John Bagterp Jørgensen - Publication List
Section for Scientific Computing,
DTU Compute,
Technical University of Denmark
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Google Scholar Citations for John Bagterp Jørgensen
Journal Papers (63)
Rosbo, J.W.; Jensen, A.D.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Huusom, J.K.: Comparison, Operation and Cooling Design of Three General Reactor Types for Power-to-Ammonia Processes, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024 (accepted)
Furio-Novejarque, C.; Sala-Mira, I.; Ranjan, A.G.; Nørgaard, K; Diez, J.-L; Jørgensen, J.B.; Bondia, J.: Analysis on the contribution of glucagon receptors to glucose dynamics in type 1 diabetes, IFAC Journal of Systems and Control, 100272, 2024
Christensen, A.H.D.; Jørgensen, J.B.: A Comparative Study of Sensitivity Computations in ESDIRK-Based Optimal Control Problems, European Journal of Control, 101064, 2024
Laugesen, C.; Ritschel, T.; Ranjan, A.G.; Hsu, L.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Svensson, J.; Eklaspour, L.; Buckingham, B.; Nørgaard, K.: Impact of Missed and Late Meal Boluses on Glycemic Outcomes in Automated Insulin Delivery-Treated Children and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes: A Two-Center, Population-Based, Cohort Study, Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics, 2024 (accepted)
Ramin, E.; Cardillo, A.G.; Liebers, R.; Schmölder, J.; von Lieres, E.; Van Molle, W.; Niebel, B.; Natalis, L.; Meln, I.; Perea-Velez, M.; Clenet, D.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Nilsson, B.; Bracewell, D.G.; Gernaey, K.V.: Accelerating Vaccine Manufacturing Development through Model-Based Approaches: Current Advances and Future Opportunities, Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering, 2023 (accepted)
Rosbo, J.W.; Ritschel, T.K.S.; Hørsholt, S.; Huusom, J.K.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Flexible operation, optimisation and stabilising control of a quench cooled ammonia reactor for Power-to-Ammonia, Computers and Chemical Engineering, 2023 (accepted)
Furio-Novejarque, C.; Sanz, R.; Ritschel, T.K.S.; Reenberg, A.T.; Ranjan, A.G.; Nørgaard, K.; Diez, J.-L.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Bondia, J.: Modeling the effect of glucagon on endogenous glucose production in type 1 diabetes: on the role of glucagon receptor dynamics, Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2023 (accepted)
Lindkvist, E.B.; Laugesen, C.; Reenberg, A.T.; Ritschel, T.K.S.; Svensson, J.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Nørgaard, K.; Ranjan, A.G.: Performance of a Dual-Hormone Closed-Loop System Versus Insulin-Only Closed-Loop System in Adolescensts with Type 1 Diabetes. A Single-Blind, Randomized, Controlled, Crossover Trial, Frontiers in Endocrinology, 2023 (accepted)
Thilker, C.A.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Madsen, H.: Linear Quadratic Gaussian Control with Advanced Continuous-Time Disturbance Models for Building Thermal Regulation, Applied Energy, 2022 (Accepted)
Thilker, C.A.; Madsen, H.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Advanced forecasting and disturbance modelling for model predictive control of smart energy systems, Applied Energy, Accepted, 2021
Krishnamoorthy, D.; Boiroux, D.; Aradottir, T.B.; Engell, S.E.; Jørgensen, J.B.: A Model-free Approach to Automatic Dose Guidance in Long Acting Insulin Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes, IEEE Control Systems Letters (L-CSS), Accepted, 2020
Miklos, R.; Petersen, L.N.; Poulsen, N.K.; Utzen, C.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Niemann, H.H.: Greybox model for multi-stage spray drying plants constrained to small data sets, Advanced Control for Applications, Accepted, 2020
Aradóttir, T.B.; Boiroux, D.; Bengtsson, H.; Kildegaard, J.; Jensen, M.L.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Poulsen, N.K.: Model predictive control for dose guidance in long acting insulin treatment of type 2 diabetes, IFAC Journal of Systems and Control, Accepted, 2019
Garcia-Tirado, J.; Corbett, J.; Boiroux, D.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Breton, M. D.: Closed-loop control with unannounced exercise for adults with type 1 diabetes using the Ensemble Model Predictive Control, Journal of Process Control 80 (2019), 202-210
Ritschel, T.K.S.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Dynamic Optimisation of Thermodynamically Rigorous Models for Multiphase Flow in Porous Subsurface Oil Reservoirs, Journal of Process Control, 78, 2019, 45-56
Steineck, I.I.K.; Mahmoudi, Z.; Ranjan, A.; Schmidt, S.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Nørgaard, K.: Comparison of continuous glucose monitoring accuracy between abdominal and upper arm insertion sites, Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics, Accepted, 2019
Hu, M.; Xiao, F.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Wang, S.: Frequency control of air conditioners in response to real-time dynamic electricity prices in smart grids, Applied Energy, Accepted, 2019
Hu, M.; Xiao, F.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Li, R.: Price-responsive model predictive control of floor heating systems for demand response using building thermal mass, Applied Thermal Engineering, Accepted, 2019
Mahmoudi, Z.; Cameron, F.; Poulsen, N.K.; Madsen, H.; Bequette, B.W.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Sensor-based detection and estimation of meal carbohydrates for people with diabetes, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Accepted, 2018
Boiroux, D.; Bátora, V.; Hagdrup, M.; Wendt, S.L.; Poulsen, N.K.; Madsen, H.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Adaptive model predictive control for a dual-hormone artificial pancreas, Journal of Process Control, Accepted, 2018
Ritschel, T.K.S.; Capolei, A.; Gaspar, J.; Jørgensen, J.B.: An algorithm for gradient-based dynamic optimization of UV flash processes, Computers and Chemical Engineering, Accepted, 2017
Ranjan, A.; Wendt, S.L.; Schmidt, S.; Madsbad, S.; Holst, J.J.; Madsen, H.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Nørgaard, K.: Relationship between optimum mini-doses of glucagon and insulin levels when treating mild hypoglycemia in patients with type 1 diabetes - A simulation study, Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology, Accepted, 2017
Mansell, E.J.; Schmidt, S.; Docherty, P.D.; Nørgaard, K.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Madsen, H.: Evaluation of model designs for subcutaneous infusion of insulin aspart, Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics, Accepted, 2017
Boiroux, D.; Duun-Henriksen, A.K.; Schmidt, S.; Nørgaard, K.; Madsbad, S.; Poulsen, N.K.; Madsen, H.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Overnight glucose control in people with type 1 diabetes, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Accepted, 2017
Zemtsov, N.; Hlava, J.; Frantsuzova, G.; Madsen, H.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Economic nonlinear MPC for a population of thermostatically controlled loads, Computer Science - Research and Development, Springer, Accepted, 2017
Mahmoudi, Z.; Nørgaard, K.; Poulsen, N.K.; Madsen, H.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Fault and meal detection by redundant continuous glucose monitors and the unscented Kalman filter, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Accepted, 2017
Petersen, L.N.; Poulsen, N.K.; Niemann, H.H.; Utzen, C.: Jørgensen, J.B.: Comparison of three control strategies for optimization of spray dryer operation, Journal of Process Control, Accepted, 2017
Petersen, L.N.; Poulsen, N.K.; Niemann, H.H.; Utzen, C.: Jørgensen, J.B.: An experimentally validated simulation model for a four-stage spray dryer, Journal of Process Control, Accepted, 2017
Kufoalor, D.K.M.; Frison, G.; Johansen, T.A.; Imsland, L.S.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Block Factorization of Step Response Model Predictive Control, Journal of Process Control, Accepted, 2017
Codas, A.; Hanssen, K.G.; Foss, B.; Capolei, A.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Multiple Shooting Applied to Robust Reservoir Control Optimization Including Output Constraints on Coherent Risk Measures, Computational Geosciences, Accepted, 2017
Christiansen, L.H.; Capolei, A.; Jørgensen, J.B.: A least squares approach for efficient and reliable short-term versus long-term optimization, Computational Geosciences, Accepted, 2017
Wendt, S.L.; Ajenthen, R.; Møller, J.K.; Schmidt, S.; Knudsen, C.; Holst, J.J.; Madsbad, S.; Madsen, H.; Nørgaard, K.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Cross-Validation of a Glucose-Insulin-Glucagon Pharmacodynamics Model using Data from Patients with Type 1 Diabetes, Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, Accepted, 2017
Gaspar, J.; Sandoval, L.R.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Fosbøl, F.L.: Design, economics and parameter uncertainty in dynamic operation of post-combustion CO2 capture using piperazine (PZ) and MEA, Energy Procedia, Accepted, 2016
Boiroux, D.; Aradottir, T.B.; Nørgaard, K.; Poulsen, N.K.; Madsen, H.; Jørgensen, J.B.: An adaptive nonlinear basal-bolus calculator for patients with type 1 diabetes, Journal of Diabetes Science and Technolgy, Accepted, 2016
Gaspar, J.; Ricardez-Sandoval, L.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Fosbøl, P.L.: Controllability and flexibility analysis of CO2 post-combustion capture using piperazine and MEA, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Accepted, 2016
Sokoler, L.E.; Dinesen, P.J.; Jørgensen, J.B.: A Hierarchical Algorithm for Integrated Scheduling and Control with Applications to Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Accepted, 2016
Christiansen, L.H.; Capolei, A.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Time-explicit methods for joint economical and geological risk mitigation in production optimization, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Accepted, 2016
Halvgaard, R.; Vandenberghe, L.; Poulsen, N.K.; Madsen, H.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Distributed Model Predictive Control for Smart Energy Systems, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Accepted, 2016
Boiroux, D.; Duun-Henriksen, A.K.; Schmidt, S.; Nørgaard, K.; Poulsen, N.K.; Madsen, H.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Adaptive Control in an Artificial Pancreas for People with Type 1 Diabetes, Control Engineering Practice, Accepted, 2016
Sokoler, L.E.; Vinter, P.; Bærentsen, R.; Edlund, K.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Contingency-Constrained Unit Commitment in Meshed Isolated Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Accepted, 2015
Sokoler, L.E.; Frison, G.; Skajaa, A.; Halvgaard, R.; Jørgensen, J.B.: A Homogeneous and Self-Dual Interior Point Linear Programming Algorithm for Economic Model Predictive Control, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Accepted, 2015
Vukov, M.; Gros, S.; Horn, G.; Frison, G.; Geebelen, K.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Swevers, J.; Diehl, M.: Real-time Nonlinear MPC and MHE for a Large-scale Mechatronic Application, Control Engineering Practice, 45, 64-78, 2015
Gaspar, J.; Gladis, A.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Thomsen, K.; von Solms, N.; Fosbøl, P.L.: Dynamic Operation and Simulation of Post-Combustion CO2 Capture, accepted for Energy Procedia, 2015
Hovgaard, T.G.; Boyd, S.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Model predictive control for wind power gradients, Wind Energy, 18(6), 991-1006, 2015
Schmidt, S.; Boiroux, D.; Ranjan, A.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Madsen, H.; Nørgaard, K.: An Artificial Pancreas for Automated Blood Glucose Control in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes, Therapeutic Delivery, 6(5), 609-619, 2015
Capolei, A.; Suwartadi, E.; Foss, B.; Jørgensen, J.B.: A mean-variance objective for robust production optimization in uncertain geological scenarios, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 125, 23-37, 2015
Hansen, A.H.; Duun-Henriksen, A.K.; Juhl, R.; Schmidt, S.; Nørgaard, K.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Madsen, H.: Predicting Plasma Glucose from Interstitial Glucose Observations using Bayesian Methods, Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, 8(2), 321-330, 2014
Sokoler, L.E.; Standardi, L.; Edlund, K.; Poulsen, N.K.; Madsen, H.; Jørgensen, J.B.: A Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition algorithm for linear economic model predictive control of dynamically decoupled subsystems, Journal of Process Control, 24(8), 1225-1236, 2014
Hovgaard, T.G.; Larsen, L.F.S.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Boyd, S.: Nonconvex Model Predictive Control for Commercial Refrigeration, International Journal of Control, 86(8), 1349-1366, 2013
Duun-Henriksen, A.K.; Schmidt, S.; Røge, R.M.; Møller, J.B.; Nørgaard, K.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Madsen, H.: Model Identification using Stochastic Differential Equation Grey-Box Models in Diabetes, Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, 7(2), 431-440, 2013
Schmidt, S.; Boiroux, D.; Duun-Henriksen, A.K.; Frøssing, L.; Skyggebjerg, O.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Poulsen, N.K.; Madsen, H.; Madsbad, S.; Nørgaard, K.: Model-Based Closed-Loop Glucose Control in Type 1 Diabetes: The DiaCon Experience, Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, 7(5), 1255-1264, 2013
Capolei, A.; Suwartadi, E.; Foss, B.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Waterflooding optimization in uncertain geological scenarios, Computational Geosciences, 17(6), 1255-1264, 2013
Hovgaard, T.G.; Larsen, L.F.S.; Skovrup, M.J.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Optimal Energy Consumption in Refrigeration Systems – Modelling and Non-Convex Optimisation, Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 90(6), 1426-1433, 2012
Schmidt, S.; Finan, D.; Dunn-Henriksen, A.K.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Madsen, H.; Bengtssson, H.; Holst, J.J.; Madsbad, S.; Nørgaard, K.: Effects of Everyday Life Events on Glucose, Insulin and Glucagon Dynamics in Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion-Treated Type 1 Diabetes: Collection of Clinical Data for Glucose Modeling, Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, 14(3), 210-217, 2012
Hovgaard, T.G.; Larsen, L.F.S.; Edlund, K.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Model predictive control technologies for efficient and flexible power consumption in refrigeration systems, Energy, 44(1), 105-116, 2012
Huusom, J.K.; Poulsen, N.K.; Jørgensen, S.B.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Tuning SISO offset-free Model Predictive Control based on ARX models, Journal of Process Control, 22(10), 1997-2007, 2012
Halvgaard, R.; Bacher, P.; Perers, B.; Andersen, E.; Furbo, S.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Poulsen, N.K.; Madsen, H.: Model Predictive Control for a Smart Solar Tank Based on Weather and Consumption Forecasts, Energy Procedia, 30, 270-278, 2012
Edlund, K.; Bendtsen, J.D.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Hierarchical model-based predictive control of a power plant portfolio, Control Engineering Practice, 19, 1126-1136, 2011
Rawlings, J.B.; Bonné, D.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Venkat, A.N.; Jørgensen, S.B.: Unreachable Setpoints in Model Predictive Control, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 53(9), 2209-2215, 2008
Åkesson, B.M.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Poulsen, N.K.; Jørgensen, S.B.: A Generalized Autocovariance Least-Squares Method for Kalman Filter Tuning, Journal of Process Control, 18, 769-779, 2008
Kristensen, M.R.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Thomsen, P.G.; Jørgensen, S.B.: An ESDIRK Method with Sensitivity Analysis Capabilities, Computers and Chemical Engineering, 28, 2695-2707, 2004
Jørgensen, J.B.; Jørgensen, S.B.: Towards Automatic Decentralized Control Structure Selection, Computers and Chemical Engineering, 24, 841-846, 2000
Koggersbøl, A.; Andersen, T.R.; J.B. Jørgensen; Jørgensen, S.B.: An Output Multiplicity in Binary Distillation: Experimental Verification, Computers and Chemical Engineering, 20, S835-S840, 1996
Patents (4)
Christensen, I.; Petersen, L.; Drejer, A.K.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Jørgensen, S.B.; Knudsen, J.K.H.: Optimization of Fermentation Processes, 2018
Wendt, S.L.; Møller, J.K.; Madsen, H.; Nørgaard, K.; Ranjan, A.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Schmit, S.: Methods and Medical Uses Relating to the Treatment of Hyplycemia, 2018
Munk-Nielsen, T.; Grum, M.; Tychsen, P.; Thomsen, H.R.; Madsen, H.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Halvgaard, R.F.: Predictive Multicriteria Optimization of Wastewater Systems Operation, PCT/EP2017/071445, 2017
Mølbak, T.; Hilger, K.B.; Mortensen, J.H.; Børresen, S.; Edlund, K.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Distributed Electrical Power Production System and Method of Control Thereof, PCT/EP2010/051067, 2010
Book Chapters (5)
Thilker, C.A.; Junker, R.G.; Bacher, P.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Madsen, H.: Model Predictive Control based on Stochastic Grey-Box Models, in Ploix, S.; Amayri, M.; Bouguila, N. (Eds.), Towards Energy Smart Homes, Springer, 2021, pp. 329-380
Juhl, R.; Møller, J.K.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Madsen, H.: Modeling and Prediction Using Stochastic Differential Equations, Prediction Methods for Blood Glucose Concentration (H. Kirchsteiger, J.B. Jørgensen, E. Renard, L. del Re, Eds.), Chap. 10: pp. 183-209, Springer, 2015
Madsen, H.; Parvizi, J.; Halvgaard, R.; Sokoler, L.E., Jørgensen, J.B.; Hansen, L.H., Hilger, K.B.: Control of Electricity in Future Electric Energy Systems, Handbook of Clean Energy Systems (Jinyue Yan, Ed.), Vol 4: Intelligent Energy Systems, Chap. 24: 2213-2238, Wiley, 2015
Boiroux, D.; Finan, D.A.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Poulsen, N.K.; Madsen, H.: Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for an Artificial Beta-Cell, Recent Advances in Optimization and its Applications in Engineering, Springer, 2010
Jørgensen, J.B.; Kristensen, M.R.; Thomsen, P.G.; Madsen, H.: New Extended Kalman Filter Algorithms for Stochastic Differential Algebraic Equations, in R. Findeisen, F. Allgöwer, L.T. Biegler: Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive Control, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, 358, Springer, 2007
Edited Books (2)
Kirchsteiger, H.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Renard, E.; Del Re, L. (editors): Prediction Methods for Blood Glucose Concentration: Design, Use and Evaluation, Springer, 2015
Jørgensen, J.B.; Sin, G.; Huusom, J.K. (editors): Proceedings of the 17th Nordic Process Control, January 25-27, 2012, Kgs Lyngby, Denmark
Reviewed Conference Papers (232)
Svensen, J.L.; Cantisani, N.; Leal da Silva, W.R.; Merino, J.P.; Sampath, D.; Jørgensen, J.B.: A first engineering principles model for dynamical simulation of cement pyro-process cyclones, 2025 23rd European Control Conference (ECC25), June 24-27, 2025, Thessaloniki, Greece
Christensen, A.H.D.; Cantisani, N.; Jørgensen, J.B.: ESDIRK-based nonlinear model predictive control for stochastic differential-algebraic equations, 2025 23rd European Control Conference (ECC25), June 24-27, 2025, Thessaloniki, Greece
Zhang, Z.; Svensen, J.L.; Hørsholt, S.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Numerical Discretization Methods for the Discounted Linear Quadratic Control Problem, 2025 23rd European Control Conference (ECC25), June 24-27, 2025, Thessaloniki, Greece
Cantisani, N.; Dovits, J.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Differential algebraic modeling of an alkaline electrolyzer plant, 2025 23rd European Control Conference (ECC25), June 24-27, 2025, Thessaloniki, Greece
Overgaard, T.; Bertran, M.-O.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Nielsen, B.F.: Incorporating Process Knowledge into Latent Variable Models: An Application to Root Cause Analysis in Bioprocesses, Systems and Control Transactions, ESCAPE-35 - European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, Ghent, Belgium. 6-9 July 2025
Rosbo, J.W.; Jensen, A.D.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Skogestad, S.; Huusom, J.K.: Optimisation of a Haber-Bosch Synthesis Loop for PtA, Systems and Control Transactions, ESCAPE-35 - European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, Ghent, Belgium. 6-9 July 2025
Hauser, L.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Peuscher, H.: An Open-Source Browser-Based Nonlinear Model Predictive Controller for Type 1 Diabetes, 1st IFAC Workshop on Engineering Diabetes Technology (EDT25), May 8-9, 2025, Valencia, Spain
Arentsen, M.G.; Boiroux, D.; Mohebbi, A.; Aradottír, T.B.; Bengtsson, H.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Automated Insulin Dosing Systems for People with Type 2 Diabetes, 1st IFAC Workshop on Diabetes Technology (EDT25), May 8-9, 2025, Valencia, Spain
Zhang, Z.; Christensen, A.H.D.; Svensen, J.L.; Hørsholt, S.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Linear-Quadratic Model Predictive Control for Continuous-time Systems with Time Delays and Piecewise Constant Inputs, 14th IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems including Biosystems (DYCOPS 2025), June 16-19, 2025, Bratislava, Slovakia
Schytt, M.J.; Petursson, H.G.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Hybrid Optimization Methods for Parameter Estimation of Reactive Transport Systems, 14th IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems including Biosystems (DYCOPS 2025), June 16-19, 2025, Bratislava, Slovakia
Christensen, A.H.D.; Cantisani, N.; You, S.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of Dynamic Operation of an Alkaline Electrolyzer, 14th IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems including Biosystems (DYCOPS 2025), June 16-19, 2025, Bratislava, Slovakia
Cantisani, N.; Svensen, J.L.; Perumal, S.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Steady State Process Optimization of an Electric Flash Clay Calcination Plant, 14th IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems including Biosystems (DYCOPS 2025), June 16-19, 2025, Bratislava, Slovakia
Overgaard, T.; Bertran, M.-O.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Nielsen, B.F.: Identifying Drivers of Downstream Yield Variability using Integrated Process Models: An Application to API Manufacturing, 14th IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems including Biosystems (DYCOPS 2025), June 16-19, 2025, Bratislava, Slovakia
Carstensen, P.E.; Bendsen, J.; Blicher, L.H.; Kristensen, K.; Jørgensen, J.B.: A whole-body mathematical model of cholesterol metabolism and transport, 10th IFAC International Conference on Foundations of Systems Biology in Engineering (FOSBE 2024), September 8-11, 2024, Corfu Island, Greece
Blicher, L.H.; Carstensen, P.E.; Bendsen, J.; Lindén, H.; Kristensen, K.; Hald, B.O.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Modeling principles for a physiology-based whole-body model of human metabolism, 10th IFAC International Conference on Foundations of Systems Biology in Engineering (FOSBE 2024), September 8-11, 2024, Corfu Island, Greece
Freil, K.S.; Fritzen, L.O.; Boiroux, D.; Aradottir, T.B.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Identification of PK-PD Insulin Models using Experimental GIR Data, 12th IFAC Symposium on Biological and Medical Systems (BMS 2024), September 11-13, 2024, VS-Schwenningen, Germany
Peuscher, H.; Schrills, T.; Eichenlaub, M.; Jørgensen, J.B.: A Modular Open-Source Framework for In-Browser Diabetes Simulation, 12th IFAC Symposium on Biological and Medical Systems (BMS 2024), September 11-13, 2024, VS-Schwenningen, Germany
Schytt, M.J.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Numerical Methods for Optimal Boundary Control of Advection-Diffusion-Reaction Systems, 8th IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (NMPC 2024), August 21-24, 2024, Kyoto, Japan
Zhang, Z.; Svensen, J.L.; Kaysfeld, M.W.; Andersen, A.H.D.; Hørsholt, S.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Numerical Discretization Methods for the Extended Linear Quadratic Control Problem, 2024 European Control Conference (ECC), June 25-28, 2024, Stockholm, Sweden
Engell, S.E.; Benam, K.D.; Bengtsson, H.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Fougner, A.L.: Optimal Experimental Design for System Identification in a Bi-Hormonal Intraperitoneal Artificial Pancreas, 2024 European Control Conference (ECC), June 25-28, 2024, Stockholm, Sweden
Andersen, A.H.D.; Jørgensen, J.B.: A Comparative Study of Sensitivity Computations in ESDIRK-Based Optimal Control Problems, 2024 European Control Conference (ECC), June 25-28, 2024, Stockholm, Sweden
Svensen, J.L.; Leal da Silva, W.R.; Merino, J.P.; Sampath, D.; Jørgensen, J.B.: A Dynamical Simulation Model of a Cement Clinker Rotary Kiln, 2024 European Control Conference (ECC), June 25-28, 2024, Stockholm, Sweden
Zhang, Z.; Hørsholt, S.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Numerical Discretization Methods for Linear Quadratic Control Problems with Time Delays, 12th IFAC International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes (ADCHEM 2024), July 14-17, 2024, Toronto, Canada
Svensen, J.L.; Leal da Silva, W.R.; Jørgensen, J.B.: A First-Engineering Principles Model for Dynamical Simulation of a Calciner in Cement Production, 12th IFAC International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes (ADCHEM 2024), July 14-17, 2024, Toronto, Canada
Cantisani, N.; Svensen, J.L.; Hansen, O.F.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Dynamic modeling and simulation of a flash clay calciner, 12th IFAC International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes (ADCHEM 2024), July 14-17, 2024, Toronto, Canada
Rosbo, J.W.; Jensen, A.D.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Huusom, J.K.: Design of an Indirect Cooled Reactor for Power to Ammonia, ESCAPE34-PSE24, June 2-6, 2024, Florence, Italy
Rosbo, J.W.; Jensen, A.D.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Huusom, J.K.: An Efficient Numerical Method for Dynamic Simulation of Fixed-bed Reactors, ESCAPE34-PSE24, June 2-6, 2024, Florence, Italy
Engell, S.E.; Bengtsson, H.; Benam, K.D.; Fougner, A.L.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Optimal Experimental Design to Estimate Insulin Response in Type 2 Diabetes, 7th IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA 2023), August 16-18, 2023, Bridgetown, Barbados
Nielsen, M.K.; Dynesen, J.; Dragheim, J.; Christensen, I.; Jørgensen, S.B.; Huusom, J.K.; Gernaey, K.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Modelling and Economic Optimal Control for a Laboratory-scale Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor for Single-Cell Protein Production, 2023 European Control Conference (ECC), June 13-16, 2023, Bucharest, Romania
Cantisani, N.; Ritschel, T.K.S.; Thilker, C.A.; Madsen, H.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Modeling, scientific computing and optimal control for renewable energy systems with storage, 2023 European Control Conference (ECC), June 13-16, 2023, Bucharest, Romania
Wahlgreen, M.; Zanon, M.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Performance Quantification of a Nonlinear Model Predictive Controller by Parallel Monte Carlo Simulations of a Closed-loop System, 2023 European Control Conference (ECC), June 13-16, 2023, Bucharest, Romania
Andersen, A.H.D.; Zhang, Z.; Hørsholt, S.; Ritschel, T.K.S.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Software principles and concepts applied in the implementation of cyber-physical systems for real-time advanced process control, 2023 European Control Conference (ECC), June 13-16, Bucharest, Romania
Ritschel, T.K.S.; Reenberg, A.T.; Lindkvist, E.B.; Laugesen, C.; Svensson, J.; Ranjan, A.; Nørgaard, K.; Dammann, B.; Jørgensen, J.B.: A one-size-fits-all artificial pancreas for people with type 1 diabetes based on physiological insight and feedback control, 2023 European Control Conference (ECC), June 13-16, 2023, Bucharest, Romania
Rosbo, J.W.; Ritschel, T.K.S.; Hørsholt, S.; Jensen, A.D.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Huusom, J.K.: Optimal distribution of power in a P2A plant, Proceedings of the 33rd European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE33), June 18-21, 2023, Athens, Greece
Martinsen, E.S.; Rosbo, J.W.; Andersen, A.H.D.; Ritschel, T.K.S.; Hørsholt, S.; Huusom, J.K.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Modeling and Simulation of a Single Catalytic Fixed Bed in an Ammonia Reactor, IFAC World Congress 2023, Yokohama, Japan
Kaysfeld, M.W.; Kumar, D.; Nielsen, M.K.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Dynamic Optimization for Monoclonal Antibody Production, IFAC World Congress 2023, Yokohama, Japan
Furio-Navejarque, C.; Sala-Mira, I.; Ranjan, A.G.; Nørgaard, K.; Diez, J.-L.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Bondia, J.: Validation of a model of glucagon action including glucagon receptor dynamics under consequtive doses in low and high-carb diets, IFAC World Congress 2023, Yokohama, Japan
Engell, S.E.; Bengtsson, H.; Sturis, J.; Boiroux, D.; Jørgensen, J.B.: From Optimal Design of Experiment to Safe System Identification in Type 2 Diabetes, IFAC World Congress 2023, Yokohama, Japan
Nielsen, M.K.; Ritschel, T.K.S.; Christensen, I.; Dragheim, J.; Huusom, J.K.; Gernaye, K.V.; Jørgensen, J.B.: State Estimation for Continuous-Discrete-Time Nonlinear Stochastic Systems, Foundations of Computer Aided Process Operations / Chemical Process Control (FOCAPO/CPC 2023). Hilton San Antonio Hill Country, San Antonio, Texas. January 8-12, 2023
Wahlgreen, M.R.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Zanon, M.: Model Predictive Control Tuning by Monte Carlo Simulation and Controller Matching, Foundations of Computer Aided Process Operations / Chemical Process Control (FOCAPO/CPC 2023). Hilton San Antonio Hill Country, San Antonio, Texas. January 8-12, 2023
Andersen, A.H.D.; Ritschel, T.K.S.; Hørsholt, S.; Huusom, J.K.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Model-based control algorithms for the quadruple tank system: An experimental comparison. Foundations of Computer Aided Process Operations / Chemical Process Control (FOCAPO/CPC 2023). Hilton San Antonio Hill Country, San Antonio, Texas. January 8-12, 2023
Engell, S.E.; Aradottir, T.B.; Ritschel, T.K.S.; Bengtsson, H.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Estimating a Personalized Basal Insulin Dose from Short-Term Closed-Loop Data in Type 2 Diabetes, 61th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2022), Cancun, Mexico, Dec. 6-9, 2022
Ritschel, T.K.S.; Reenberg, A.T.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Large-scale Virtual Clinical Trials of Closed-loop Treatments for People with Type 1 Diabetes, 9th IFAC Conferene on Foundations of Systems Biology in Engineering (FOSBE 2022), Cambridge, MA, USA, August 28-31, 2022
Carstensen, P.E.; Bendsen, J.; Reenberg, A.T.; Ritschel, T.K.S.; Jørgensen, J.B.: A Whole-body Multi-scale Mathematical Model for Dynamic Simulation of the Metabolism in Man, 9th IFAC Conference on Foundations of Systems Biology in Engineering (FOSBE 2022), Cambridge, MA, USA, August 28-31, 2022
Wahlgreen, M.R.; Meyer, K.; Ritschel, T.K.S.; Engsig-Karup, A.P.; Gernaey, K.V.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Modeling and Simulation of Upstream and Downstream Processes for Monoclonal Antibody Production, 13th IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems (DYCOPS 2022), June 14-17, 2022, Busan, Republic of Korea
Reenberg, A.T.; Ritschel, T.K.; Lindkvist, E.B.; Laugesen, C.; Svensson, J.; Ranjan, A.G.; Nørgaard, K.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Nonlinear Model Predictive Control and System Identification for a Dual-hormone Artificial Pancreas, 13th IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems (DYCOPS 2022), June 14-17, 2022, Busan, Republic of Korea
Zhang, Z.; Nielsen, M.K.; Muralidharan, G.; Hørsholt, S.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Model Predictive Control for Blending Processes in Cement Plants, 13th IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems (DYCOPS 2022), June 14-17, 2022, Busan, Republic of Korea
Wahlgreen, M.R.; Jørgensen, J.B.: On the Implementation of a Preconditioned Riccati Recursion based Primal-Dual Interior-Point Algorithm for Input Constrained Optimal Control Problems, 13th IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems (DYCOPS 2022), June 14-17, 2022, Busan, Republic of Korea
Engell, S.E.; Aradottir, T.B.; Bengtsson, H.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Correlation in Dose-Response to Rapid- and Long-Acting Insulin for People with Type 1 Diabetes, 44th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2022), July 11-15, 2022, Glasgow, Scotland, UK
Reenberg, A.T.; Ritschel, T.K.S.; Dammann, B.; Jørgensen, J.B.: High-performance Uncertainty Quantification in Large-scale Virtual Clinical Trials of Closed-loop Diabetes Treatment, 2022 American Control Conference (ACC), June 8-10, 2022, Atlanta, GA, USA
Novejarque, C.F.; Sanz, R.; Reenberg, A.T.; Ritschel, T.K.S.; Ranjan, A.G.; Nørgaard, K.; Diez, J.L.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Bondia, J.: Assessment of a new model of glucagon action with glucagon receptor dynamics, MATHMOD 2022, Vienna, Austria, July 27-29, 2022
Wahlgreen, M.R.; Reenberg, A.T.; Nielsen, M.K.; Rydahl, A.; Ritschel, T.K.S.; Dammann, B.; Jørgensen, J.B.: A High Performance Monte Carlo Simulation Toolbox for Uncertainty Quantification of Closed-Loop Systems, 2021 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Austin, Texas, USA, December 13-15, 2021
Engell, S.E.; Aradottir, T.B.; Bengtsson, H.; Ekelund, M.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Glucose Response to Fast- and Long-Acting Insulin in People with Type 2 Diabetes, 11th IFAC Symposium on Biological and Medical Systems, Ghent, Belgium, September 19-22, 2021
Sejersen, M.; Boiroux, D.; Engell, S.E.; Ritschel, T.K.S.; Reenberg, A.T.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Initial titration for people with type 1 diabetes using an artificial pancreas, 11th IFAC Symposium on Biological and Medical Systems, Ghent, Belgium, September 19-22, 2021
Zhanhao, Z.; Nielsen, M.K.; Hørsholt, S.; Muralidharan, G.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Digitalization, Control and Optimization for Cement Plants, 31st European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, Eds. M. Turkey, R. Gani, Part B, 1319-1324, Elsevier, 2021
Ryde, T.E.; Wahlgreen, M.R.; Nielsen, M.K.; Hørsholt, S.; Jørgensen, S.B.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Optimal Feed Trajectories for Fedbatch Fermentation with Substrate Inhibition Kinetics, 11th IFAC International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes (ADCHEM), June 13-16, 2021
Jørgensen, J.B.; Ritschel, T.K.S.; Boiroux, D.; Schroll-Fleischer, E.; Wahlgreen, M.R.; Nielsen, M.K.; Wu, H.; Huusom, J.K.: Simulation of NMPC for a Laboratory Adiabatic CSTR with an Exothermic Reaction, 2020 European Control Conference (ECC 2020), Saint Petersburg, Russia, May 12-15, 2020
Ritschel, T.K.S.; Boiroux, D.; Nielsen, M.K.; Huusom, J.K.; Jørgensen, S.B.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Economic Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of a U-loop Reactor, 2020 European Control Conference (ECC 2020), Saint Petersburg, Russia, May 12-15, 2020
Wahlgreen, M.R.; Schroll-Fleischer, E.; Boiroux, D.; Ritschel, T.K.S.; Wu, H.; Huusom, J.K.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for an Exothermic Reaction in an Adiabatic CSTR, 2020 Advances in Control & Optimization of Dynamical Systems (ACODS 2020), Chennai, India, 2020
Mücke, N.T.; Christiansen, L.H.; Engsig-Karup, A.P.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Reduced Order Modeling for Nonlinear PDE-constrained Optimization using Neural Networks, 2019 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Nice, France, 2019
Reenberg, A.T.; Boiroux, D.; Ritschel, T.K.S.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Model Predictive Control of the Blood Glucose Concentration for Critically Ill Patients in Intensive Care Units, 2019 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Nice, France, 2019
Boiroux, D.; Ritschel, T.K.S.; Poulsen, N.K.; Madsen, H.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Efficient Computation of the Continuous-Discrete Extended Kalman Filter Sensitivities Applied to Maximum Likelihood Estimation, 2019 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Nice, France, 2019
Aradottir, T.B.; Boiroux, D.; Bengtsson, H.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Poulsen, N.K.: Model predictive control with sub-frequency actuation for long acting insulin treatment in type 2 diabetes, 2019 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA). August 19-21, 2019, Hong Kong, China
Ritschel, T.K.S.; Boiroux, D.; Nielsen, M.K.; Huusom, J.K.; Jørgensen, S.B.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Economic Optimal Control of a U-loop Bioreactor using Simultaneous Collocation-based Approaches, 2019 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA). August 19-21, 2019, Hong Kong, China
Ritschel, T.K.S.; Boiroux, D.; Nielsen, M.K.; Huusom, J.K.; Jørgensen, S.B.; Jørgensen, J.B.: The Extended Kalman Filter for Nonlinear State Estimation in a U-loop Bioreactor, 2019 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), August 19-21, 2019, Hong Kong, China
Schlüter, H.; Boiroux, D.; Poulsen, N.K.; Madsen, H.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Economic Model Predictive Control for Energy Systems in Smart Homes, 2019 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), August 19-21, 2019, Hong Kong, China
Miklos, R.; Petersen, L.N.; Poulsen, N.K.; Utzen, C.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Niemann, H.: Control-oriented greybox noise structure of multi-stage spray dryers for data-driven tuning of Kalman filter, 2019 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), August 19-21, 2019, Hong Kong, China
Hørsholt, A.; Christiansen, L.H.; Ritschel, T.K.S.; Meyer, K.; Huusom, J.K.; Jørgensen, J.B.: State and Input Estimation of Nonlinear Chromatographic Processes, 2019 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), August 19-21, 2019, Hong Kong, China
Hørsholt, S.; Johansen, K.; Engsig-Karup, A.P.; Nick, H.M.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Oil Production Optimization of the SOLSORT Reservoir, 2019 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), August 19-21, 2019, Hong Kong, China
Christiansen, L.H.; Jørgensen, J.B.: New Preconditioners for Semi-linear PDE-constrained Optimal Control in Annular Geometries, Proceedings of the International Conference on Spectral and High-order Methods (ICOSAHOM) 2018, Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Springer, 2019
Hørsholt, A.; Christiansen, L.H.; Meyer, K.; Huusom, J.K.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Spatial Discretization and Kalman Filtering for Ideal Packed-Bed Chromatography, 2019 European Control Conference (ECC 2019), Naples, Italy, June 25-28, 2019
Boiroux, D.; Mahmoudi, Z.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Parameter Estimation in Type 1 Diabetes Models for Model-Based Control Applications, 2019 American Control Conference (ACC 2019), Philadelphia, PA, USA, July 10-12, 2019
Jørgensen, J.B.; Boiroux, D.; Mahmoudi, Z.: An artificial pancreas based on simple control algorithms and physiological insight, 12th Symposium IFAC on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems, including Biosystems (DYCOPS 2019), Florianópolis - SC, Brazil, April 23-26, 2019.
Hørsholt, A.; Christiansen, L.H.; Meyer, K.; Huusom, J.K.; Jørgensen, J.B.: A Discontinuous-Galerkin Finite-Element Method for Simulation of Packed Bed Chromatographic Processes, 12th Symposium IFAC on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems, including Biosystems (DYCOPS 2019), Florianópolis - SC, Brazil, April 23-26, 2019.
Boiroux, D.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Sequential l1 Quadratic Programming for Nonlinear Model
Predictive Control, 12th Symposium IFAC on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems, including Biosystems (DYCOPS 2019), Florianópolis - SC, Brazil, April 23-26, 2019.
Ritschel, T.K.S.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Disturbance Rejection in Isoenergetic-isochoric Flash Processes, 12th IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems, including Biosystems (DYCOPS 2019), Florianópolis - SC, Brazil, April 23-26, 2019.
Hørsholt, S.; Nick, H.M.; Jørgensen, J.B.: A Hierarchical Multigrid Method for Oil Production Optimization, 12th IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process
Systems, including Biosystems (DYCOPS 2019), Florianópolis - SC, Brazil, April 23-26, 2019.
Christiansen, L.H.; Jørgensen, J.B.: A fast PDE-constrained optimization solver for nonlinear diffusion-reaction processes, 2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Miami Beach, Florida, USA, December 17-19, 2018
Boiroux, D.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Nonlinear Model Predictive Control and Artificial Pancreas Technologies, 2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Miami Beach, Florida, USA, December 17-19, 2018
Azam, S.N.M.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Unconstrained and Constrained Model Predictive Control for a Modified Quadruple Tank System, 2018 IEEE Conference on Systems, Process and Control (ICSPC2018), Melaka, Malaysia, December 14-15, 2018
Parvizi, J.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Madsen, H.: Robust Model Predictive Control with Scenarios for Aggregators in Grids with High Penetration of Renewable Energy Sources, 2018 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids (SmartGridComm), October 29-31, 2018, Aalborg, Denmark
Christiansen, L.H.; Jørgensen, J.B.: A New Lagrange-Newton-Krylov Solver for PDE-constrained Nonlinear Model Predictive Control, 6th IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (NMPC 2018), August 19-22, 2018, Madison, WI, USA
Brok, N.L.; Madsen, H.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Stochastic Differential Equation Systems, 6th IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (NMPC 2018), August 19-22, 2018, Madison, WI, USA
Hørsholt, S.; Nick, H.M.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Software for Industrial Scale Oil Production Optimization, 16th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery (ECMOR XVI), September 3-6, 2018, Barcelona, Spain
Ritschel, T.K.S.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Production Optimization of Thermodynamically Rigorous Isothermal and Compositional Models, 16th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery (ECMOR XVI), September 3-6, 2018, Barcelona, Spain
Boiroux, D.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Patek, S.D.; Breton, M.D.: The Contribution of Physical Activity in Blood Glucose Concentration for People with Type 1 Diabetes, 10th IFAC Symposium on Biological and Medical Systems, September 3-5, 2018, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Mahmoudi, Z.; Boiroux, D.; Cameron, F.; Poulsen, N.K.; Bequette, B.W.; Jørgensen, J.B.: An automated meal detector and bolus calculator in combination with closed-loop blood glucose control, 10th IFAC Symposium on Biological and Medical Systems, September 3-5, 2018, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Boiroux, D.; Batora, V.; Mahmoudi, Z.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Design of Switched Model Predictive Control Algorithms for a Dual-Hormone Artificial Pancreas, 10th IFAC Symposium on Biological and Medical Systems, September 3-5, 2018, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Boiroux, D.; Jørgensen, J.B.: A Nonlinear Model Predictive Control Strategy for Glucose Control in People with Type 1 Diabetes, 10th IFAC Symposium on Biological and Medical Systems, September 3-5, 2018, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Miklos, R.; Petersen, L.N.; Poulsen, N.K.; Utzen, C.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Niemann, H.:
Verification of Real-Time Optimization for Multi-stage Spray Dryer Operation with Polynomial Optimization, 2018 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), August 21-24, 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark
Ritschel, T.K.S.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Nonlinear Filters for State Estimation of UV Flash Processes, 2018 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), August 21-24, 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark
Mahmoudi, Z.; Boiroux, D.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Meal detection using moving horizon estimation, 2018 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), August 21-24, 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark
Ritschel, T.K.S.; Jørgensen, J.B.: The Extended Kalman Filter for State Estimation of Dynamic UV Flash Processes, 3rd IFAC Workshop on Automatic Control in Offshore Oil and Gas Production (IFAC-OOGP2018), May 30-June 01, 2018, Esbjerg, Denmark
Christiansen, L.H.; Hørsholt, S.; Jørgensen, J.B.: A Least Squares Method for Ensemble-based Multi-objective Oil Production Optimization, 3rd IFAC Workshop on Automatic Control in Offshore Oil and Gas Production (IFAC-OOGP2018), May 30-June 01, 2018, Esbjerg, Denmark
Ritschel, T.K.S.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Computation of Phase Equilibrium in Reservoir Simulation and Optimization, 3rd IFAC Workshop on Automatic Control in Offshore Oil and Gas Production (IFAC-OOGP2018), May 30-June 01, 2018, Esbjerg, Denmark
Hørsholt, S.; Nick, H.M.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Oil Production Optimization by Integration of Matlab and Eclipse, 3rd IFAC Workshop on Automatic Control in Offshore Oil and Gas Production (IFAC-OOGP2018), May 30-June 01, 2018, Esbjerg, Denmark
Ritschel, T.K.S.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Production Optimization of a Rigorous Thermal and Compositional Reservoir Flow Model, 3rd IFAC Workshop on Automatic Control in Offshore Oil and Gas Production (IFAC-OOGP2018), May 30-June 01, 2018, Esbjerg, Denmark
Gaspar, J.; Ritschel, T.K.S.; Jørgensen, J.B.: An efficient and rigorous thermodynamic library applied for the optimal control of a cryogenic air separation process, Proceedings of the 27th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering - ESCAPE 27, October 1-5, 2017, Barcelona, Spain
Capolei, A.; Christiansen, L.H.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Offset Risk Minimization for Life-cycle Oil Production Optimization, Proceedings of the 27th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering - ESCAPE 27, October 1-5, 2017, Barcelona, Spain
Drejer, A.; Ritschel, T.K.S.; Jørgensen, S.B.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Economic Optimizing Control for Single-Cell Protein Production in a U-loop Reactor, Proceedings of the 27th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering - ESCAPE 27, October 1-5, 2017, Barcelona, Spain
Ritschel, T.K.S.; Capolei, A.; Jørgensen, J.B.: The Adjoint Method for Gradient-based Dynamic Optimization of UV Flash Processes, Proceedings of the 27th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering - ESCAPE 27, October 1-5, 2017, Barcelona, Spain
Boiroux, D.; Jørgensen, J.B.: C Code Generation Applied to Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for an Artificial Pancreas, 21st International Conference on Process Control, Strbské Pleso, High Tatras, Slovak Republic, June 6-9, 2017 (Accepted)
Zemtsov, N.; Hlava, J.; Frantsuzova, G.; Madsen, H.; Junker, R.G.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Economic MPC based on an LPV model for thermostatically controlled Loads, IEEE International Siberian Conference on Control and Communications (SIBCON-2017), Astana, Kazakhstan, June 29-30, 2017 (Accepted)
Frison, G.; Kouzoupis, D.; Zanelli, A.; Diehl, M.; Jørgensen, J.B.: A high-performance Riccati based solver for scenario-tree MPC problems, IFAC 2017 World Congress, Toulouse, France, 9-14 July, 2017 (Accepted)
Frison, G.; Quirynen, R.; Zanelli, A.; Diehl, M.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Hardware Tailored Linear Algebra for Implicit Integrators in Embedded NMPC, IFAC 2017 World Congress, Toulouse, France, 9-14 July, 2017 (Accepted)
Ritschel, T.K.S.; Gaspar, J.; Jørgensen, J.B.: A Thermodynamic Library for Simulation and Optimization of Dynamic Processes, IFAC 2017 World Congress, Toulouse, France, 9-14 July, 2017 (Accepted)
Mahmoudi, Z.; Poulsen, N.K.; Madsen, H.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Adaptive Unscented Kalman Filter using Maximum Likelihood Estimation, IFAC 2017 World Congress, Toulouse, France, 9-14 July, 2017 (Accepted)
Hagdrup, M.; Johansson, R.; Jørgensen, J.B.: A Riccati-Based Interior Point Mehtod for Efficient Model Predictive Control of SISO Systems, IFAC 2017 World Congress, Toulouse, France, 9-14 July, 2017 (Accepted)
Aradottir, T.B.; Boiroux, D.; Bengtsson, H.; Kildegaard, J.; Van Orden, B.; Jørgensen, J.B.: A Model for Simulating Fasting Glucose in Type 2 Diabetes and the Effect of Adherence to Treatment, IFAC 2017 World Congress, Toulouse, France, 9-14 July, 2017 (Accepted)
Capolei, A.; Christiansen, L.H.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Offset Risk Minimization for Open-loop Optimal Control of Oil Reservoirs, IFAC 2017 World Congress, Toulouse, France, 9-14 July, 2017 (Accepted)
Ritschel, T.S.; Capolei, A.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Dynamic Optimization of UV Flash Processes, FOCAPO/CPC 2017, Foundations of Computer Aided Process Operations / Chemical Process Control, Loews Ventana Canyon Hotel and Resort, Tucson, Arizona, USA, January 8-12, 2017 (accepted)
Frison, G.; Kouzoupis, D.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Diehl, M.: An Efficient Implementation of Partial Condensing for Nonlinear Model Predictive Control, 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Las Vegas, USA, December 12-14, 2016 (accepted)
Boiroux, D.; Juhl, R.; Madsen, H.; Jørgensen, J.B.: An Efficient Square Root Algorithm for the Computation of Maximum Likelihood Sensitivity of Continuous-Discrete Systems, 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Las Vegas, USA, December 12-14, 2016 (accepted)
Wendt, S.L.; Møller, J.K.; Haidar, A.; Knudsen, C.B.; Madsen, H.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Modelling of Glucose-Insulin-Glucagon Pharmacodynamics in Man, 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC’16), Orlando, Florida, August 16-20, 2016 (accepted)
Mahmoudi, Z.; Wendt, S.L.; Boiroux, D.; Hagdrup, M.; Nørgaard, K.; Poulsen, N.K.; Madsen, H.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Comparison of Three Nonlinear Filters for Fault Detection in Continuous Glucose Monitors, 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC’16), Orlando, Florida, August 16-20, 2016 (accepted)
Jørgensen, J.B.; Sokoler, L.; Standardi, L.; Halvgaard, R.; Hovgaard, T.G.; Frison, G.; Poulsen, N.K.; Madsen, H.: Economic MPC for a Linear Stochastic System of Energy Units, European Control Conference 2016 (ECC 2016), June 29-July 1, 2016. Aalborg, Denmark (accepted)
Mahmoudi, Z.; Boiroux, D.; Hagdrup, M.; Nørgaard, K.; Poulsen, N.K.; Madsen, H.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Application of the Continuous-Discrete Extended Kalman Filter for Fault Detection in Continuous Glucose Monitors for People with Type 1 Diabetes, European Control Conference 2016 (ECC 2016), June 29-July 1, 2016. Aalborg, Denmark (accepted)
Boiroux, D.; Hagdrup, M.; Mahmoudi, Z.; Poulsen, N.K.; Madsen, H.; Jørgensen, J.B.: An Ensemble Nonlinear Model Predictive Control Algorithm in an Artificial Pancreas for People with Type 1 Diabetes, European Control Conference 2016 (ECC 2016), June 29-July 1, 2016. Aalborg, Denmark (accepted)
Petersen, L.N.; Poulsen, N.K.; Niemann, H.H.; Utzen, C.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Industrial Application of Model Predictive Control to a Milk Powder Spray Drying Plant, European Control Conference 2016 (ECC 2016), June 29-July 1, 2016. Aalborg, Denmark (accepted)
Hagdrup, M.; Boiroux, D.; Mahmoudi, Z.; Madsen, H.; Poulsen, N.K.; Poulsen, B.; Jørgensen, J.B.: On the significance of the noise model for the performance of a linear MPC in closed-loop operation, 11th IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems, including Biosystems. June 6-8, 2016. Trondheim, Norway (accepted)
Boiroux, D.; Hagdrup, M.; Mahmoudi, Z.; Poulsen, N.K.; Madsen, H.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Model Identification using Continuous Glucose Monitoring Data for Type 1 Diabetes, 11th IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems, including Biosystems. June 6-8, 2016. Trondheim, Norway (accepted)
Gaspar, J.; L. Ricardez-Sandoval; Jørgensen, J.B.; Fosbøl, P.L.: Dynamic simulation and analysis of a pilot-scale CO2 post-combustion capture unit using piperazine and MEA, 11th IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems, including Biosystems. June 6-8, 2016. Trondheim, Norway (accepted)
Sokoler, L.E.; Edlund, K.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Application of Economic MPC to Frequency Control in a Single-Area Power System, 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2015), December 15-18, 2015, Osaka, Japan (accepted)
Mohd. Azam, S.N.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Modeling and Simulation of a Modified Quadruple Tank System, 2015 IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing and Engineering, 27-29 November 2015, Penang, Malaysia
Petersen, L.N.; Poulsen, N.K.; Niemann, H.H.; Utzen, C.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Economic Optimization of Spray Dryer Operation using NMPC, 5th IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control, September 17-20, 2015, Seville, Spain (accepted)
Frison, G.; Vukov, M.; Poulsen, N.K.; Diehl, M.; Jørgensen, J.B.: High-Performance Small-Scale Solvers for Moving Horizon Estimation, 5th IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control, September 17-20, 2015, Seville, Spain (accepted)
Boiroux, D.; Aradottir, T.B.; Hagdrup, M.; Poulsen, N.K.; Madsen, H.; Jørgensen, J.B.: A Bolus Calculator Based on Continuous-Discrete Unscented Kalman Filtering for Type 1 Diabetics, 9th IFAC Symposium on Biological and Medical Systems, 31st August - 2nd September 2015, Berlin, Germany (accepted)
Boiroux, D.; Batora, V.; Hagdrup, M.; Tarnik, M.; Murgas, J.; Schmidt, S.; Nørgaard, K.; Poulsen, N.K.; Madsen, H.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Comparison of Prediction Models for a Dual-Hormone Artificial Pancreas, 9th IFAC Symposium on Biological and Medical Systems, 31st August - 2nd September 2015, Berlin, Germany (accepted)
Tarnik, M.; Batora, V.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Boiroux, D.; Miklovicova, E.; Ludwig, T.; Ottinger, I.; Murgas, J.: Remarks on Models for Estimating the Carbohydrate to Insulin Ratio and Insulin Sensitivity in T1DM, European Control Conference 2015 (ECC 2015), July 15-17, 2015, Linz, Austria (accepted)
Waschl, H.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Huusom, J.K.; Del Re, L.: A Novel Tuning Approach for Offset-free MPC, European Control Conference 2015 (ECC 2015), July 15-17, 2015, Linz, Austria (accepted)
Batora, V.; Tarnik, M.; Murgas, J.; Schmidt, S.; Nørgaard, K.; Poulsen, N.K.; Madsen, H.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Bihormonal Control of Blood Glucose in People with Type 1 Diabetes, European Control Conference 2015 (ECC 2015), July 15-17, 2015, Linz, Austria (accepted)
Gaspar, J.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Fosbøl, P.L.: A Dynamic Mathematical Model for Packed Columns in Carbon Capture Plants, European Control Conference 2015 (ECC 2015), July 15-17, 2015, Linz, Austria (accepted)
Frison, G.; Jørgensen, J.B.: MPC Related Computational Capabilities of Modern ARM Processors, European Control Conference 2015 (ECC 2015), July 15-17, 2015, Linz, Austria (accepted)
Gaspar, J.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Fosbøl, P.L.: Control of a Post-combustion CO2 Capture Plant during Process Start-up and Load Variations, 9th International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes, June 7-10, 2015, Whistler, British Columbia, Canada (accepted)
Petersen, L.N.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Rawlings, J.B.: Economic Optimization of Spray Dryer Operation using Nonlinear Model Predictive Control with State Estimation, 9th International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes, June 7-10, 2015, Whistler, British Columbia, Canada (accepted)
Batora, V.; Tarnik, M.; Murgas, J.; Schmidt, S.; Nørgaard, K.; Boiroux, D.; Poulsen, N.K.; Madsen, H.; Jørgensen, J.B.: The Contribution of Glucagon in an Artifical Pancreas for People with Type 1 Diabetes, 2015 American Control Conference, July 1-3, 2015, Chicago, USA (accepted)
Capolei, A.; Foss, B.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Profit and Risk Measures in Oil Production Optimization, 2nd IFAC Workshop on Automatic Control in Offshore Oil and Gas Production, May 27-29, 2015, Florianopolis, Brazil (accepted)
Sokoler, L.E.; Dammann, B.; Madsen, H.; Jørgensen, J.B.: A Mean-Variance Criterion for Economic Model Predictive Control of Stochastic Linear Systems, Proceedings of the 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2014, 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2014), Los Angeles, USA
Petersen, L.N.; Poulsen, N.K.; Niemann, H.H.; Utzen, C.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Economic Optimization of Spray Dryer Operation using Nonlinear Model Predictive Control, Proceedings of the 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2014, 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2014), Los Angeles, USA
Sokoler, L.E.; Dammann, B.; Madsen, H.; Jørgensen, J.B.: A Decomposition Algorithm for Mean-Variance Economic Model Predictive Control of Stochastic Linear Systems, Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Systems (ISIC) 2014, 1086-1093, 2014, IEEE, 2014 IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control, Antibes, France
Petersen, L.N.; Poulsen, N.K.; Niemann, H.H.; Utzen, C.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Application of Constrained Linear MPC to a Spray Dryer, Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA), 2120-2126, 2014, IEEE, 2014 IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control, Antibes, France
Frison, G.; Kwame Minde Kufoalor, D; Imsland, L.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Efficient Implementation of Solvers for Linear Model Predictive Control on Embedded Devices, Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA), 1954-1959, 2014, IEEE, 2014 IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control, Antibes, France
Batora, V.; Tarnik, M.; Murgas, J.; Schmidt, S.; Nørgaard, K.; Poulsen, N.K.; Madsen, H.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Bihormonal model predictive control of blood glucose in people with type 1 diabetes, Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA),1693-1698, 2014, IEEE, 2014 IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control, Antibes, France
Huusom, J.K.; Jørgensen, J.B.: A Realistic Process Example for MIMO MPC based on Autoregressive Models, Proceedings of the 19th IFAC World Congress 2014, 3086-3091, 19th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC 2014), Cape Town, South Africa, 2014
Waschl, H.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Huusom, J.K.; del Re, L.: A Tuning Approach for Offset-free MPC with Conditional Reference Adaptation, Proceedings of the 19th IFAC World Congress 2014, 3062-3067, 19th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC 2014), Cape Town, South Africa, 2014
Standardi, L.; Poulsen, N.K.; Jørgensen, J.B.: A Reduced Dantzig-Wolfe Decomposition for a Suboptimal Linear MPC, Proceedings of the 19th IFAC World Congress 2014, 2207-2212, 19th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC 2014), Cape Town, South Africa, 2014
Frison, G.; Sokoler, L.E.; Jørgensen, J.B.: A Family of High-Performance Solvers for Linear Model Predictive Control, Proceedings of the 19th IFAC World Congress 2014, 3074-3079, 19th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC 2014), Cape Town, South Africa, 2014
Boiroux, D.; Duun-Henriksen, A.K.; Schmidt, S.; Nørgaard, K.; Poulsen, N.K.; Madsen, H.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Assessment of Model Predictive and Adaptive Glucose Control Strategies for People with Type 1 Diabetes, Proceedings of the 19th IFAC World Congress 2014, 231-236, 19th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC 2014), Cape Town, South Africa, 2014
Petersen, L.N.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Real-time economic optimization for a fermentation process using Model Predictive Control, Proceedings of European Control Conference 2014 (ECC 2014), 1831-1836, IEEE, Strasbourg, France, 2014
Sokoler, L.E.; Frison, G.; Andersen, M.S.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Input-constrained model predictive control via the alternating direction methods of multipliers, Proceedings of European Control Conference 2014 (ECC 2014), 115-120, IEEE, Strasbourg, France, 2014
Frison, G.; Sørensen, H.H.B.; Damman, B.; Jørgensen, J.B.: High-performance small-scale solvers for linear Model Predictive Control, Proceedings of European Control Conference 2014 (ECC 2014), 128-133, IEEE, Strasbourg, France, 2014
Petersen, L.N.; Poulsen, N.K.; Niemann, H.H.; Utzen, C.; Jørgensen, J.B.: A Grey-Box Model for Spray Drying Plants, Proceedings of the 10th IFAC International Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems (DYCOPS 2013), 559-564, Mumbai, India, 2013
Prasath, G.; Recke, B.; Chidambaram, M.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Soft Constrained based MPC for Robust Control of a Cement Grinding Circuit, Proceedings of the 10th IFAC International Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems (DYCOPS 2013),475-480, Mumbai, India, 2013
Sokoler, L.E.; Skajaa, A.; Frison, G.; Halvgaard, R.; Jørgensen, J.B.: A Warm-Started Homogeneous and Self-Dual Interior-Point Method for Linear Economic Model Predictive Control, 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2013), 3677-3683, Florence, Italy, 2013
Frison, G.: Jørgensen, J.B.: A Fast Condensing Method for Solution of Linear-Quadratic Control Problems, 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2013),7715-7720, Florence, Italy, 2013
Sokoler, L.E.; Frison, G.; Edlund, K.; Skajaa, A.; Jørgensen, J.B.: A Riccati Based Homogeneous and Self-Dual Interior-Point Method for Linear Economic Model Predictive Control, 2013 IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control (MSC 2013), 592-598, Hyderabad, India, 2013
Frison, G.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Efficient Implementation of the Riccati Recursion for Solving Linear-Quadratic Control Problems, 2013 IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control (MSC 2013), 1117-1122, Hyderabad, India, 2013
Olesen, D.; Huusom, J.K., Jørgensen, J.B.: A Tuning Procedure for ARX-based MPC, 2013 IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control (MSC 2013), 188-193, Hyderabad, India, 2013
Sokoler, L.E.; Edlund, K.; Standardi, L.; Jørgensen, J.B.: A Dantzig-Wolfe Decomposition Algorithm for Optimal Control of Distributed Energy Systems, 4th IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT) Europe, Kgs Lyngby, Denmark, 2013
Standardi, L.; Sokoler, L.E.; Poulsen, N.K.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Computationally Efficiency of Economic MPC for Power Systems Operation, 4th IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT) Europe, Kgs Lyngby, Denmark, 2013
Halvgaard, R.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Poulsen, N.K.; Madsen, H.; Vandenberghe, L.: Decentralized Large-Scale Power Balancing, 4th IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT) Europe, Kgs Lyngby, Denmark, 2013
Hovgaard, T.G.; Larsen, L.F.S.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Boyd, S.: MPC for Wind Power Gradients – Utilizing Forecasts, Rotor Inertia, and Central Energy Storage, 2013 European Control Conference (ECC 2013), 4071-4076, Zurich, Switzerland, 2013
Halvgaard, R.; Poulsen, N.K.; Madsen, H.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Thermal Storage Power Balancing with Model Predictive Control, 2013 European Control Conference (ECC 2013), 2567-2572, Zurich, Switzerland, 2013
Olesen, D.H.; Huusom, J.K.; Jørgensen, J.B.: A Tuning Procedure for ARX-based MPC of Multivariate Processes, 2013 American Control Conference (ACC 2013), 1721-1726, Wasthington DC, USA, 2013
Hovgaard, T.G.; Larsen, L.F.S.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Boyd, S.: Sequential Convex Programming for Power Set-point Optimization in a Wind Farm using Black-box Models, Simple Turbine Interactions, and Integer Variables, Proceedings of the 10th European Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis, Kgs Lyngby, Denmark, 2012
Gade-Nielsen, N.F.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Dammann, B.: MPC Toolbox with GPU Accelerated Optimization Algorithms, Proceedings of the 10th European Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis, Kgs Lyngby, Denmark, 2012
Olesen, D.H.; Huusom, J.K.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Optimization based tuning approach for offset free MPC, Proceedings of the 10th European Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis, Kgs Lyngby, Denmark, 2012
Sokoler, L.E.; Edlund, K.; Frison, G.; Skajaa, A.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Real-Time Optimization for Economic Model Predictive Control, Proceedings of the 10th European Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis, Kgs Lyngby, Denmark, 2012
Standardi, L.; Edlund, K.; Poulsen, N.K.; Jørgensen, J.B.: A Dantzig-Wolfe Decomposition Algorithm for Linear Economic MPC of a Power Plant Portfolio, Proceedings of the 10th European Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis, Kgs Lyngby, Denmark, 2012
Halvgaard, R.; Poulsen, N.K.; Madsen, J.B.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Marra, F.; Bondy, D.E.M.: Electrical vehicle charge planning using Economic Model Predictive Control, 2012 IEEE International Electrical Vehicle Conference (IEVC), Greenville, South Carolina, 2012
Boiroux, D.; Duun-Henriksen, A.K.; Schmidt, S.; Nørgaard, K.; Madsbad, S.; Skyggebjerg, O.; Jensen, P.R.; Poulsen, N.K.; Madsen, H.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Overnight Control of Blood Glucose in People with Type 1 Diabetes, 8th IFAC Symposium on Biological and Medical Systems, 73-78, Budapest, Hungary, 2012
Duun-Henriksen, A.K.; Boiroux, D.; Schmidt, S.; Skyggebjerg, O.; Madsbad, S.; Jensen, P.R.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Poulsen, N.K.; Nørgaard, K.; Madsen, H.: Tuning of Controller for Type 1 Diabetes Treatment with Stochastic Differential Equations, 8th IFAC Symposium on Biological and Medical Systems, 46-51, Budapest, Hungary, 2012
Hovgaard, T.G.; Larsen, L.F.S.; Skovrup, M.J.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Analyzing Control Challenges for Therman Energy Storage in Foodstuffs, 2012 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications (CCA), 956-961, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2012
Hovgaard, T.G.; Larsen, L.F.S.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Boyd, S.: Fast Nonconvex Model Predictive Control for Commercial Refrigeration, IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control 2012 (NMPC 2012), Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, August 23-27, 2012
Jørgensen, J.B.; Frison, G.; Gade-Nielsen, N.F.; Damman, B.: Numerical Methods for Solution of the Extended Linear Quadratic Control Problem, IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control 2012 (NMPC 2012), Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, August 23-27, 2012
Zhou, G.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Duwig, C.; Huusom, J.K.: State Estimation in the Automitive SCR DeNOx Process, International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes (ADCHEM 2012), July 10-13, 2012, Singapore, 2012
Capolei, A.: Völcker, C.; Stenby, E.H.; Jørgensen, J.B.: High Order Adjoint Derivatives using ESDIRK Methods for Oil Reservoir Production Optimizaiton, ECMOR XIII, 13th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery, 10-13 September 2012 Biarritz, France, 2012
Capolei, A.: Völcker, C.; Frydendall, J.; Jøgensen, J.B.: Oil Reservoir Production Optimization using Single Shooting and ESDIRK Methods, IFAC Workshop – Automatic Control in Offshore Oil and Gas Production, 31.05-01.06, 2012, Trondheim Norway, 2012
Capolei, A.: Jørgensen, J.B.: Solution of Constrained Optimal Control Problems using Multiple Shooting and ESDIRK Methods, American Control Conference, June 27-29, 2012, Montreal, Canada, 2012
Boiroux, D.; Schmidt, S.; Frøssing, L.; Nørgaard, K.; Madsbad, S.; Skyggebjerg, O.; Dunn-Henriksen, A.K.; Poulsen, N.K.; Madsen, H.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Control of Blood Glucose for People with Type 1 Diabetes: an in Vivo Study, Proceedings of the 17th Nordic Process Control Workshop, NPCW-17, January 25-27, 2012, Technical University of Demark, Kgs Lyngby, Denmark, pp. 133-138, 2012
Capolei, A.; Völcker, C.; Frydendall, J.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Single Shooting and ESDIRK Methods for Adjoint-based Optimization of an Oil Reservoir, Proceedings of the 17th Nordic Process Control Workshop, NPCW-17, January 25-27, 2012, Technical University of Demark, Kgs Lyngby, Denmark, pp. 40-46, 2012
Halvgaard, R.; Poulsen, N.K.; Madsen, H.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Economic Model Predictive Control for Building Climate Control in a Smart Grid, 2012 PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, 16-18 January 2012, Washington, D.C., USA
Hovgaard, T.G.; Halvgaard, R.; Larsen, L.F.S.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Energy Efficient Refrigeration and Flexible Power Consumption in a Smart Grid, Energy Systems and Technologies for the Coming Century, 164-175, Risø International Energy Conference, Roskilde, Denmark, 2011
Jørgensen, J.B.; Huusom, J.K.; Rawlings, J.B.: Finite Horizon MPC for Systems in Innovation Form, 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, December 12-15, 2011, Orlando, FL, USA, 2011
Völcker, C.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Stenby, E.H.: Oil Reservoir Production Optimization using Optimal Control, 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, December 12-15, 2011, Orlando, FL, USA, 2011
Hovgaard, T.G.; Larsen, L.F.S.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Robust Economic MPC for a Power Management Scenario with Uncertainties, 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, December 12-15, 2011, Orlando, FL, USA, 2011
Hovgaard, T.G.; Larsen, L.F.S.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Flexible and Cost Efficient Power Consumption using Economic MPC - A Supermarket Refrigeration Benchmark, 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, December 12-15, 2011, Orlando, FL, USA, 2011
Boiroux, D.; Finan, D.A.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Poulsen, N.K.; Madsen, H.: Strategies for Glucose Control in People with Type 1 Diabetes, 18th IFAC World Congress, Milan, Italy, 2011
Huusom, J.K.; Poulsen, N.K.; Jørgensen, S.B.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Noise Modelling and MPC Tuning for Systems with Infrequent Step Disturbances, 18th IFAC World Congress, Milan, Italy, 2011
Huusom, J.K.; Poulsen, N.K.; Jørgensen, S.B.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Time Delay Compensation using Model Predictive Control with Dead-band, 21st European Symposium on Computer-Aided Process Engineering – ESCAPE-21, May 2011, Greece
Völcker, C.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Stenby, E.H.: NMPC for Oil Reservoir Production Optimization, 21st European Symposium on Computer-Aided Process Engineering – ESCAPE-21, May 2011, Greece
Boiroux, D.; Finan, D.A.; Poulsen, N.K.; Madsen, H.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Insulin Administration for People with Type 1 Diabetes, 21st European Symposium on Computer-Aided Process Engineering – ESCAPE-21, May 2011, Greece
Hovgaard, T.G.; Edlund, K.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Economic MPC for Power Management in the Smart Grid, 21st European Symposium on Computer-Aided Process Engineering – ESCAPE-21, May 2011, Greece
Huusom, J.K.; Bialas, D.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Sin,G.: Towards Benchmarking of multivariable controllers in chemical/biochemical industries: Plantwide control for ethylene glycol production, 21st European Symposium on Computer-Aided Process Engineering – ESCAPE-21, May 2011, Greece
Huusom, J.K.; Poulsen, N.K.; Jørgensen, S.B.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Adaptive Disturbance Estimation for Offset-Free SISO Model Predictive Control, American Control Conference 2011 (ACC 2011), June 2011, San Francisco, USA
Hovgaard, T.G.; Larsen, L.F.S.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Power Consumption in Refrigeration Systems – Modeling for Optimization, 4th International Symposium on Advanced Control of Industrial Processes, ADCONIP 2011, May 2011, Shanghai, China
Hovgaard, T.G.; Edlund, K.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Potential of Economic MPC for Power Management, Conference on Decision and Control 2010, CDC 2010, Atlanta, Georgia, 2010
Boiroux, D.; Finan, D.A.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Poulsen, N.K.; Madsen, H.: Implications and Limitations of Ideal Insulin Administration for People with Type 1 Diabetes, UKACC International Conference on Control 2010, Coventry, UK, 2010
Völcker, C.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Thomsen, P.G.; Stenby, E.H.: Explicit Singly Diagonally Implicit Runge-Kutta Methods and Adaptive Step Size Control for Reservoir Simulation, 12th European Conference on Mathematics of Oil Recovery, ECMOR XII, 6-9 September 2010, Oxford, UK, 2010
Boiroux, D.; Finan, D.A.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Poulsen, N.K.; Madsen, H.: Meal Estimation in Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Type 1 Diabetes, 8th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems, NOLCOS 2010, Bologna, Italy, 2010
Olsen, D.F.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Villadsen, J.; Jørgensen, S.B.: Modelling and Simulation of Single Cell Protein Production, 11th Computer Applications in Biotechnology (CAB 2010), Leuven, Belgium, 2010
Völcker, C.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Thomsen, P.G.; Stenby, E.H.: Adaptive Step Size Control in Implicit Runge-Kutta Methods for Reservoir Simulation, 9th International Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems, DYCOPS 2010, Leuven, Belgium, 2010
Prasath, G.; Recke, B.; Chidambaram, M.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Application of Soft Constrained MPC to a Cement Mill Circuit, 9th International Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems, DYCOPS 2010, Leuven, Belgium, 2010
Olsen, D.F.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Villadsen, J.; Jørgensen, S.B.: Optimal Operating Points for SCP Production in the U-Loop Reactor, 9th International Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems, DYCOPS 2010, Leuven, Belgium, 2010
Boiroux, D.; Finan, D.A.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Poulsen, N.K.; Madsen, H.: Optimal Insulin Administration for People with Type 1 Diabetes, 9th International Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems, DYCOPS 2010, Leuven, Belgium, 2010
Huusom, J.K.; Poulsen, N.K.; Jørgensen, S.B.; Jørgensen, J.B.: ARX-Model Based Model Predictive Control with Offset-Free Tracking, ESCAPE-20 European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, 6-9 June 2010, Naples, Italy
Prado-Rubio, O.A.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Jørgensen, S.B.: Systematic Model Analysis for Single Cell Protein Production in a U-Loop Reactor, ESCAPE-20 European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, 6-9 June 2010, Naples, Italy
Huusom, J.K.; Poulsen, N.K.; Jørgensen, S.B.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Tuning of Methods for Offset Free MPC based on ARX Model Representations, 2010 American Control Conference – ACC 2010, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 2010
Finan, D.A.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Poulsen, N.K.; Madsen, H.M.: Robust model identification applied to type 1 diabetes, 2010 American Control Conference – ACC 2010, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 2010
Edlund, K.; Sokoler, L.E.; Jørgensen, J.B.: A Primal-Dual Interior-Point Linear Programming Algorithm for MPC, 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Shanghai, China, 2009
Prasath, G.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Soft Constraints for Robust MPC of Uncertain Systems, ADCHEM 2009, Istanbul, Turkey
Völcker, C.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Thomsen, P.G.; Stenby, E.H.: Simulation of Subsurface Two-Phase Flow in an Oil Reservoir, European Control Conference 2009, Budapest, Hungary, 2009
Prasath, G.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Moving Horizon Estimation based on Finite Impulse Response Models, European Control Conference 2009, Budapest, Hungary, 2009
Jørgensen, J.B.: A Runge-Kutta based Software Package for Nonlinear Model Predictive Control, International Workshop on Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive Control, NMPC’08, September 5-8, 2008, Pavia, Italy
Cai, J.; Stoustrup, J.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Prevent Refrigerated Foodstuff in the Supermarket from Discard by MPC, IFAC World Congress 2008, Seoul, Korea, 2008
Wu, Z.; Stoustrup, J.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Moving Horizon Control and Estimation of Livestock Ventilation Systems and Indoor Climate, IFAC World Congress 2008, Seoul, Korea, 2008
Prasath, G.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Model Predictive Control based on Finite Impulse Response Models, American Control Conference 2008, Seattle, USA, 2008
Jørgensen, J.B.; Jørgensen, S.B.: Continuous-Discrete Time Prediction-Error Modelling Relevant for Linear Model Predictive Control, European Control Conference 2007, Kos, Greece, 2007
Jørgensen, J.B.; Adjoint Sensitivity Results for Predictive Control, State- and Parameter-Estimation with Nonlinear Models, European Control Conference 2007, Kos, Greece, 2007
Jørgensen, J.B.; Kristensen, M.R.; Thomsen, P.G.; Madsen, H.: A Numerically Robust ESDIRK-Based Implementation of the Continuous-Discrete Extended Kalman Filter, European Control Conference 2007, Kos, Greece, 2007
Jørgensen, J.B.; Jørgensen, J.B.: MPC-Relevant Prediction-Error Identification, American Control Conference 2007, New York, USA, 2007
Jørgensen, J.B.; Jørgensen, S.B.: Comparison of Prediction-Error Modeling Criteria, American Control Conference 2007, New York, USA, 2007
Jørgensen, J.B.; Kristensen, M.R.; Thomsen, P.G.; Madsen, H.: A Computationally Efficient and Robust Implementation of the Continuous-Discrete Extended Kalman Filter, American Control Conference 2007, New York, USA, 2007
Åkesson, B.M.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Jørgensen, S.B.: A Generalized Autocovariance Least-Squares Method for Covariance Estimation, American Control Conference 2007, New York, USA, 2007
Åkesson, B.M.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Poulsen, N.K.; Jørgensen, S.B.: A Tool for Kalman Filter Tuning, 17th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, ESCAPE 17, 2007
Jørgensen, J.B.; Kristensen, M.R.; Thomsen, P.G.; Madsen, H.: Numerically Efficient Filtering and Prediction in Stochastic Differential Equations, International Workshop on Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive Control, NMPC’05, pp. 459-466, Freudenstadt-Lauterbad, Germany, 2005
Huusom, J.K.; Jensen, A.D.; Jørgensen, S.B.; Michelsen, M.L.; Recke, B.; Knudsen, J.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Modeling for Predictive Control of Cement Grinding Circuits, IFAC World Congress 2005, Prague, Czech Republic, 2005
Kristensen, M.R.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Thomsen, P.G.; Michelsen, M.L.; Jørgensen, J.B.: Sensitivity Analysis in Index-1 DAEs by ESDIRK Methods, IFAC World Congress 2005, Prague, Czech Republic, 2005
Kristensen, M.R.; Jørgensen, J.B.; Thomsen, P.G.; Jørgensen, S.B.: Efficient Sensitivity Computation for Nonlinear Model Predictive Control, NOLCOS 2004, Stuttgart, Germany, 2004
Jørgensen, J.B.; Rawlings, J.B.; Jørgensen, S.B.: Numerical Methods for Large-Scale Moving Horizon Estimation and Control, DYCOPS 7, 7th International Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems, Boston, USA, 2004
Jørgensen, J.B.; Jørgensen, S.B.: Automatic Selection of Decentralized Control Structures, in L.T. Biegler, A. Brambilla, C. Scali: Advanced Control of Chemical Processes 2000, ADCHEM 2000, Pisa, Italy, 2000
Jørgensen, J.B.; Jørgensen, S.B.: Operational Implications of Optimality, in J.F. Pekny, G.E. Blau: Third International Conference on Foundations of Computer-Aided Process Operations, FOCAPO-98, AIChE Symposium Series No 320, 94, Snowbird, Utah, 1998