# This file may not be shared/redistributed without permission. Please read copyright notice in the git repo. If this file contains other copyright notices disregard this text.
from gymnasium import logger
from irlc.ex01.agent import Agent
import time
import sys
import gymnasium as gym
import os
import asyncio
HUMAN_REQUEST_RESET = 'reset the environment'
# Using this backend apparently clash with scientific mode. Not sure why it was there in the first place so
# disabling it for now.
# matplotlib.use('TkAgg')
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
except ImportError as e:
logger.warn('failed to set matplotlib backend, plotting will not work: %s' % str(e))
plt = None
import pygame
from pygame.event import Event
except ImportError as e:
logger.warn('failed to import pygame. Many of the interactive visualizations will not work: %s' % str(e))
Event = None
class AgentWrapper(Agent):
"""Wraps the environment to allow a modular transformation.
This class is the base class for all wrappers. The subclass could override
some methods to change the behavior of the original environment without touching the
original code.
.. note::
Don't forget to call ``super().__init__(env)`` if the subclass overrides :meth:`__init__`.
def __init__(self, agent, env):
self.agent = agent
self.env = env
def __getattr__(self, name):
if name.startswith('_'):
raise AttributeError("attempted to get missing private attribute '{}'".format(name))
return getattr(self.agent, name)
def class_name(cls):
return cls.__name__
def pi(self, state, k, info=None):
return self.agent.pi(state, k, info)
# return self.env.step(action)
def train(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.agent.train(*args, **kwargs)
def __str__(self):
return '<{}{}>'.format(type(self).__name__, self.agent)
def __repr__(self):
return str(self)
def unwrapped(self):
return self.agent.unwrapped
PAUSE_KEY = ord('p')
HUMAN_DEMAND_RESET = "reset env."
async def _webassembly_interactive(env, agent, autoplay=False):
from pygame import gfxdraw
import numpy as np
def aapolygon(surface, points, color):
pygame.draw.polygon(surface, color, points)
def filled_polygon(surface, points, color):
pygame.draw.polygon(surface, color, points, width=0)
def aacircle(surface, x, y, r, color):
pygame.draw.circle(surface, color, (x, y), r, width=1)
def filled_circle(surface, x, y, r, color):
pygame.draw.circle(surface, color, (x, y), r, width=0)
gfxdraw.aapolygon = aapolygon
gfxdraw.filled_polygon = filled_polygon
gfxdraw.aacircle = aacircle
gfxdraw.filled_circle = filled_circle
# from irlc.utils.player_wrapper import AsyncPlayerWrapperPygame
agent = AsyncPlayerWrapperPygame(agent, env, autoplay=autoplay)
s, info = env.reset()
k = 0
await asyncio.sleep(0.2) # set up graphics.
running = True
step = 0
while running:
pi_action = agent.pi(s, k, info)
a = None
while True:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_r:
print("Resetting the environment")
a = agent._resolve_event_into_action(event=event, pi_action=pi_action, info=info)
if a is not None:
if agent.human_demand_autoplay:
a = pi_action
if a is not None:
await asyncio.sleep(0.05)
if not isinstance(a, np.ndarray) and isinstance(a, str) and a == HUMAN_DEMAND_RESET:
s, info = env.reset()
sp, reward, done, _, info_sp = (await env.async_step(a)) if hasattr(env, 'async_step') else env.step(a)
agent.train(s, a, reward, sp, done=done, info_s=info, info_sp=info_sp)
step = step + 1
k = k + 1
if done:
sp, info_sp = env.reset()
k = 0
s = sp
info = info_sp
await asyncio.sleep(0.01) # release loop.
class PlayWrapperPygame(AgentWrapper):
render_after_train = True
def __init__(self, agent : Agent, env : gym.Env, keys_to_action=None, autoplay=False):
super().__init__(agent, env)
if keys_to_action is None:
if hasattr(env, 'get_keys_to_action'):
keys_to_action = env.get_keys_to_action()
elif hasattr(env, "env") and hasattr(env.env, 'get_keys_to_action'):
keys_to_action = env.env.get_keys_to_action()
elif hasattr(env.unwrapped, 'get_keys_to_action'):
keys_to_action = env.unwrapped.get_keys_to_action()
keys_to_action = dict()
# print(env.spec.id +" does not have explicit key to action mapping, please specify one manually")
# assert False, env.spec.id + " does not have explicit key to action mapping, " + \
# "please specify one manually"
# keys_to_action = dict()
self.keys_to_action = keys_to_action
self.env = env
self.human_wants_restart = False
self.human_sets_pause = False
self.human_agent_action = -1
self.human_demand_autoplay = autoplay
# self.unwrapped_agent = agent
# Now fix the train function
train2 = agent.train
def train_(s, a, r, sp, done, info_s, info_sp):
train2(s, a, r, sp, done, info_s, info_sp)
if self.render_after_train: # always true.
agent.train = train_
env.agent = agent
def _resolve_event_into_action(self, event : pygame.event.Event, pi_action, info : dict):
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
if hasattr(self, 'env'):
# checking if keydown event happened or not
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE:
a = pi_action
return a
elif (event.key,) in self.keys_to_action:
a = self.keys_to_action[(event.key,)]
if info is not None and 'mask' in info:
from irlc.utils.common import DiscreteTextActionSpace
if isinstance(self.env.action_space, DiscreteTextActionSpace):
aint = self.env.action_space.actions.index(a)
aint = a
if info['mask'][aint] == 0:
# The action was masked. This means that this action is unavailable, and we should select another.
# The default is to select one of the available actions from the mask.
from irlc.pacman.gamestate import GameState
from irlc.pacman.pacman_environment import PacmanEnvironment
if isinstance(self.env, PacmanEnvironment):
a = "Stop"
a = info['mask'].argmax()
if isinstance(self.env.action_space, DiscreteTextActionSpace):
a = self.env.action_space.actions[a]
return a
return a
elif event.unicode == 'p':
# unpause
self.human_demand_autoplay = not self.human_demand_autoplay
if self.human_demand_autoplay:
a = pi_action
return a
# try to pass event on to the game.
if hasattr(self.env, 'keypress'):
return None
# def _post_process_action_for_visualization(self, pi_action, k, info=None):
# pass
def pi(self,state, k, info=None):
pi_action = super().pi(state, k, info) # make sure super class pi method is called in case it has side effects.
a = None
while True:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
if hasattr(self, 'env'):
# checking if keydown event happened or not
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE:
a = pi_action
elif (event.key,) in self.keys_to_action:
a = self.keys_to_action[(event.key,)]
if info is not None and 'mask' in info:
from irlc.utils.common import DiscreteTextActionSpace
if isinstance(self.env.action_space, DiscreteTextActionSpace):
aint = self.env.action_space.actions.index(a)
aint = a
if info['mask'][aint] == 0:
# The action was masked. This means that this action is unavailable, and we should select another.
# The default is to select one of the available actions from the mask.
a = info['mask'].argmax()
if isinstance(self.env.action_space, DiscreteTextActionSpace):
a = self.env.action_space.actions[a]
elif event.unicode == 'p':
# unpause
self.human_demand_autoplay = not self.human_demand_autoplay
# try to pass event on to the game.
if hasattr(self.env, 'keypress'):
if self.human_demand_autoplay:
a = pi_action
if a is not None:
from irlc.pacman.gamestate import GameState
if isinstance(state, GameState):
if a not in state.A():
a = "Stop"
except Exception as e:
return a
class AsyncPlayerWrapperPygame(PlayWrapperPygame):
# render_after_train = False
def pi(self, state, k, info=None):
pi_action = self.agent.pi(state, k, info) # make sure super class pi method is called in case it has side effects.
return pi_action
# def _pygame_event_to_action(self, event : Event, pi_action):
# pass
def _post_process_action_for_visualization(self):
def interactive(env : gym.Env, agent: Agent, autoplay=False) -> (gym.Env, Agent):
This function is used for visualizations. It can
- Allow you to input keyboard commands to an environment
- Allow you to save results
- Visualize reinforcement-learning agents in the gridworld environment.
by adding a single extra line ``env, agent = interactive(env,agent)``.
The following shows an example:
>>> from irlc.gridworld.gridworld_environments import BookGridEnvironment
>>> from irlc import train, Agent, interactive
>>> env = BookGridEnvironment(render_mode="human", zoom=0.8) # Pass render_mode='human' for visualization.
>>> env, agent = interactive(env, Agent(env)) # Make the environment interactive. Note that it needs an agent.
>>> train(env, agent, num_episodes=2) # You can train and use the agent and environment as usual.
>>> env.close()
It also enables you to visualize the environment at a matplotlib figure or save it as a pdf file using ``env.plot()`` and ``env.savepdf('my_file.pdf)``.
All demos and figures in the notes are made using this function.
:param env: A gym environment (an instance of the ``Env`` class)
:param agent: An agent (an instance of the ``Agent`` class)
:param autoplay: Whether the simulation should be unpaused automatically
:return: An environment and agent which have been slightly updated to make them interact with each other. You can use them as usual with the ``train``-function.
from PIL import Image # Let's put this one here in case we run the code in headless mode.
agent = PlayWrapperPygame(agent, env, autoplay=autoplay)
def plot():
env.render_mode, rmt = 'rgb_array', env.render_mode
frame = env.render()
env.render_mode = rmt
im = Image.fromarray(frame)
def savepdf(file):
env.render_mode, rmt = 'rgb_array', env.render_mode
frame = env.render()
env.render_mode = rmt
im = Image.fromarray(frame)
snapshot_base = file
if snapshot_base.endswith(".png"):
sf = snapshot_base[:-4]
fext = 'png'
fext = 'pdf'
if snapshot_base.endswith(".pdf"):
sf = snapshot_base[:-4]
sf = snapshot_base
sf = f"{sf}.{fext}"
dn = os.path.dirname(sf)
if len(dn) > 0 and not os.path.isdir(dn):
print("Saving snapshot of environment to", os.path.abspath(sf))
if fext == 'png':
from irlc import _move_to_output_directory
plt.figure(figsize=(16, 16))
from irlc import savepdf
savepdf(sf, verbose=True)
env.plot = plot
env.savepdf = savepdf
return env, agent
def main():
from irlc.ex11.q_agent import QAgent
from irlc.gridworld.gridworld_environments import BookGridEnvironment
from irlc import train, Agent
env = BookGridEnvironment(render_mode="human", zoom=0.8) # Pass render_mode='human' for visualization.
env, agent = interactive(env, Agent(env)) # Make th
env.reset() # We always need to call reset
env.plot() # Plot the environment.
# Interaction with a random agent.
from irlc.gridworld.gridworld_environments import BookGridEnvironment
from irlc import train, Agent
env = BookGridEnvironment(render_mode="human", zoom=0.8) # Pass render_mode='human' for visualization.
env, agent = interactive(env, Agent(env)) # Make the environment interactive. Note that it needs an agent.
train(env, agent, num_episodes=100) # You can train and use the agent and environment as usual.
if __name__ == "__main__":