Anne Elisabeth Haxthausen

photo of A. Haxthausen

Associate Professor in the Software Systems Engineering section, DTU Compute, Technical University of Denmark.

Research interests:
Formal methods and specification languages, semantics, safety critical applications, cyber physical systems, railway control systems.

Selected professional activities:
Founder and leader of the DTU Railway Verification Group.
Member of the European Technical Working Group on Formal Methods in Railway Control.
Member of the editorial board for Springer Formal Aspects of Computing Journal.
Member of the Overture Language Board.

Selected projects:
RobustRailS - Robustness in Railway Operations. WP4.1 onFormal Development and Verification of Railway Control Systems
Proof Assistants and Related Tools - The PART Project
Overture - Open Source Formal Methods Tools
CoFI: The Common Framework Initiative
Mondex smart card (specification and verification of security properties).
TRain: The Railway Domain

Publications: List of publications. Some books. Google Scolar Profile.

Recent Programme Committees:
AMAST 2008, ICTAC 2008 (PC co-chair), ICTAC 2009, FM 2009, SafeComp 2010, FM-RAIL-BOK 2013 (PC co-chair), AVOCS 2013, FM 2014, AVOCS 2014, FORMS/FORMAT 2014, FM 2015, MEMOCODE 2015, FM 2016, RSSRail 2017 FM 2018, RSSRail 2019, DisCoRail 2019, FMICS 2019, FM 2019, EFM 2019, appFM21, FMICS21, DisCoRail@ISoLA2020+2021 (co-chair), RSSRail 2021+2022 (co-chair), DisCoRail@ISoLA2022 (co-chair), Festschrift for Peleska 2023 (co-chair), RSSRail 2023, FM 2024, FMICS 2024 (co-chair), DisCoRail@ISoLA2024 (co-chair)

Current courses:
Course 02263 "Formal Aspects of Software Engineering"
Course 02170 "Database Systems"

Other DTU responsibilities:
Member of the advisory committee for the DTU MSc education in Computer Science and Engineering.
Tutor for bachelor students studying software technology.

Contact information:
Postal address:
Anne Haxthausen
DTU Compute
Technical University of Denmark, Building 322
DK-2800 Lyngby
Office: Building 321, room 026
Phone: +45 45 257510
E-mail:aeha "at"

Links: OutlookWebApp

Comments to: ah "at"
Last update: September, 2019