Course material
- DTU WIFI - Guest accounts (fill out form and talk to Allan).
SCIML2022 - Social Event (food order), Dinner at 17:30 at Meyers Spisehus
(some 30 mins walk from DTU downtown Lyngby, so leave early enough if walking) - Download Julia
- Join Julia Slack space
- Download Visual studio Code
- SciML: Open Source Software for Scientific Machine Learning
- Flux: The Julia Machine Learning Library
- Bayesian inference with probabilistic programming
- Julia discourse board
- Streaming from the auditorium 43 (on campus acccess only)
Lecture slides
- Introduction to SciML
- Neural ODEs and Universal Differential Equations
- Surrogate Methods in Scientific Machine Learning and Extending Mathematical Compilation Techniques Beyond Differentiation
- Monday: Lecture notes, Poisson equation in 2D
- Tuesday: Sensitivity and parameter estimation for dynamical systems, difffeq, Notes
- Wednesday: Notes
Thursday: Sparse identification,
Exercise solutions from walkthrough...
Final Assignment
- Signup here to get 2.5 ECTS credits / diploma
- SCIML2022_Final_Assignment.jpg (picture of board)
Submission requirements:
- Provide report/poster with description of problem, method, discussion, results, conclusion(s).
- Handin working Julia code that produces results + report (pdf).
- Deadline: 23:59 PM July 3rd, 2022.