Scientific computing is the science and art of using solid mathematics and efficient computational models to solve important problems in science. This seminar provides a framework for researchers and practitioners in scientific computing to present ongoing work and discuss new ideas. The subjects of the seminars cover scientific computing in its widest extent, and the list of speakers includes experts from both academia and industry. The seminars usually take place on Wednesdays at 13:00 - 14:00 in room 136 in building 303B (Matematicum), and everyone is welcome to attend the talks. Since members of the audience often have very different backgrounds, presentations are usually held at an introductory level. The seminars are organized by the section for scientific computing at DTU Compute. We conduct research in the areas of ordinary and partial differential equations, functional analysis, optimization and control, inverse problems, reconstruction methods in imaging and tomography, high-performance/heterogeneous computing, and biomathematics. If you would like to know more about the seminars, please contact Yiqiu Dong or Kim Knudsen. |