Ph.d.-theses 1963-1993, IMM -> DTU Compute,

Historic archieves
  1. Sigvaldason, Helgi. (1963). Beslutningsproblemer ved et hydro-termisk elforsyningssystem. 92 pp.
  2. Nygaard, Jørgen. (1966). Behandling af et dimensionerings problem i telefonien. 157 pp.
  3. Krarup, Jakob. (1967). Fixed-cost and other network flow problems as related to plant location and to the design of transportation and computer systems. 159 pp. PS: Out of print.
  4. Hansen, Niels Herman. (1967). Problemer ved forudsigelse af lydhastighed i danske farvande. Analyse af et stokastisk system, del 1, 104 pp. del 2, Figurer og tabeller. 95 pp.
  5. Larsen, Mogens E. (1968). Statistisk analyse af elementære kybernetiske systemer. 210 pp. PS: Out of print.
  6. Punhani, Amrit Lal. (1968). Decision problems in connection with atomic power plants. 133 pp.
  7. Clausen, Svend. (1969). Kybernetik, systemer og modeller. 205 pp.
  8. Vidal, R.V. Valqui. (1970). Operations research in production planning. Interconnections between production and demand, vol. 1-2. 321 pp.
  9. Bilde, Ole. (1970). Nonlinear and discrete programming in transportation, location and road design, vol. 1-2. 291 pp. PS: Out of print.
  10. Rasmusen, Hans Jørgen. (1972). En decentraliseret planlægningsmodel. 185 pp.
  11. Dyrberg, Christian. (1973). Tilbudsgivning i en entreprenør virksomhed. 158 pp. PS: Out of print.
  12. Madsen, Oli B.G. (1973). Dekomposition og matematisk programmering. 271 pp. PS: Out of print.
  13. Dahlgaard, Peter. (1973). Statistical aspects of tide prediction, vol. 1, 202 pp. vol. 2, Figures and tables. 170 pp.
  14. Spliid, Henrik. (1973). En statistisk model for stormflodsvarsling. 205 pp. PS: Out of print.
  15. Pinochét, Mario. (1973). Operations research in strategic transportation planning. The decision process in a multiharbour system. 374 pp.
  16. Christensen, Torben. (1973). Om semi-markov processer. Udvidelser og anvendelser inden for den sociale sektor. 239 pp.
  17. Jacobsen, Søren Kruse. (1973). Om lokaliseringsproblemer, modeller og løsninger. 355 pp.
  18. Marqvardsen, Hans. (1973). Skemalægning ved numerisk simulation. 222 pp.
  19. Mortensen, Jens Hald. (1974). Interregionale godstransporter. Teoridannelser og modeller. 223 pp.
  20. Severin, Juan Melo. (1974). Introduction to operations research in systems synthesis. A chemical process design synthesis application. 249 pp.
  21. Spliid, Iben &Uffe Bundgaard-Jørgensen. (1974). Skitse til en procedure for kommunalplanlægning. 544 pp.
  22. Mosgaard, Christian. (1975). International planning in disaster situations. 187 pp.
  23. Holm, Jan. (1975). En optimeringsmodel for kollektiv trafik. 246 pp.
  24. Jensson, Pall. (1975). Stokastisk programmering, del 1, modeller, del 2, metodologiske overvejelser og anvendelser. 333 pp.
  25. Iversen, Villy Bæk. (1976). On the accuracy in measurements of time intervals and traffic intensities with application to teletraffic and simulation. 202 pp. PS: Out of print.
  26. Drud, Arne. (1976). Methods for control of complex dynamic systems. Illustrated by econometric models. 209 pp.
  27. Togsverd, Tom. (1976). Koordinering af kommunernes ressourceforbrug. 295 pp.
  28. Jensen, Olav Holst. (1976). Om planlægning af kollektiv trafik. Operationsanalytiske modeller og løsningsmetoder. 321 pp.
  29. Beyer, Jan E. (1976). Ecosystems. An operational research approach. 315 pp. PS: Out of print.
  30. Bille, Thomas Bastholm. (1977). Vurdering af egnsudviklingsprojekter. Samspil mellem benifit-cost analyse og den politiske vurdering i en tid under forandring.
    260 pp.
  31. Holst, Erik. (1979). En statistisk undersøgelse af tabletserier. 316 pp.
  32. Aagaard-Svendsen, Rolf. (1979). Econometric methods and kalman filtering.
    300 pp.
  33. Hansen, Steen. (1979). Project control by quantitative methods. 230 pp.
  34. Scheufens, Ernst Edvard. (1980). Statistisk analyse og kontrol af tidsafhængige vandkvalitetsdata. 152 pp.
  35. Lyngvig, Jytte. (1981). Samfundsøkonomisk planlægning. 252 pp.
  36. Troelsgård, Birgitte. (1981). Statistisk bestemmelse af modeller for rumlufttem-
    213 pp.
  37. Raft, Ole. (1981). Delivery planning by modular algorithms. 220 pp.
  38. Jensen, Sigrid M. (1981). Analyse af interregionale togrejser. 212 pp. + Figurer og appendices. 174 pp.
  39. Ravn, Hans. (1982). Technology and underdevelopment. The case of Mexico.
    376 pp.
  40. Hansen, Sten. (1983). Phase-type distributions in queueing theory. 209 pp.
  41. Ferreira, José A.S. (1984). Optimal control of discrete-time systems with applications. 252 pp.
  42. Behrens, Jens Christian. (1985). Mathematical modelling of aquatic ecosystems applied to biological waste water treatment. 28 pp. + app. 1, 389 pp. + app. 2, 180 pp.
  43. Poulsen, Niels Kjølstad. (1985). Robust self tuning controllers. 240 pp.
  44. Madsen, Henrik. (1985). Statistically determined dynamic models for climate processes, part 1-2. 428 pp.
  45. Sørensen, Bo. (1986). Interactive distribution planning. 253 pp.
  46. Lethan, Helge B. (1986). Løsning af store kombinatoriske problemer. 173 pp
  47. Boelskifte, Søren. (1988). Dispersion and current measurements. An investigation based on time series analysis and turbulence models. Risø-M-2566. 154 pp. PS: Out of print.
  48. Bo Friis Nielsen (1988). Modelling of multiple access systems with phase type distributions. 253 pp.
  49. John M. Christensen. (1988). Project planning and analysis. Methods for assessment of rural energy projects in developing countries. Risø-M-2706. 158 pp.
  50. Klaus Juel Olsen. (1988). Texture analysis of ultrasound images of livers. 162 pp.
  51. Helle Holst. (1988). Statistisk behandling af nærinfrarøde refleksionsmålinger. (Statistical analysis of NIR measurements). 309 pp. + app.
  52. Torben Knudsen. (1989). Start/stop strategier for vind-diesel systemer. 275 pp.
  53. Bjarne Kjær Ersbøll. (1989). Transformations and classifications of remotely sensed data. Theory and geological cases. 297 pp. PS: Out of print.
  54. Anders Laage Kragh. (1990). Kø-netværksmodeller til analyse af FMS anlæg. 205 pp.
  55. Christian Kornerup Hansen. (1990). Statistical methods in the analysis of repairable systems reliability. 56 pp.
  56. Jens Ejnar Parkum. (1992). Recursive identification of time-varying systems. 206 pp.
  57. Bilbo, Carl M. (1992). Statistical analysis of multivariate degradation models.
    167 pp.
  58. Jens Michael Carstensen. (1992). Description and simulation of visual texture. 234 pp.
  59. Karsten Halse. (1992). Modeling and solving complex vehicle routing problems.
    372 pp.
  60. Elbert Hendricks. (1992). Identification and estimation of nonlinear systems using physical modelling. 273 pp.
  61. Kristian Windfeld. (l992). Application of computer intensive data analysis methods to the analysis of digital images and spatial data. 190 pp.
  62. Jørgen Iwersen. (1992). Statistical control charts. Performance of Shewhart and Cusum charts. 326 pp.
  63. Carsten Kruse Olsson. (1993). Image processing methods in materials science. 274 pp.
  64. Ken Sejling. (1993). Modelling and prediction of load in heating systems. 290 pp.
  65. Søgaard, Henning T. (1993). Stochastic systems with embedded parameter variations. Applications to district heating. 286 pp.
  66. Grunkin, Michael. (1993). On the analysis of image data using simultaneous interaction models. 223 pp.
  67. Pálsson, Ólafur Pétur. (1993). Stochastic modeling, control and optimization of district heating systems. 282 pp.
  68. Sørensen, Lene. (1993). Environmental planning and uncertainty. Risø-R-709(EN). 226 pp.
  69. Thygesen, Bent Georg. (1993). Modelling and control of systems in the delta domain. 207 pp.
  70. Jensen, Jens Arnth. (1993). Digital image processing designed for evaluation of MR-examinations of the cardiovascular system. 256 pp. PS: Out of print.
  71. Jørgensen, Jan Friis. (1993). Scanning probe microscopy image restoration and analysis. ATV erhvervsforskerprojekt EF 349. l44 pp.
  72. Carstensen, Jacob. (1994). Identification of wastewater processes. ATV erhvervsforskerprojekt EF 354. 242 pp.

Finn Kuno Christensen,