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  [Her25] Tue Herlau. Sequential decision making. (Freely available online), 2025.
from irlc.ex03.control_model import ControlModel
import numpy as np
import sympy as sym
import sys
from scipy.optimize import Bounds, minimize
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from irlc.ex03.control_model import symv
from irlc.ex04.discrete_control_model import sympy_modules_
from irlc import Timer
from tqdm import tqdm

def bounds2fun(t0 : float, tF : float, bounds : Bounds):
    Given start and end times [t0, tF] and a scipy Bounds object with upper/lower bounds on some variable x, i.e. so that:

    > <= x <= bounds.ub

    this function returns a new function f such that f(t0) equals and f(tF) = bounds.ub and
    f(t) interpolates between the uppower/lower bounds linearly, i.e.

    > <= f(t) <= bounds.ub

    The function will return a numpy ``ndarray``.
    return interp1d(np.asarray([t0, tF]), np.stack([np.reshape(b, (-1,)) for b in bounds], axis=1))

def direct_solver(model, options):
    Main direct solver method, see (Her25, Algorithm 21). Given a list of options of length S, the solver performers collocation
    using the settings found in the dictionary options[i], and use the result of options[i] to initialize collocation on options[i+1].

    This iterative refinement scheme is required to obtain good overall solutions.

    :param model: A ContinuousTimeModel instance
    :param options:  An options-structure. This is a list of dictionaries of options for each collocation iteration
    :return: A list of solutions, one for each collocation step. The last will be the 'best' solution (highest N)

    if isinstance(options, dict):
        options = [options]
    solutions = []  # re-use result of current solutions to initialize next with a higher value of N
    for i, opt in enumerate(options):
        optimizer_options = opt['optimizer_options']  # to be passed along to minimize()
        if i == 0 or "guess" in opt:
            # No solutions-function is given. Re-calculate by linearly interpreting bounds (see (Her25, Subsection 15.3.4))
            guess = opt['guess']
            guess['u'] = bounds2fun(guess['t0'],guess['tF'],guess['u']) if isinstance(guess['u'], list) else guess['u']
            guess['x'] = bounds2fun(guess['t0'],guess['tF'],guess['x']) if isinstance(guess['x'], list) else guess['x']
            """ For an iterative solver ((Her25, Subsection 15.3.4)), initialize the guess at iteration i to be the solution at iteration i-1.
            The guess consists of a guess for t0, tF (just numbers) as well as x, u (state/action trajectories),
            the later two being functions. The format of the guess is just a dictionary (you have seen several examples)
            > guess = {'t0': (number), 'tF': (number), 'x': (function), 'u': (function)}
            and you can get the solution by using solutions[i - 1]['fun']. (insert a breakpoint and check the fields)
            # TODO: 1 lines missing.
            raise NotImplementedError("Define guess = {'t0': ..., ...} here.")
        N = opt['N']
        print(f"{i}> Collocation starting with grid-size N={N}")
        sol = collocate(model, N=N, optimizer_options=optimizer_options, guess=guess, verbose=opt.get('verbose', False))

    print("Was collocation success full at each iteration?")
    for i, s in enumerate(solutions):
        print(f"{i}> Success? {s['solver']['success']}")
    return solutions

[docs] def collocate(model : ControlModel, N=25, optimizer_options=None, guess : dict = None, verbose=True): r""" Performs collocation by discretizing the model using a grid-size of N and optimize to find the optimal solution. The 'model' should be a ControlModel instance, optimizer_options contains options for the optimizer, and guess is a dictionary used to initialize the optimizer containing keys:: guess = {'t0': Start time (float), 'tF': Terminal time (float), 'x': A *function* which takes time as input and return a guess for x(t), 'u': A *function* which takes time as input and return a guess for u(t), } So for instance .. code-block:: python guess['x'](0.5) will return the state :math:`\mathbf x(0.5)` as a numpy ndarray. The overall structure of the optimization procedure is as follows: #. Define the following variables. They will all be lists: - ``z``: Variables to be optimized over. Each element ``z[k]`` is a symbolic variable. This will allow us to compute derivatives. - ``z0``: A list of numbers representing the initial guess. Computed using 'guess' (above) - ``z_lb``, ``z_ub``: Lists of numbers representting the upper/lower bounds on z. Use bound-methods in :class:`irlc.ex03.control_model.ControlModel` to get these. #. Create a symbolic expression representing the cost-function J This is defined using the symbolic variables similar to the toy-problem we saw last week. This allows us to compute derivatives of the cost #. Create *symbolic* expressions representing all constraints The lists ``Iineq`` and ``Ieq`` contains *lists* of constraints. The solver will ensure that for any i:: Ieq[i] == 0 and:: Iineq[i] <= 0 This allows us to just specify each element in 'eqC' and 'ineqC' as a single symbolic expression. Once more, we use symbolic expressions so derivatives can be computed automatically. The most important constraints are in 'eqC', as these must include the collocation-constraints (see algorithm in notes) #. Compile all symbolic expressions into a format useful for the optimizer The optimizer accepts numpy functions, so we turn all symbolic expressions and derivatives into numpy (similar to the example last week). It is then fed into the optimizer and, fingers crossed, the optimizer spits out a value 'z*', which represents the optimal values. #. Unpack z: The value 'z*' then has to be unpacked and turned into function u*(t) and x*(t) (as in the notes). These functions can then be put into the solution-dictionary and used to initialize the next guess (or assuming we terminate, these are simply our solution). :param model: A :class:`irlc.ex03.control_model.ControlModel` instance :param N: The number of collocation knot points :math:`N` :param optimizer_options: Options for the scipy optimizer. You can ignore this. :param guess: A dictionary containing the initial guess. See the online documentation. :param verbose: Whether to print out extra details during the run. Useful only for debugging. :return: A dictionary containing the solution. It is compatible with the :python:`guess` datastructure . """ timer = Timer(start=True) cost = model.get_cost() t0, tF = sym.symbols("t0"), sym.symbols("tF") ts = t0 + np.linspace(0, 1, N) * (tF-t0) # N points linearly spaced between [t0, tF] TODO: Convert this to a list. xs, us = [], [] for i in range(N): xs.append(list(symv("x_%i_" % i, model.state_size))) us.append(list(symv("u_%i_" % i, model.action_size))) ''' (1) Construct guess z0, all simple bounds [z_lb, z_ub] for the problem and collect all symbolic variables as z ''' # sb = model.simple_bounds() # get simple inequality boundaries in problem (v_lb <= v <= v_ub) z = [] # list of all *symbolic* variables in the problem # These lists contain the guess z0 and lower/upper bounds (list-of-numbers): z_lb[k] <= z0[k] <= z_ub[k]. # They should be lists of *numbers*. z0, z_lb, z_ub = [], [], [] ts_eval = sym.lambdify((t0, tF), ts.tolist(), modules='numpy') for k in range(N): x_low = list(model.x0_bound().low if k == 0 else (model.xF_bound().low if k == N - 1 else model.x_bound().low)) x_high = list(model.x0_bound().high if k == 0 else (model.xF_bound().high if k == N - 1 else model.x_bound().high)) u_low, u_high = list(model.u_bound().low), list(model.u_bound().high) tk = ts_eval(guess['t0'], guess['tF'])[k] """ In these lines, update z, z0, z_lb, and z_ub with values corresponding to xs[k], us[k]. The values are all lists; i.e. z[j] (symbolic) has guess z0[j] (float) and bounds z_lb[j], z_ub[j] (floats) """ # TODO: 2 lines missing. raise NotImplementedError("Updates for x_k, u_k") """ Update z, z0, z_lb, and z_ub with bounds/guesses corresponding to t0 and tF (same format as above). """ # z, z0, z_lb, z_ub = z+[t0], z0+[guess['t0']], z_lb+[model.bounds['t0_low']], z_ub+[model.bounds['t0_high']] # TODO: 2 lines missing. raise NotImplementedError("Updates for t0, tF") assert len(z) == len(z0) == len(z_lb) == len(z_ub) if verbose: print(f"z={z}\nz0={np.asarray(z0).round(1).tolist()}\nz_lb={np.asarray(z_lb).round(1).tolist()}\nz_ub={np.asarray(z_ub).round(1).tolist()}") print(">>> Trapezoid collocation of problem") # problem in this section fs, cs = [], [] # lists of symbolic variables corresponding to f_k and c_k, see (Her25, Algorithm 20). for k in range(N): """ Update both fs and cs; these are lists of symbolic expressions such that fs[k] corresponds to f_k and cs[k] to c_k in the slides. Use the functions env.sym_f and env.sym_c """ # fs.append( symbolic variable corresponding to f_k; see env.sym_f). similarly update cs.append(env.sym_c(...) ). ## TODO: Half of each line of code in the following 2 lines have been replaced by garbage. Make it work and remove the error. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # fs.append(model.sym_f(x=????????????????????????? # cs.append(cost.sym_c(x=x???????????????????????? raise NotImplementedError("Compute f[k] and c[k] here (see slides) and add them to above lists") J = cost.sym_cf(x0=xs[0], t0=t0, xF=xs[-1], tF=tF) # terminal cost; you need to update this variable with all the cs[k]'s. Ieq, Iineq = [], [] # all symbolic equality/inequality constraints are stored in these lists for k in range(N - 1): # Update cost function ((Her25, eq. (15.15))). Use the above defined symbolic expressions ts, hk and cs. # TODO: 2 lines missing. raise NotImplementedError("Update J here") # Set up equality constraints. See (Her25, eq. (15.18)). for j in range(model.state_size): """Create all collocation equality-constraints here and add them to Ieq. I.e. xs[k+1] - xs[k] = 0.5 h_k (f_{k+1} + f_k) Note we have to create these coordinate-wise which is why we loop over j. """ ## TODO: Half of each line of code in the following 1 lines have been replaced by garbage. Make it work and remove the error. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Ieq.append((xs[k+1][j] - xs[k][j])?????????????????????????????????? raise NotImplementedError("Update collocation constraints here") """ To solve problems with dynamical path constriants like Brachiostone, update Iineq here to contain the inequality constraint model.sym_h(...) <= 0. For the other problems this can simply be left blank """ if hasattr(model, 'sym_h'): # TODO: 1 lines missing. raise NotImplementedError("Update symbolic path-dependent constraint h(x,u,t)<=0 here") print(">>> Creating objective and derivative...") timer.tic("Building symbolic objective") J_fun = sym.lambdify([z], J, modules='numpy') # create a python function from symbolic expression # To compute the Jacobian, you can use sym.derive_by_array(J, z) to get the correct symbolic expression, then use sym.lamdify (as above) to get a numpy function. ## TODO: Half of each line of code in the following 1 lines have been replaced by garbage. Make it work and remove the error. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # J_jac = sym.lambdify([z], sym.deri??????????????????????????????????? raise NotImplementedError("Jacobian of J. See how this is computed for equality/inequality constratins for help.") if verbose: print(f"{Ieq=}\n{Iineq=}\n{J=}") timer.toc() print(">>> Differentiating equality constraints..."), timer.tic("Differentiating equality constraints") constraints = [] for eq in tqdm(Ieq, file=sys.stdout): # don't write to error output. constraints.append(constraint2dict(eq, z, type='eq')) timer.toc() print(">>> Differentiating inequality constraints"), timer.tic("Differentiating inequality constraints") constraints += [constraint2dict(ineq, z, type='ineq') for ineq in Iineq] timer.toc() c_viol = sum(abs(np.minimum(z_ub - np.asarray(z0), 0))) + sum(abs(np.maximum(np.asarray(z_lb) - np.asarray(z0), 0))) if c_viol > 0: # check if: z_lb <= z0 <= z_ub. Violations only serious if large print(f">>> Warning! Constraint violations found of total magnitude: {c_viol:4} before optimization") print(">>> Running optimizer..."), timer.tic("Optimizing") z_B = Bounds(z_lb, z_ub) res = minimize(J_fun, x0=z0, method='SLSQP', jac=J_jac, constraints=constraints, options=optimizer_options, bounds=z_B) # Compute value of equality constraints to check violations timer.toc() eqC_fun = sym.lambdify([z], Ieq) eqC_val_ = eqC_fun(res.x) eqC_val = np.zeros((N - 1, model.state_size)) x_res = np.zeros((N, model.state_size)) u_res = np.zeros((N, model.action_size)) t0_res = res.x[-2] tF_res = res.x[-1] m = model.state_size + model.action_size for k in range(N): dx = res.x[k * m:(k + 1) * m] if k < N - 1: eqC_val[k, :] = eqC_val_[k * model.state_size:(k + 1) * model.state_size] x_res[k, :] = dx[:model.state_size] u_res[k, :] = dx[model.state_size:] # Generate solution structure ts_numpy = ts_eval(t0_res, tF_res) # make linear interpolation similar to (Her25, eq. (15.22)) ufun = interp1d(ts_numpy, np.transpose(u_res), kind='linear') # Evaluate function values fk points (useful for debugging but not much else): f_eval = sym.lambdify((t0, tF, xs, us), fs) fs_numpy = f_eval(t0_res, tF_res, x_res, u_res) fs_numpy = np.asarray(fs_numpy) r""" Interpolate to get x(t) as described in (Her25, eq. (15.26)). The function should accept both lists and numbers for t.""" x_fun = lambda t_new: np.stack([trapezoid_interpolant(ts_numpy, np.transpose(x_res), np.transpose(fs_numpy), t_new=t) for t in np.reshape(np.asarray(t_new), (-1,))], axis=1) if verbose: newt = np.linspace(ts_numpy[0], ts_numpy[-1], len(ts_numpy)-1) print( x_fun(newt) ) sol = { 'grid': {'x': x_res, 'u': u_res, 'ts': ts_numpy, 'fs': fs_numpy}, 'fun': {'x': x_fun, 'u': ufun, 'tF': tF_res, 't0': t0_res}, 'solver': res, 'eqC_val': eqC_val, 'inputs': {'z': z, 'z0': z0, 'z_lb': z_lb, 'z_ub': z_ub}, } print(timer.display()) return sol
[docs] def trapezoid_interpolant(ts : list, xs : list, fs : list, t_new=None): r""" This function implements (Her25, eq. (15.26)) to evaluate :math:`\mathbf{x}(t)` at a point :math:`t =` ``t_new``. The other inputs represent the output of the direct optimization procedure. I.e., ``ts`` is a list of length :math:`N+1` corresponding to :math:`t_k`, ``xs`` is a list of :math:`\mathbf x_k`, and ``fs`` is a list corresponding to :math:`\mathbf f_k`. To implement the method, you should first determine which :math:`k` the new time point ``t_new`` corresponds to, i.e. where :math:`t_k \leq t_\text{new} < t_{k+1}`. :param ts: List of time points ``[.., t_k, ..]`` :param xs: List of numpy ndarrays ``[.., x_k, ...]`` :param fs: List of numpy ndarrays ``[.., f_k, ...]`` :param t_new: The time point we should evaluate the function in. :return: The state evaluated at time ``t_new``, i.e. :math:`\mathbf x(t_\text{new})`. """ # TODO: 3 lines missing. raise NotImplementedError("Determine the time index k here so that ts[k] <= t_new < ts[k+1].") ts = np.asarray(ts) tau = t_new - ts[k] hk = ts[k + 1] - ts[k] r""" Make interpolation here. Should be a numpy array of dimensions [xs.shape[0], len(I)] What the code does is that for each t in ts, we work out which knot-point interval the code falls within. I.e. insert a breakpoint and make sure you understand what e.g. the code tau = t_new - ts[I] does. Given this information, we can recover the relevant (evaluated) knot-points as for instance fs[:,I] and those at the next time step as fs[:,I]. With this information, the problem is simply an implementation of (Her25, eq. (15.26)), i.e. > x_interp = xs[:,I] + tau * fs[:,I] + (...) """ ## TODO: Half of each line of code in the following 1 lines have been replaced by garbage. Make it work and remove the error. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # x_interp = xs[:, k] + tau * fs[:, k] + (tau ???????????????????????????????????????????? raise NotImplementedError("Insert your solution and remove this error.") return x_interp
def constraint2dict(symb, all_vars, type='eq'): ''' Turn constraints into a dict with type, fun, and jacobian field. ''' if type == "ineq": symb = -1 * symb # To agree with sign convention in optimizer f = sym.lambdify([all_vars], symb, modules=sympy_modules_) # np.atan = np.arctan # Monkeypatch numpy to contain atan. Passing "numpy" does not seem to fix this. jac = sym.lambdify([all_vars], sym.derive_by_array(symb, all_vars), modules=sympy_modules_) eq_cons = {'type': type, 'fun': f, 'jac': jac} return eq_cons def get_opts(N, ftol=1e-6, guess=None, verbose=False): # helper function to instantiate options objet. d = {'N': N, 'optimizer_options': {'maxiter': 1000, 'ftol': ftol, 'iprint': 1, 'disp': True, 'eps': 1.5e-8}, # 'eps': 1.4901161193847656e-08, 'verbose': verbose} if guess: d['guess'] = guess return d def guess(model : ControlModel): def mfin(z): return [z_ if np.isfinite(z_) else 0 for z_ in z] xL = mfin(model.x0_bound().low) xU = mfin(model.xF_bound().high) tF = 10 if not np.isfinite(model.tF_bound().high[0]) else model.tF_bound().high[0] gs = {'t0': 0, 'tF': tF, 'x': [xL, xU], 'u': [mfin(model.u_bound().low), mfin(model.u_bound().high)]} return gs def run_direct_small_problem(): from irlc.ex04.model_pendulum import SinCosPendulumModel model = SinCosPendulumModel() """ Test out implementation on a very small grid. The overall solution will be fairly bad, but we can print out the various symbolic expressions We use verbose=True to get debug-information. """ print("Solving with a small grid, N=5") options = [get_opts(N=5, ftol=1e-3, guess=guess(model), verbose=True)] solutions = direct_solver(model, options) return model, solutions if __name__ == "__main__": from irlc.ex05.direct_plot import plot_solutions model, solutions = run_direct_small_problem() plot_solutions(model, solutions, animate=False, pdf="direct_pendulum_small")