02162: Course on Software Engineering 2 (e14)

Evaluation of course

The evaluation of the participants of this course will be based on the result of the project, to be more precise on the evaluation of the submitted deliverables (see plan) and the presentations.


Individual evaluation

In order to individually evaluate the performance of each student, the deliverables (except for the two first ones) need to clearly indicate the individual contributions of the group members (for documents, this means "authorization" of subsections; for code, this means using author tags).


Another source for the individual evaluation of the students are the presentations (early project presentation, presentation of tutorial results, and the final project presentation). Therefore, every student must be an active part (be a speaker) in at least one of these presentations. The group's work plan must ensure that every student speaks at least in one of the presentations.


The evaluation will also be based on the degree of participation in the work on the project (and the tutorials). To this end, it is mandatory that all the activities of the group members are done via the SVN repository. Every student should check in his or her own contributions to the repository (under the own name).


In addition to that, each student must submit an own brief project report at the end of the project (with the final submission) in which he or she summarizes the own contribution to the project and gives a table in which the hours spent on the project for each week are itemized according to categories (lecture & tutorial, management, presentation, analysis, design, implementation, test, documentation).



Here is a list of issues and deliverables that are relevant for the evaluation:
  • Project definition, UML diagrams, systems specification, final project (including documentation, example, handbook, code, test reports, ...)
  • Presentations (each student needs to be an active part of at least one presentation)
  • Active contribution to the group's conceptual and management work (SVN, authorization, and code tags)
  • Individual report from each student on experience and working time spent on different parts in every week.


Ekkart Kindler (), Aug 14, 2014