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[SB18] Richard S. Sutton and Andrew G. Barto. Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction. The MIT Press, second edition, 2018. (Freely available online).
import numpy as np
import gymnasium as gym
from gymnasium import Env
from collections import defaultdict
from tqdm import tqdm
import sys
class MDP:
This class represents a Markov Decision Process. It defines three main components:
- The actions available in a given state :math:`A(s)`
- The transition probabilities :math:`p(s', r | s, a)`
- A terminal check to determine if a state :math:`s` is terminal
- A way to specify the initial state:
- As a single state the MDP always begins in (most common)
- As a general distribution :math:`p(s_0)`.
In addition to this it allows you to access either
- The set of all states (including terminal states) as ``mdp.states``
- The set of all non-terminal states as ``mdp.non_terminal_states``
.. note::
The ``states`` and ``non_termianl_states`` are computed lazily. This means that if you don't access them, they won't use memory.
This allows you to specify MDPs with an infinite number of states without running out of memory.
def __init__(self, initial_state=None, verbose=False):
Initialize the MDP. In the case where ``initial_state`` is set to a value :math:`s_0`, the initial state distribution will be
.. math::
p(s_0) = 1
:param initial_state: An optional initial state.
:param verbose: If ``True``, the class will print out debug information (useful for very large MDPs)
self.initial_state = initial_state # Starting state s_0 of the MDP.
# The following variables that begin with _ are used to cache computations. The reason why we don't compute them
# up-front is because their computation may be time-consuming and they might not be needed.
self._states = None
self._nonterminal_states = None
self._terminal_states = None
def is_terminal(self, state) -> bool:
Determines if a state is terminal (i.e., the environment/model is complete). In (SB18), the terminal
state is written as :math:`s_T`.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from irlc.gridworld.gridworld_environments import FrozenLake
>>> mdp = FrozenLake().mdp
>>> mdp.is_terminal(mdp.initial_state) # False, obviously.
:param state: The state :math:`s` to check
:return: ``True`` if the state is terminal and otherwise ``False``.
return False # Return true if the given state is terminal.
def Psr(self, state, action) -> dict:
Represents the transition probabilities:
.. math::
P(s', r | s, a)
When called with state ``state`` and action ``action``, the function returns a dictionary of the form
``{(s1, r1): p1, (s2, r2): p2, ...}``, so that ``p2`` is the probability of transitioning to ``s2`` (and obtaining
reward ``r2``) given we are in state ``state`` and take action ``action``:
.. math::
P(s_2, r_2 | s,a) = p_2
An example:
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from irlc.gridworld.gridworld_environments import FrozenLake
>>> mdp = FrozenLake().mdp
>>> transitions = mdp.Psr(mdp.initial_state, 0) # P( ... | s0, a=0)
>>> for (sp, r), p in transitions.items():
... print(f"P(s'={sp}, r={r} | s={mdp.initial_state}, a=0) = {p}")
:param state: The state to compute the transition probabilities in
:param action: The action to compute the transition probabilities in
:return: A dictionary where the keys are state, reward pairs we will transition to, :math:`p(s', r | ...)`, and the values are their probability.
raise NotImplementedError("Return state distribution as a dictionary (see class documentation)")
def A(self, state) -> list:
Returns a list of actions available in the given state:
.. math::
An example to get the actions in the initial state:
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from irlc.gridworld.gridworld_environments import FrozenLake
>>> mdp = FrozenLake().mdp
>>> mdp.A(mdp.initial_state)
:param state: State to compute the actions in :math:`s`
:return: The list of available actions :math:`\mathcal A(s) = \{0, 1, ..., n-1\}`
raise NotImplementedError("Return set/list of actions in given state A(s) = {a1, a2, ...}")
def initial_state_distribution(self):
(**Optional**) specify the initial state distribution. Should return a dictionary of the form:
``{s0: p0, s1: p1, ..., sn: pn}``, in which case :math:`p(S_0 = s_k) = p_k`.
You will typically not overwrite this function but just set the initial state. In that case the initial state distribution
is deterministic:
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from irlc.gridworld.gridworld_environments import FrozenLake
>>> mdp = FrozenLake().mdp
>>> mdp.initial_state_distribution()
:return: An initial state distribution as a dictionary, where the keys are states, and the valuse are their probability.
if self.initial_state is not None:
return {self.initial_state: 1}
raise Exception("Either specify the initial state, or implement this method.")
def nonterminal_states(self):
The list of non-terminal states, i.e. :math:`\mathcal{S}` in (SB18)
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from irlc.gridworld.gridworld_environments import FrozenLake
>>> mdp = FrozenLake().mdp
>>> mdp.nonterminal_states
:return: The list of non-terminal states :math:`\mathcal{S}`
if self._nonterminal_states is None:
self._nonterminal_states = [s for s in self.states if not self.is_terminal(s)]
return self._nonterminal_states
def states(self):
The list of all states including terminal ones, i.e. :math:`\mathcal{S}^+` in (SB18).
The terminal states are those where ``is_terminal(state)`` is true.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from irlc.gridworld.gridworld_environments import FrozenLake
>>> mdp = FrozenLake().mdp
>>> mdp.states
:return: The list all states :math:`\mathcal{S}^+`
if self._states is None:
next_chunk = set(self.initial_state_distribution().keys())
all_states = list(next_chunk)
while True:
new_states = set()
for s in tqdm(next_chunk, file=sys.stdout) if self.verbose else next_chunk:
if self.is_terminal(s):
for a in self.A(s):
new_states = new_states | {sp for sp, r in self.Psr(s, a)}
new_states = [s for s in new_states if s not in all_states]
if len(new_states) == 0:
all_states += new_states
next_chunk = new_states
self._states = list(set(all_states))
return self._states
def rng_from_dict(d):
""" Helper function. If d is a dictionary {x1: p1, x2: p2, ...} then this will sample an x_i with probability p_i """
w, pw = zip(*d.items()) # seperate w and p(w)
i = np.random.choice(len(w), p=pw) # Required because numpy cast w to array (and w may contain tuples)
return w[i]
class MDP2GymEnv(Env):
def A(self, state):
raise Exception("Don't use this function; it is here for legacy reasons")
def __init__(self, mdp, render_mode=None):
# We ignore this variable in this class, however, the Gridworld environment will check if
# render_mode == "human" and use it to render the environment. See:
# https://younis.dev/blog/render-api/
self.render_mode = render_mode
self.mdp = mdp
self.state = None
# actions = set
all_actions = set.union(*[set(self.mdp.A(s)) for s in self.mdp.nonterminal_states ])
n = max(all_actions) - min(all_actions) + 1
assert isinstance(n, int)
self.action_space = gym.spaces.Discrete(n=n, start=min(all_actions))
# Make observation space:
states = self.mdp.nonterminal_states
if not hasattr(self, 'observation_space'):
if isinstance(states[0], tuple):
self.observation_space = gym.spaces.Tuple([gym.spaces.Discrete(n+1) for n in np.asarray(states).max(axis=0)])
print("Could not guess observation space. Set it manually.")
def reset(self, seed=None, options=None):
info = {}
if seed is not None:
info['seed'] = seed
ps = self.mdp.initial_state_distribution()
self.state = rng_from_dict(ps)
if self.render_mode == "human":
info['mask'] = self._mk_mask(self.state)
return self.state, info
def step(self, action):
ps = self.mdp.Psr(self.state, action)
self.state, reward = rng_from_dict(ps)
terminated = self.mdp.is_terminal(self.state)
if self.render_mode == "human":
info = {'mask': self._mk_mask(self.state)} if not terminated else None
return self.state, reward, terminated, False, info
def _mk_mask(self, state):
# self.A(state)
mask = np.zeros((self.action_space.n,), dtype=np.int8)
for a in self.mdp.A(state):
mask[a - self.action_space.start] = 1
return mask
class GymEnv2MDP(MDP):
def __init__(self, env):
self._states = list(range(env.observation_space.n))
if hasattr(env, 'env'):
env = env.env
self._terminal_states = []
for s in env.unwrapped.P:
for a in env.unwrapped.P[s]:
for (pr, sp, reward, done) in env.unwrapped.P[s][a]:
if done:
self._terminal_states = set(self._terminal_states)
self.env = env
def is_terminal(self, state):
return state in self._terminal_states
def A(self, state):
return list(self.env.unwrapped.P[state].keys())
def Psr(self, state, action):
d = defaultdict(float)
for (pr, sp, reward, done) in self.env.unwrapped.P[state][action]:
d[ (sp, reward)] += pr
return d
if __name__ == '__main__':
"""A handful of examples of using the MDP-class in conjunction with a gym environment:"""
env = gym.make("FrozenLake-v1")
mdp = GymEnv2MDP(env)
from irlc.ex09.value_iteration import value_iteration
mdp = GymEnv2MDP(gym.make("FrozenLake-v1"))
print("N = ", mdp.nonterminal_states)
print("S = ", mdp.states)
print("Is state 3 terminal?", mdp.is_terminal(3), "is state 11 terminal?", mdp.is_terminal(11))
state = 0
print("A(S=0) =", mdp.A(state))
action = 2
mdp.Psr(state, action) # Get transition probabilities
for (next_state, reward), Pr in mdp.Psr(state, action).items():
print(f"P(S'={next_state},R={reward} | S={state}, A={action} ) = {Pr:.2f}")