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[Her25] Tue Herlau. Sequential decision making. (Freely available online), 2025.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from irlc import bmatrix
from irlc import savepdf
def LQR(A : list, # Dynamic
B : list, # Dynamics
d : list =None, # Dynamics (optional)
Q : list=None,
R: list=None,
H : list=None,
q : list=None,
r : list=None,
qc : list=None,
QN : np.ndarray =None, # Terminal cost term
qN : np.ndarray=None, # Terminal cost term
qcN : np.ndarray =None, # Terminal cost term.
mu : float =0 # regularization parameter which will only be relevant next week.
Implement the LQR as defined in (Her25, Algorithm 22). I recommend viewing this documentation online (documentation for week 6).
When you solve this exercise, look at the algorithm in the book. Since the LQR problem is on the form:
.. math::
x_{k+1} = A_k x_k + B_k u_k + d_k
For :math:`k=0,\dots,N-1` this means there are :math:`N` matrices :math:`A_k`. This is implemented by assuming that
:python:`A` (i.e., the input argument) is a :python:`list` of length :math:`N` so that :python:`A[k]` corresponds
to :math:`A_k`.
Similar conventions are used for the cost term (please see the lecture notes or the online documentation for their meaning). Recall it has the form:
.. math::
c(x_k, u_k) = \frac{1}{2} \mathbf x_k^\top Q_k \mathbf x_k + \frac{1}{2} \mathbf q_k^\top \mathbf x_k + q_k + \cdots
When the function is called, the vector :math:`\textbf{q}_k` corresponds to :python:`q` and the constant :math:`q_k` correspond to :python:`qc` (q-constant).
.. note::
Only the terms :python:`A` and :python:`B` are required. The rest of the terms will default to 0-matrices.
The LQR algorithm will ultimately compute a control law of the form:
.. math::
\mathbf u_k = L_k \mathbf x_k + \mathbf l_k
And a cost-to-go function as:
.. math::
J_k(x_k) = \frac{1}{2} \mathbf x_k^\top V_k \mathbf x_k + v_k^\top \mathbf x_k + v_k
Again there are :math:`N-1` terms. The function then return :python:`return (L, l), (V, v, vc)` so that :python:`L[k]` corresponds to :math:`L_k`.
:param A: A list of :python:`np.ndarray` containing all terms :math:`A_k`
:param B: A list of :python:`np.ndarray` containing all terms :math:`B_k`
:param d: A list of :python:`np.ndarray` containing all terms :math:`\mathbf d_k` (optional)
:param Q: A list of :python:`np.ndarray` containing all terms :math:`Q_k` (optional)
:param R: A list of :python:`np.ndarray` containing all terms :math:`R_k` (optional)
:param H: A list of :python:`np.ndarray` containing all terms :math:`H_k` (optional)
:param q: A list of :python:`np.ndarray` containing all terms :math:`\mathbf q_k` (optional)
:param r: A list of :python:`np.ndarray` containing all terms :math:`\mathbf r_k` (optional)
:param qc: A list of :python:`float` containing all terms :math:`q_k` (i.e., constant terms) (optional)
:param QN: A :python:`np.ndarray` containing the terminal cost term :math:`Q_N` (optional)
:param qN: A :python:`np.ndarray` containing the terminal cost term :math:`\mathbf q_N` (optional)
:param qcN: A :python:`np.ndarray` containing the terminal cost term :math:`q_N`
:param mu: A regularization term which is useful for iterative-LQR (next week). Default to 0.
:return: A tuple of the form :python:`(L, l), (V, v, vc)` corresponding to the control and cost-matrices.
N = len(A)
n,m = B[0].shape
# Initialize empty lists for control matrices and cost terms
L, l = [None]*N, [None]*N
V, v, vc = [None]*(N+1), [None]*(N+1), [None]*(N+1)
# Initialize constant cost-function terms to zero if not specified.
# They will be initialized to zero, meaning they have no effect on the update rules.
QN = np.zeros((n,n)) if QN is None else QN
qN = np.zeros((n,)) if qN is None else qN
qcN = 0 if qcN is None else qcN
H, q, qc, r = init_mat(H,m,n,N=N), init_mat(q,n,N=N), init_mat(qc,1,N=N), init_mat(r,m,N=N)
d = init_mat(d,n, N=N)
""" In the next line, you should initialize the last cost-term. This is similar to how we in DP had the initialization step
> J_N(x_N) = g_N(x_N)
Except that since x_N is no longer discrete, we store it as matrices/vectors representing a second-order polynomial, i.e.
> J_N(X_N) = 1/2 * x_N' V[N] x_N + v[N]' x_N + vc[N]
# TODO: 1 lines missing.
raise NotImplementedError("Initialize V[N], v[N], vc[N] here")
In = np.eye(n)
for k in range(N-1,-1,-1):
# When you update S_uu and S_ux remember to add regularization as the terms ... (V[k+1] + mu * In) ...
# Note that that to find x such that
# >>> x = A^{-1} y this
# in a numerically stable manner this should be done as
# >>> x = np.linalg.solve(A, y)
# The terms you need to update will be, in turn:
# Suu = ...
# Sux = ...
# Su = ...
# L[k] = ...
# l[k] = ...
# V[k] = ...
# V[k] = ...
# v[k] = ...
# vc[k] = ...
## TODO: Half of each line of code in the following 4 lines have been replaced by garbage. Make it work and remove the error.
# Suu = R[k] + B[k].T @ (????????????????????????
# Sux = H[k] + B[k].T @ (????????????????????????
# Su = r[k] + B[k].T @ v[k + 1?????????????????????????????
# L[k] = -np.linal?????????????????
raise NotImplementedError("Insert your solution and remove this error.")
l[k] = -np.linalg.solve(Suu, Su) # You get this for free. Notice how we use np.lingalg.solve(A,x) to compute A^{-1} x
V[k] = Q[k] + A[k].T @ V[k+1] @ A[k] - L[k].T @ Suu @ L[k]
V[k] = 0.5 * (V[k] + V[k].T) # I recommend putting this here to keep V positive semidefinite
# You get these for free: Compare to the code in the algorithm.
v[k] = q[k] + A[k].T @ (v[k+1] + V[k+1] @ d[k]) + Sux.T @ l[k]
vc[k] = vc[k+1] + qc[k] + d[k].T @ v[k+1] + 1/2*( d[k].T @ V[k+1] @ d[k] ) + 1/2*l[k].T @ Su
return (L,l), (V,v,vc)
def init_mat(X, a, b=None, N=None):
Helper function. Check if X is None, and if so return a list
[A, A,....]
which is N long and where each A is a (a x b) zero-matrix, else returns X repeated N times:
[X, X, ...]
M0 = np.zeros((a,) if b is None else (a, b))
if X is not None:
return [m if m is not None else M0 for m in X]
return [M0] * N
def lqr_rollout(x0,A,B,d,L,l):
Compute a rollout (states and actions) given solution from LQR controller function.
x0 is a vector (starting state), and A, B, d and L, l are lists of system/control matrices.
x, states,actions = x0, [x0], []
n,m = B[0].shape
N = len(L)
d = init_mat(d,n,1,N) # Initialize as a list of zero matrices [ np.zeros((n,1)), np.zeros((n,1)), ...]
l = init_mat(l,m,1,N) # Initialize as a list of zero matrices [ np.zeros((m,1)), np.zeros((m,1)), ...]
for k in range(N):
u = L[k] @ x + l[k]
x = A[k] @ x + B[k] @ u + d[k]
return states, actions
if __name__ == "__main__":
Solve this problem (see also lecture notes for the same example)
N = 20
A = np.ones((2,2))
A[1,0] = 0
B = np.asarray([[0], [1]])
Q = np.zeros((2,2))
R = np.ones((1,1))
print("System matrices A, B, Q, R")
for rho in [0.1, 10, 100]:
Q[0,0] = 1/rho
(L,l), (V,v,vc) = LQR(A=[A]*N, B=[B]*N, d=None, Q=[Q]*N, R=[R]*N, QN=Q)
x0 = np.asarray( [[1],[0]])
trajectory, actions = lqr_rollout(x0,A=[A]*N, B=[B]*N, d=None,L=L,l=l)
xs = np.concatenate(trajectory, axis=1)[0,:]
plt.plot(xs, 'o-', label=f'rho={rho}')
k = 10
print(f"Control matrix in u_k = L_k x_k + l_k at k={k}:", L[k])
for k in [N-1,N-2,0]:
print(f"L[{k}] is:", L[k].round(4))
plt.title("Double integrator")
plt.xlabel('Steps $k$')
plt.ylabel('$x_1 = $ x[0]')