@MISC\{IMM2018-07100, author = "J. R. Frisvad", title = "inhLMabs (Matlab version)", year = "2018", month = "apr", keywords = "scattering, Lorenz-Mie theory, phase function, inhomogeneous wave, absorbing media", publisher = "Technical University of Denmark", address = "", url = "http://people.compute.dtu.dk/jerf/code/phase/", abstract = "This source code is a Matlab implementation of the Lorenz-Mie phase function that includes the case of an inhomogeneous incident wave using the formulas presented in the following article Jeppe Revall Frisvad. Phase function of a spherical particle when scattering an inhomogeneous electromagnetic plane wave. Journal of the Optical Society of America A 35(4):669-680. April 2018. Some notes on which files to use: - The script plot\_iwave\_phase\_evanescent.m is an example of an evanescent wave scattered by a spherical particle (Figure 5 in the article). - The script plot\_iwave\_phase\_slice.m is an example of a hypothetical inhomogeneous wave scattered by a small gold particle (Figure 6 in the article). - The script plot\_iwave\_phase\_buried.m is an example of a wave refracted into an absorbing medium at an oblique angle and scattered by a spherical particle (Figure 8 in the article). - Calculation of the Lorenz-Mie coefficients is the same as in the LMabs code based on my {SIGGRAPH} 2007 publication (''Computing the scattering properties ...''). Permission is granted to anyone to use this code as software for any purpose, including commercial applications. However, the software is provided 'as-is' without any warranty." }