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Github exercise code repository
Python support - Discord channel invitation
DTU Python Support
Gymnasium reinformcement learning library
About this course
Using VS Code
Frequently Asked Questions
Exercise 0: Installation and self-test
Exercise 1: The finite-horizon decision problem
Exercise 2: Dynamical Programming
Exercise 3: DP reformulations and introduction to Control
Exercise 4: Discretization and PID control
Exercise 5: Direct methods and control by optimization
Exercise 6: Linear-quadratic problems in control
Exercise 7: Linearization and iterative LQR
Exercise 8: Exploration and Bandits
Exercise 9: Bellmans equations and exact planning
Exercise 10: Monte-carlo methods and TD learning
Exercise 11: Model-Free Control with tabular and linear methods
Exercise 12: Eligibility traces
Exercise 13: Deep-Q learning
Project 1: Dynamical Programming
Project 2: Control theory
Project 3: Reinforcement Learning
The Pacman Game
Control models
Week 1: The Pacman game
Week 1: The Inventory-control game
Week 2: Optimal planning in the Inventory-environment
Week 2: Optimal planning with Pacman
Week 3: Frozen lake and dynamical programming
Week 3: Harmonic Oscillator
Week 3: Pendulum with random actions
Week 4: PID Control
Week 8: Simple bandit
Week 11: Sarsa
Week 11b: Q-learning
Exam practicals
Week 11b: Q-learning
Week 11b: Q-learning