Methodology
The Design of Replicated Difference Tests, Meyners & Brockhoff (2003). |
sensR_part2_exercises.pdf |
sensR_part2_solutions.R |
Tue1 |
Intro to mixed models
Basic ANOVA in Panelcheck |
eNote-1 from Course 02429: Introduction to mixed models
Selections from the book by Næs, Brockhoff and Tomic. |
mixedmodelsinPanelcheck_exercises.pdf |
mixedmodelsinPanelcheck_exercises_and_solutions.pdf |
Tue2 |
Mixed models in Consumercheck
SensMixed, part 1 |
SensMixed_ConsumerCheck_2015.pdf |
Ph.D. thesis, Kuznetsova, A.(2015)
FQP Paper draft on the SensMixed package. (Kuznetsova et al)
JSS paper draft on ConsumerCheck (Tomic et al)
Exercises_Tuesday_afternoon.pdf |
Exercises_Tuesday_solutions.pdf |
Wed1 |
PCA and Preference mapping in ConsumerCheck |
ConsumerCheck_PCA_2015.pdf |
Data_1_QDA.xlsx |
JSS paper draft on ConsumerCheck (Tomic et al)
eNote2 from Course 27411 - PCA intro with R
Exercises_Wednesday_morning.pdf |
Exercises_Wednesday_morning_solutions.pdf |
Wed2 |
PCA, Tucker1 and panel performance in PanelCheck |
PanelCheck_August2015HA.pdf |
TV2.xls |
The book by Næs, Brockhoff and Tomic. |
Panelcheck_exercises.pdf |
Thu1 |
Same-difference testing
Anot-A testing |
funs.R |
Samediffpaper, FQP 2009.
Thurstonian models as GLMs, FQP paper, 2010
exercises_anota.pdf |
exercises_anota_solutions.pdf |
Thu2 |
d-prime ANOVA
Likelihood methods
Ordinal data analysis |
Statistical and Thurstonian models for the A-not A protocol with and without sureness, FQP 2011
Analysing Sensory ratings by CLMs. Christensen and Brockhoff, 2013
sensR Vignette: 2ACexamples
ordinal: Reference Manual
ordinal Vignette: Methodology
ordinal Vignette: tutorial on clm
ordinal Vignette: tutorial on clmm2
Fri1 |
The MAM (scaling correction)
d-tilde plotting in ANOVA
Sensmixed, part 2 |
SensMixedTutorial.R |
d-tilde plotting paper, Brockhoff et al (2015)
Ph.D. thesis, Kuznetsova, A.(2015)
Automated Mixed ANOVA, FQP 2015, Kuznetsova et al.
The MAM paper, Brockhoff et al (2015)
The MAMCAP paper, Peltier et al (2014)
The Original Assessor model paper, Brockhoff (1994)
FQP Paper draft on the SensMixed package. (Kuznetsova et al)
Exercises_Friday_morning.pdf |
Fri2 |
The lmerTest package |
lmerTest_summerschool_2015.pdf |
lmerTestTutorial.R |
Ph.D. thesis, Kuznetsova, A.(2015)
lmerTest Reference Manual
JSS paper on the lmerTest package, Kuznetsova et al(2015).
Excercises_Friday_afternoon.pdf |
2015 Podcast link table:
Block |
Topic |
Podcasts |
Mon1 |
Intro to R Discrimination basic, part 1 |
Course software-an overview - Including a small R intro (13min)
The sensR package - An overview of package features (15min)
Basic sensory difference testing - And the first use of sensR (23min)
Five basic discrimination protocols - And recommendations for protocol choice (7min)
Proportion discriminators interpretation - And using sensR to jump between observed and discriminator interpretation (13min)
The Thurstonian model - d-primes, resolving Gridgeman's paradox and how to get it from sensR (23min)
What is the interpretation of the d-prime? As opposed to just looking at the p-value (4.5min)
Power and sample size for discrimination testing - And how to find these with sensR (26min)
Power and the five discrimination test protocols - And "first" versus "stable exact" sample sizes (7min)
Mon2 |
Discrimination basic, part2
Similarity testing Replicated data |
Similarity testing - And how to do it with sensR (23min)
Power and sample size for similarity testing - And how to do find these with sensR (10min)
Replicated difference testing - What is the challenge? Simulations and analysis by corrected beta-binomial with sensR (29min)
Tue1 |
Intro to mixed models Basic ANOVA in Panelcheck |
Mixed model software by the DTU Sensometrics group - An brief overview of PanelCheck, ConsumerCheck, lmerTest, SensMixed, sensR and ordinal (14min)
Introduction to mixed models - Motivating mixed models and explaining what they can do for you (14min)
The three ANOVA options in PanelCheck - A brief overview (16min)
The basic single observation 2-way ANOVA - And the link to paired t-testing (12min)
Two-way ANOVA with replications - Panelist-by-product interaction and the concept of a random effect (23min)
The proper product difference F-test - And the relation to the standard fixed effect ANOVA table (2min)
ANOVA with PanelCheck - A brief tutorial (9min)
The 3-way mixed model ANOVA in PaneclCheck - Taking also session and/or product batch effects into account (10min)
Tue2 |
Mixed models in Consumercheck SensMixed, part 1 |
SensMixed: The Shiny version. A tutorial for how to analyze more generally structured multi-attribute sensory data by the Shiny browser interface of the SensMixed package (29min)
Conjoint analysis in ConsumerCheck - A tutorial (20min)
Wed1 |
PCA and Preference mapping in ConsumerCheck |
PCA and Preference mapping in ConsumerCheck (26min)
Wed2 |
PCA, Tucker1 and panel performance in PanelCheck |
PanelCheck: What is it and what can you use it for - An overview (13min)
PanelCheck: Data structure and data import - And what about missing values? (4min)
PanelCheck: Workflow - How to use the various features of PanelCheck in your work with sensory panels (7min)
PanelCheck: Tucker 1 plots - How to investigate multivariate (dis)agreement between assessors (14min)
PanelCheck: Manhattan plots - Visualizing attribute wise explained variances from individually assessor-wise performed PCAs (15min)
PanelCheck: Export of plots - Very brief (1min)
PanelCheck: Plot based one individual one-way ANOVAs - F plots, MSE plots and p*MSE plots (10min)
PanelCheck: Statis - A few words: Weighted PCA based on agreement weights (7min)
Thu1 |
Same-difference testing Anot-A testing |
The A-not-A test - Procedure, Thurstonian model and sensR-tutorial (7min)
The same-different test - Procedure, Thurstonian model and sensR-tutorial (20min)
Measures of sensitivity - AUC (area under curve), overlap and d-primes. And how to with sensR and ordinal (12min)
The A-not-A with sureness protocol - And the soup data example and a little ordinal tutorial (23min)
Thu2 |
d-prime ANOVA Likelihood methods Ordinal data analysis |
Likelihood based confidence intervals - Motivation and examples (11min)
Likelihood based confidence intervals - The likelihood function and principle. (11min)
Likelihood based confidence intervals - Examples revisited (2min)
Likelihood based confidence intervals - Perspectives and more discussion based on sensR output (13min)
One-way ANOVA for d-primes - Principles, maximum likelihood and sensR tutorial. (16min)
Common multi-protocol d-prime - Estimating and testing the common d-prime (discrimination and/or similarity) (3min)
ANOVA for d-primes - Post-hoc tests and comparisons (21min)
The ordinal package - An overview of different types of ordinal data (15min)
Ordinal data analysis - The cumulative link model and the clm function of the ordinal package (8min)
Ordinal data analysis - Extensions of the clm-model, e.g. including differences of product variances (7min)
Ordinal data analysis - Mixed model extensions of clms (4min)
Ordinal data analysis - A few short examples (8min)
Fri1 |
The MAM (scaling correction) d-tilde plotting in ANOVA Sensmixed, part 2 |
MAM: Scaling correction of sensory data - Motivation, background and Sensobase meta investigation (26min)
MAM: Scaling correction of sensory data - Basis versus covariate version. Conditional and adjusted versions (4min)
MAM: Scaling correction of sensory data - What can R (SensMixed) do for you - including MAM-CAP table information (13min)
d-prime like interpretations of mixed model output - An improved alternative to multi-attribute F-barplots (23min)
MAM and d-prime in SensMixed - presentation on how to correct for the scaling effect and plot d-prime plots in SensMixed (22min)
Fri2 |
The lmerTest package |
Course Objectives
improve the ability of analysing human perception
data. Some of the newest statistical methodologies will be
covered using the open source software R. The packages sensR, ordinal, SensMixed
and lmerTest will be used together
with the free software packages PanelCheck and ConsumerCheck.
Learning Objectives
student who has met the objectives of the course will be able to:
Work with R,
Panelcheck and ConsumerCheck
Plan and analyze
simple discrimination and similarity experiments using sensR
Analyze replicated
discrimination data
Perform and
understand simple Thurstonian modeling
Use mixed models
for sensory profile data and consumer preference data by PanelCheck
and ConsumerCheck
Analyze sensory
profile data with the newest scale correction method (using R)
Use PanelCheck and ConsumerCheck for
simple analysis as well as multivariate analysis (including Tucker-1)
Use the R-packages
lmerTest and SensMixed to
analyze non-standard data with mixed models
Analyze ordinal
human perception data using the R-package ordinal
Visualize ANOVA results by the newest
delta-tilde method using the SensMixed R shiny application
Know about the newest sensometrics
research going on at the DTU Sensometrics group
The course is aimed at Ph.D-students within non-statistical areas such as sensory science, food science,
marketing etc. with interest in data analysis and statistics. It is also well suited for sensory practitioners
from industry and scientific
institutions or for Ph.D. students within Statistics/Data analysis with interest in human perception data.
All lectures and activities will be given in English.
Professor Per Bruun Brockhoff, B324, R220, (+45)
2044 1711, perbb@dtu.dk
Programme, overview
Monday: Basic discrimination testing using R (package sensR)
Tuesday: Basic mixed models using PanelCheck, ConsumerCheck and R (package SensMixed).
Wednesday: Multivariate Analysis using PanelCheck
and ConsumerCheck
Thursday: More advanced discrimination testing using R (replicates etc)(packages sensR and ordinal)
· Friday: More Advanced mixed models using R-package
lmerTest (and lme4)
We begin Monday morning at 9am and finish Friday at 3pm.
Professor Per Bruun Brockhoff
DTU Compute, Technical University of Denmark
Study Material:
Brockhoff (2011), Sensometrics. In: International Encyclopedia of Statistical Science, Lovric,
Miodrag (Ed.), Springer.
Brockhoff P. B., Amorim I., Kuznetsova A., Søren Bech, Lima R. R. (2016). Delta-tilde
interpretation of standard linear mixed model results, Food Quality and Preference, Vol 49, 129-139.
T. Næs, P.B. Brockhoff and O. Tomic,
(2010). Statistics for Sensory and Consumer Science, John Wiley & Sons.
Brockhoff, P.B. and Christensen, R.H.B. (2010). Thurstonian
models for sensory discrimination tests as generalized linear models. FQP,
21(3), 330-338.
Brockhoff, P. B., Schlich, P., & Skovgaard,
I. (2015). Taking individual scaling differences into account by analyzing
profile data with the Mixed Assessor Model. FQP, 39, 156-166.
Christensen, R. H. B., & Brockhoff, P. B. (2013). Analysis of sensory ratings
data with cumulative link models. J. Soc. Fr. Stat. & Rev. Stat. App.,
154(3), 58-79.
Christensen, R.H.B. Cleaver, G. and Brockhoff, P.B. (2011). Statistical and
Thurstonian models for the A-not A protocol with and
without sureness, FQP 22(6), 542-54.
Kuznetsova, A., Christensen, R.H.B., Bavay, C.
and Brockhoff, P.B. (2015). Automated mixed ANOVA modeling of sensory and
consumer data. FQP 40 (2015) 31-38
We will supplement with a number of guides/tutorials
and newest papers.
Social activity
Coffee for coffee
breaks, lunches and one dinner at a restaurant in Copenhagen is
provided for everyone.
You can find information on Visit Copenhagen's website.
Students are required to bring their own laptops for the computer
R software
We will use the software R throughout the course, and we ask all
participants to install R on their laptop in advance of the course. We also ask
that you install the graphical user interface (GUI) / Integrated development
environment (IDE) RStudio. If you are a confident R
user and acustumed to a different GUI, feel free to
use that one (though we strongly discourage the standard GUI that comes with
R). Both R and RStudio are open source and free of
To install R go to http://cran.r-project.org/
and follow the installation instructions.
To install RStudio go to http://www.rstudio.com/products/rstudio/download/
and choose according to your operating system.
For further assistance, see the following short intro (with relevant links) to
get started with R and RStudio:
R introduction -
get started (incl. Rstudio). (New 2015 )(13 min)
If you want to watch a few very short videos on how to get
started with
R then you can go to this Youtube Playlist:
(A number of short videos illustrating the use of R - shown within a Mac
but apart from the appearance of the sub-windows exactly the same works for RStudio
in any operating system)
Basic Statistics
We will assume that you have a background
with (at least) an introductory statistics class. If p-values or the idea of
confidence intervals etc is a bit far away for you, you can find topic
wise categorized links to podcasts on all topics of an introductory statistics
class here:
You can also
find a complete online textbook on statistics:
More advanced
In the course we will
be using the concepts of Mixed Models
and also Principal Component Analysis. We
do not assume that you are educated in these topics – so we will teach you as
we go along. But having some idea of what these things
are in advance could probably increase your outcome of the course:
Mixed models:
At the website of DTU
course 02429:
you will find a complete online textbook on applied linear mixed models, and
also a complete collection of small podcasts taking you through the course. You
will find some introductory lectures there, that you
might spend some minutes viewing.
At the website of DTU
course 27411:
you will find some podcasts on e.g. Principal Component Analysis.
Looking very much forward to welcoming you in Wonderful Copenhagen!