Open Positions

I always look for excellent people to work with. Below is a list of current open positions; if you have other ideas or thoughts, just contact me.

Let's get to work!

As a rule of thumb: if you're interested in working with me, just contact me; there may be other options than what is currently listed. Otherwise, click on the type of position that is of interest to you below, and read on. If you're interested in applying them it may be useful to read some tricks on how to apply (here).

PhD positions

We have open PhD positions as part of my ERC Consolidator Grant. The project is concerned with leveraging differential geometry to solve problems in statistical identifiability and Bayesian inference.

For more details see here.

The positions will be adapted to the candidate field, so if you find the some of these ideas interesting then I'm sure we can work something out!

Postdoc positions

I expect to open postdoc positions in the near future (I need to do some tedious admin work to open the positions, which is why it hasn't been done). If you are looking for a postdoc and think you would be a good match for the group, then do contact me.

Your profile

Curiosity, motivation, and an easy going personality. Those are the key characteristics that I look for in a candidate. The projects we work on take inspiration from many diverse communities, so you will most likely only be familiar with some aspects of the projects before you start.

Much of the work that we do spans several branches of science, and consequently, there is no "right" educational background. Remember, if you're a great candidate, then we will adapt the project to fit you. If you have a background in e.g. computer science, physics, statistics, (pure and/or applied) mathematics, or a related field, then you should fit right in. If you have another background that you feel is relevant, then just tell me that this is equally good :-)

The projects will often span several branches of mathematics, though mostly with a focus on probability theory and geometry. I therefore expect a certain level of mathematical maturity from you.

All mathematical models we consider, should eventually translate into working software implementations. As such, I also expect that you have working experience with numerical implementations of mathematical models. Most of the stuff we do is written in Matlab/Octave and Python.

Why you should work with us

You will be part of the section for Cognitive Systems, which is an internationally renowned group for machine learning research. The group aims for the highest quality research. You're encouraged to collaborate both within the group and with other international groups.

Both salary and working conditions are excellent. The group is a down-to-earth and fun place to be. The university is located in the greater Copenhagen area, and consequently most group members live in Copenhagen. This often named as the best city in the world to live, and for good reasons. Copenhagen is really nice! It's world renowned for food, beer, art, music, architecture, the Scandinavian "hygge", and much more. Parental leave is generous and child-care is excellent and cheap (my daughter at least loves her kindergarten).

Are you interested?

Then reach out to me!