x <- c(185, 184, 194, 180, 182) n=length(x) cat(paste0("n=",n)) cat("\\begin{equation*}\n") Digits <- 1 ch1 <- paste0("\\ioverline{x} = \\frac{1}{", length(x), "}") ch2 <- paste(as.character(x), collapse= " + ") ch3 <- paste0(" = ", round(mean(x), Digits)) cat(ch1, "(", ch2, ")", ch3, "\n", sep="") cat("\\end{equation*}\n") ch2 <- paste(as.character(x[order(x)])) cat(ch2,"\n") if (n/2-ceiling(n/2)<0) cat(paste0("the middle (since n is uneven)(",ceiling(n/2),"'th)")) else cat(paste0("the mean of the two middle ones (since n is even) (",ceiling(n/2),"'th and ",ceiling((n+1)/2),"'th)")) cat(median(x)) cat(median(c(x,235))) cat(mean(c(x,235))) cat(paste0(" n=",n,": ")) cat(x) ## n is assumed to be between 5 and 8 (incl) cat("\\begin{equation*}\n") ch1 <- paste0("\\frac{1}{", n-1, "}") mch2=rep("0",n) for (i in 1:n) mch2[i] <- paste0("(",x[i]," - ",round(mean(x),1),")^2") ch2 <- paste(mch2[1:4], collapse= " + ") ch2b <- paste(mch2[5:n], collapse= " + ") ch3 <- paste0(" = ", round(var(x), 3)) cat(ch1, "(", ch2,"\n", sep="") cat("\\end{equation*}\n") cat("\\begin{equation*}\n") cat(" + ",ch2b,")","\n", sep="") cat("\\end{equation*}\n") cat("\\begin{equation*}\n") cat(ch3, "\n", sep="") cat("\\end{equation*}\n") ## n is assumed to be between 5 and 8 (incl) rvar=as.character(round(var(x), 3)) rsd=as.character(round(sd(x), 3)) cat("\\begin{equation*}\n") cat("s=\\sqrt{",rvar,"} = ",rsd,"\n") cat("\\end{equation*}\n") cat(paste0(" n=",n,": ")) cat(x) ch2 <- paste(as.character(x[order(x)])) cat(ch2,"\n") mynp=as.character(0.25*n) cat("$np=",mynp,"$:\n") cat("$Q_1=",as.character(quantile(x,probs=0.25,type=2)),"$\n") ch2 <- paste(as.character(x[order(x)])) cat(ch2,"\n") mynp=as.character(0.75*n) cat("$np=",mynp,"$:\n") cat("$Q_3=",as.character(quantile(x,probs=0.75,type=2)),"$\n") x=c(168,161,167,179,184,166,198,187,191,179) y=c(65.5, 58.3, 68.1, 85.7, 80.5, 63.4, 102.6, 91.4, 86.7, 78.9) plot(x, y, xlab="Height", ylab="Weight", cex=1.5, col="blue", type="n") text(x, y, 1:10, cex=1.5, col="blue") abline(v=mean(x), h=mean(y), lty=2) text(mean(x)+1, 60, expression(bar(x)==178), cex=1.5) text(163.5, mean(y)+2.5, expression(bar(y)==78.1), cex=1.5) set.seed(1234) n <- 200 x <- runif(n) y1 <- x + rnorm(n,sd=0.1) y2 <- -x + rnorm(n,sd=0.5) y3 <- rnorm(n) y4 <- sin(pi*x) + rnorm(n,sd=0.1) #cor(cbind(x,y1,y2,y3,y4)) par(mfrow=c(2,2)) par(mar = c(3.5, 3.5, 1.5, 0.5)) plot(x,y1,pch=19,cex=0.5,ylab="y", main=expression(r%~~%0.95)) plot(x,y2,pch=19,cex=0.5,ylab="y", main=expression(r%~~%-0.5)) plot(x,y3,pch=19,cex=0.5,ylab="y", main=expression(r%~~%0)) plot(x,y4,pch=19,cex=0.5,ylab="y", main=expression(r%~~%0)) ## Adding numbers in the console 2+3 y <- 3 x <- c(1, 4, 6, 2) x x <- 1:10 x ## Sample Mean and Median (data from eNote) x <- c(168,161,167,179,184,166,198,187,191,179) mean(x) median(x) ## Sample variance and standard deviation var(x) sd(x) ## Sample quartiles quantile(x,type=2) ## Sample quantiles 0%, 10%,..,90%, 100%: quantile(x,probs=seq(0, 1, by=0.10),type=2) ## A histogram of the heights: hist(x) ## A density histogram of the heights: hist(x,freq=FALSE,col="red",nclass=8) plot(ecdf(x),verticals=TRUE) ## A basic boxplot of the heights: (range=0 makes it "basic") boxplot(x,range=0,col="red",main="Basic boxplot") text(1.3,quantile(x),c("Minimum","Q1","Median","Q3","Maximum"), col="blue") ## A modified boxplot of the heights with an ## extreme observation, 235cm added: ## The modified version is the default boxplot(c(x,235),col="red",main="Modified boxplot") text(1.3,quantile(c(x,235)),c("Minimum","Q1","Median","Q3" ,"Maximum"),col="blue")