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Call for papers

The AWPN workshop is organized by the Special Interest Group "Petri nets and related system models" (0.0.1) of the German Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) with the focus on algorithms and tools or Petri nets. It has a long tradition of being informal and low-budget.

This year, the AWPN workshop will be held at the Technical University of Denmark in Lyngby near Copenhagen on October 19.-20., 2017.

AWPN (Algorithms and Tools for Petri Nets) focusses on theoretical issues for analysis and simulation of Petri nets and on experiences with the implementation of visualization, analysis and simulation tools. Actual results, tools and surveys can be presented. The emphasis of the meeting is on the exchange of experiences and discussions.


At AWPN, current results, ideas, tools and surveys in the area of Petri nets and related system models can be presented covering topics such as but not limited to the following:
  • Algorithms for deciding dynamic properties of Petri nets
  • State space reduction
  • Temporal logics and model checking
  • Simulation techniques
  • Analysis techniques
  • Data structures and algorithms in tools
  • User interfaces and visualisation
  • Petri net tools
  • Frameworks for building Petri net tools
  • Exchange formats
  • Software engineering and workflow management tools

Submission of papers

Papers should be submitted in English using LNCS-style. The page limit is 6 pages.

Papers should be submitted by September 18, 2017 to Robin Bergenthum ( as a PDF-document without page numbers in camera-ready form.

Papers will not undergo a detailed reviewing process, but will be inspected for relevance with respect to the topics of AWPN (see above). Authors will be notified by Sept. 21, about the acceptance of their papers.


Since AWPN is meant to foster informal communication and discussion, talks at the workshop should be no longer than 20 minutes—leaving room for about 10 minutes of discussion. The presentations and discussions will be in English.

Dates and organisation details

For more information on AWPN 2017, see the workshop homepage: On this page, all important dates and details for registration will be available.

The participation fee, including coffee breaks, lunch and a workshop proceedings, will be around 40 EUR.