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import os
import numpy as np
Using the plotter:
Call it from the command line, and supply it with logdirs to experiments.
Suppose you ran an experiment with name 'test', and you ran 'test' for 10
random seeds. The runner code stored it in the directory structure
L test_EnvName_DateTime
L 0
L log.txt
L params.json
L 1
L log.txt
L params.json
L 9
L log.txt
L params.json
To plot learning curves from the experiment, averaged over all random
seeds, call
python lmpc_plot.py data/test_EnvName_DateTime --value AverageReturn
and voila. To see a different statistics, change what you put in for
the keyword --value. You can also enter /multiple/ values, and it will
make all of them in order.
Suppose you ran two experiments: 'test1' and 'test2'. In 'test2' you tried
a different set of hyperparameters from 'test1', and now you would like
to compare them -- see their learning curves side-by-side. Just call
python lmpc_plot.py data/test1 data/test2
and it will plot them both! They will be given titles in the legend according
to their exp_name parameters. If you want to use custom legend titles, use
the --legend flag and then provide a title for each logdir.
def plot_data(data, y="accumulated_reward", x="Episode", ci=95, estimator='mean', **kwargs):
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
if isinstance(data, list): # is this correct even?
data = pd.concat(data, ignore_index=True,axis=0)
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
sns.set(style="darkgrid", font_scale=1.5)
lp = sns.lineplot(data=data, x=x, y=y, hue="Condition", errorbar=('ci', 95), estimator=estimator, **kwargs)
plt.legend(loc='best') #.set_draggable(True)
def existing_runs(experiment):
nex = 0
for root, dir, files in os.walk(experiment):
if 'log.txt' in files:
nex += 1
return nex
def _get_most_recent_log_dir(fpath):
files = [os.path.basename(root) for root, dir, files in os.walk(fpath) if 'log.txt' in files]
return sorted(files, key=lambda file: os.path.basename(file))[-1] if len(files) > 0 else None
def get_datasets(fpath, x, condition=None, smoothing_window=None, resample_key=None, resample_ticks=None, only_most_recent=False):
import pandas as pd
unit = 0
if condition is None:
condition = fpath
datasets = []
if only_most_recent:
most_recent = _get_most_recent_log_dir(fpath)
for root, dir, files in os.walk(fpath):
# print(files)
if 'log.txt' in files:
if only_most_recent and most_recent is not None and os.path.basename(root) != most_recent: # Skip this log.
json = os.path.join(root, 'params.json')
if os.path.exists(json):
with open(json) as f:
param_path = open(json)
params = json.load(param_path)
# exp_name = params['exp_name']
log_path = os.path.join(root, 'log.txt')
if os.stat(log_path).st_size == 0:
print("Bad plot file", log_path, "size is zero. Skipping")
experiment_data = pd.read_table(log_path)
if smoothing_window:
ed_x = experiment_data[x]
experiment_data = experiment_data.rolling(smoothing_window,min_periods=1).mean()
experiment_data[x] = ed_x
unit += 1
nc = f"({unit}x)"+condition[condition.rfind("/")+1:]
for i, d in enumerate(datasets):
datasets[i] = d.assign(Condition=lambda x: nc)
if resample_key is not None:
nmax = 0
vmax = -np.inf
vmin = np.inf
for d in datasets:
nmax = max( d.shape[0], nmax)
vmax = max(d[resample_key].max(), vmax)
vmin = min(d[resample_key].min(), vmin)
if resample_ticks is not None:
nmax = min(resample_ticks, nmax)
new_datasets = []
tnew = np.linspace(vmin + 1e-6, vmax - 1e-6, nmax)
for d in datasets:
nd = {}
cols = d.columns.tolist()
for c in cols:
if c == resample_key:
y = tnew
elif d[c].dtype == 'O':
y = [ d[c][0] ] * len(tnew)
y = np.interp(tnew, d[resample_key].tolist(), d[c], left=np.nan, right=np.nan)
y = y.astype(d[c].dtype)
nd[c] = y
ndata = pd.DataFrame(nd)
ndata = ndata.dropna()
datasets = new_datasets
return datasets
def _load_data(experiments, legends=None, smoothing_window=None, resample_ticks=None,
ensure_list = lambda x: x if isinstance(x, list) else [x]
experiments = ensure_list(experiments)
if legends is None:
legends = experiments
legends = ensure_list(legends)
data = []
for logdir, legend_title in zip(experiments, legends):
resample_key = x_key if resample_ticks is not None else None
data += get_datasets(logdir, x=x_key, condition=legend_title, smoothing_window=smoothing_window, resample_key=resample_key, resample_ticks=resample_ticks,
return data
def main_plot(experiments, legends=None, smoothing_window=None, resample_ticks=None,
y_key='Accumulated Reward',
if no_shading:
kwargs['units'] = 'Unit'
kwargs['estimator'] = None
ensure_list = lambda x: x if isinstance(x, list) else [x]
experiments = ensure_list(experiments)
if legends is None:
legends = experiments
legends = ensure_list(legends)
data = []
for logdir, legend_title in zip(experiments, legends):
resample_key = x_key if resample_ticks is not None else None
data += get_datasets(logdir, x=x_key, condition=legend_title, smoothing_window=smoothing_window, resample_key=resample_key, resample_ticks=resample_ticks)
plot_data(data, y=y_key, x=x_key, **kwargs)
# def main():
# import argparse
# parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
# parser.add_argument('logdir', nargs='*')
# parser.add_argument('--legend', nargs='*')
# parser.add_argument('--value', default='AverageReturn', nargs='*')
# parser.add_argument('--title', default="please specify title", help="The title to show")
# parser.add_argument('--pdf_name', default=None, help="Name of pdf")
# args = parser.parse_args()
# main_plot(args.logdir, args.legend, args.value, title=args.title)
# if __name__ == "__main__":
# main()
def plot_trajectory(trajectory, env=None, xkeys=None, ukeys=None):
Used to visualize trajectories returned from the :func:`~irlc.ex01.agent.train`-function. An example:
.. plot::
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from irlc import Agent, plot_trajectory, train
from irlc.ex04.model_pendulum import GymSinCosPendulumEnvironment
env = GymSinCosPendulumEnvironment()
stats, trajectories = train(env, Agent(env), num_episodes=1, return_trajectory=True)
plot_trajectory(trajectories[0], env)
Labels will be derived from the ``env`` if supplied. The parameters ``xkeys`` and ``ukeys`` can be used to limit which
coordinates are plotted. For instance, if you only want to plot the first two x-coordinates you can set ``xkeys=[0,1]``:
.. plot::
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from irlc import Agent, plot_trajectory, train
from irlc.ex04.model_pendulum import GymSinCosPendulumEnvironment
env = GymSinCosPendulumEnvironment()
stats, trajectories = train(env, Agent(env), num_episodes=1, return_trajectory=True)
plot_trajectory(trajectories[0], env, xkeys=[0,1], ukeys=[])
:param trajectory: A single trajectory computed using ``train`` (see example above)
:param env: A gym control environment (optional)
:param xkeys: List of integers corresponding to the coordinates of :math:`x` we wish to plot
:param ukeys: List of integers corresponding to the coordinates of :math:`u` we wish to plot
.. tip::
If the plot does not show, you might want to import matplotlib as ``import matplotlib.pyplot as plt`` and call ``plt.show()``
if xkeys is None:
xkeys = [i for i in range(trajectory.state.shape[1])]
if ukeys is None: # all
ukeys = [i for i in range(trajectory.action.shape[-1])]
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
sns.set(style="darkgrid", font_scale=1.5)
def fp(time, X, keys, labels):
for i, k in enumerate(keys):
label = labels[k] if labels is not None else None
sns.lineplot(x=time, y=X[:,k], label=label)
time = trajectory.time.squeeze()
fp(time, trajectory.state, xkeys, labels=env.state_labels if env is not None else None)
fp(time[:-1], trajectory.action, ukeys, labels=env.action_labels if env is not None else None)
plt.xlabel("Time / seconds")
if env is not None: