// Code from Hansen and Rischel: Functional Programming using F# 16/12 2012 // Chapter 13: Asynchronous and parallel computations. Revised 10/7 2013 // Code from Section 13.5: 13.5 Reactive programs. Revised 04/9 2014 // Only the last line differs from the Mono version // Prelude open System open System.Net open System.Threading open System.Windows.Forms open System.Drawing // An asynchronous event queue kindly provided by Don Syme // To be used only in single-thread operation type AsyncEventQueue<'T>() = let mutable cont = None let queue = System.Collections.Generic.Queue<'T>() let tryTrigger() = match queue.Count, cont with | _, None -> () | 0, _ -> () | _, Some d -> cont <- None d (queue.Dequeue()) let tryListen(d) = if cont.IsSome then invalidOp "multicast not allowed" cont <- Some d tryTrigger() member x.Post msg = queue.Enqueue msg; tryTrigger() member x.Receive() = Async.FromContinuations (fun (cont,econt,ccont) -> tryListen cont) // The window part let window = new Form(Text="Web Source Length", Size=Size(525,225)) let urlBox = new TextBox(Location=Point(50,25),Size=Size(400,25)) let ansBox = new TextBox(Location=Point(150,150),Size=Size(200,25)) let startButton = new Button(Location=Point(50,65),MinimumSize=Size(100,50), MaximumSize=Size(100,50),Text="START") let clearButton = new Button(Location=Point(200,65),MinimumSize=Size(100,50), MaximumSize=Size(100,50),Text="CLEAR") let cancelButton = new Button(Location=Point(350,65),MinimumSize=Size(100,50), MaximumSize=Size(100,50),Text="CANCEL") let disable bs = for b in [startButton;clearButton;cancelButton] do b.Enabled <- true for (b:Button) in bs do b.Enabled <- false // An enumeration of the possible events type Message = | Start of string | Clear | Cancel | Web of string | Error | Cancelled //exception UnexpectedMessage // The dialogue automaton let ev = AsyncEventQueue() let rec ready() = async {urlBox.Text <- "http://" ansBox.Text <- "" disable [cancelButton] let! msg = ev.Receive() match msg with | Start url -> return! loading(url) | Clear -> return! ready() | _ -> failwith("ready: unexpected message")} and loading(url) = async {ansBox.Text <- "Downloading" use ts = new CancellationTokenSource() // start the load Async.StartWithContinuations (async { let webCl = new WebClient() let! html = webCl.AsyncDownloadString(Uri url) return html }, (fun html -> ev.Post (Web html)), (fun _ -> ev.Post Error), (fun _ -> ev.Post Cancelled), ts.Token) disable [startButton; clearButton] let! msg = ev.Receive() match msg with | Web html -> let ans = "Length = " + String.Format("{0:D}",html.Length) return! finished(ans) | Error -> return! finished("Error") | Cancel -> ts.Cancel() return! cancelling() | _ -> failwith("loading: unexpected message")} and cancelling() = async {ansBox.Text <- "Cancelling" disable [startButton; clearButton; cancelButton] let! msg = ev.Receive() match msg with | Cancelled | Error | Web _ -> return! finished("Cancelled") | _ -> failwith("cancelling: unexpected message")} and finished(s) = async {ansBox.Text <- s disable [startButton; cancelButton] let! msg = ev.Receive() match msg with | Clear -> return! ready() | _ -> failwith("finished: unexpected message")} // Initialization window.Controls.Add urlBox window.Controls.Add ansBox window.Controls.Add startButton window.Controls.Add clearButton window.Controls.Add cancelButton startButton.Click.Add (fun _ -> ev.Post (Start urlBox.Text)) clearButton.Click.Add (fun _ -> ev.Post Clear) cancelButton.Click.Add (fun _ -> ev.Post Cancel) // Start Async.StartImmediate (ready()) window.Show()