A pitch is short presentation of your work, where the focus is on conveying the listener that your research is as interesting, clever and important as you think. Pitching your research is important in many situations, for example at conferences when you meet possible collaborators or someone who might hire you, or in meeting with industry or other money granting institutions, or just at the family dinner. The Research Pitching Competition gives you a golden opportunity to practice, and get feedback, on your pitching skills.
For 3 minutes a stage is yours. You can use whatever method you feel is best to convey your listeners, and most importantly, a panel of experts. After your pitch there is a 5 minute session where the panel will give you feedback. In the end, the panel will decide on who will be the best pitcher and the winner will receive glory, a diploma and a prize.
You are not allowed to use power point but you are welcome to use artifacts.
Science Slam is a science communication format where a scientist explain the research project in an understandable, entertaining and yet concise popular 10-minute talk. For inspiration follow this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfGcwrx_sI0 to the Science Slam presentation “How to defuse a photobomb” by Professor Samuli Siltanen, University of Helsinki, Honorary Professor at DTU Compute.
The showcase gives you the possibility to display or exhibit your research (results or examples from your research) using different communication tools. This could for instance be video or posters that are combined with physical elements which all together will reflect your research in a popular way.
It is up to you how the format should be (for inspiration see ex. video example)
For an example see https://blog.bufferapp.com/podcasting-for-beginners