A number of my more permanent activities are listed in the following.
DTU Administration
I am involved with the administration of the Technical University of Denmark in several capacities.
Vice-Head of the Ph.D. School at DTU Compute
I assist the head of the Ph.D. School at DTU Compute with all matters relating to strategy formulation, local implementation of global legislation and guidelines, and academic aspects of the daily running of the school.
I have also been elected to the PhD-committee that oversees the Phd.D. programmes in the areas of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics (Computer Science).
Head of the IT-Security subcommittee at DTU Compute
As the head of the IT-Security subcommittee at DTU Compute, I am involved with the definition of local policies and guidelines that implement national legislation and globally defined policies and guidelines at DTU. This means that I am effectively the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) at DTU Compute
As the IT-Security responsible at DTU Compute, I am a born member of IT Security Forum which is the governing body for IT security at DTU.
Coordinator for the Specialist Programme in Cyber Security
I am the coordinator of the Specialist Programme in Cyber Security at DTU Compute.
Ethics Committee
I have served on the ethics committee that advises on ethical issues in projects submitted for the DTU H.C.Ørsted (COFUND) scholarships.
Advisory boards and focus group memberships
I am member of a number of advisory boards and standing committees at DTU and DTU Compute:
- Member of the advisory board (Da. "følgegruppe") for the M.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering
- Member of the advisory board (Da. "følgegruppe") for the B.Sc. in Software Technology
- Member of an ad-hoc committee on Secure Digital Exams using Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) lead by the Student and Teacing Administration (AUS)
- Member of a panel (Da. "baggrundsgruppe") for the AUS Standing committee on Lecture Hall Technology, which defines the norms for teaching technology in lecture halls at DTU
- Member of the Contact Group for the collaboration between DTU and the Danish Defence
Research Community
Vice-Chair of the IFIP WG 11.11 on Trust Management
I have been elected vicechair of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Technical Committee 11 (TC 11), Working Group 11 (WG 11) on Trust Management.
Associate Editor
I am an associate editor for the International Journal of Trust Management (Springer Verlag).
International Conferences, Symposia and workshops
I typically Chair or serve as a member of either the Organizing- or Program-Committee of 8-12 international conferences, symposia or workshops every year.
Services to Society
Privacy Advisory Board
I serve on the Privacy Advisory Board for Copenhagen City Council (CCC), where i provide advise on the online services and systems introduced by CCC; especially in the areas of Smart Cities and Big Data.
Smartcity Cypersecurity Lab
I am a member of the Smartcity Cybersecurity Lab (SCL), which is a collaboration among several city councils in the Greater Copenhagen Area to establish secure and privacy friendly smart city services to their citizens.