Frequently asked questions


Must I be present for all the teaching activities?

No, not necessarily. The primary activity in the course is programming exercises, and you can get assistance from the teachers in the data bars or by asking questions on our online forum. We recommend that you show up for the introductory lecture and we require that you show up for the written exam. Other than that, you can follow this course remotely if you wish.

I don't speak Danish - can I still follow the course?

All the teaching material (including the final exam) is available in English, and all the teaching assistants speak English, so it should be no problem to follow the course without speaking Danish.

What is the workload of the course?

The course is 5 ECTS points, and the nominal workload is 140 hours.

On which dates does the course run?

The course runs in January, spring, June, August and autumn in DTUs normal semester structure. You can find information on DTU website (Academic Year). For the 3-week editions of the course, the course will usually start on the very first day of 3-week periode and occupy the entire day. For the 13-week editions, the course is scheduled on a specific day and the DTU course planner web site displays this information. The precise time and place will usually be communicated some days before the start of the course with a message in the DTU Inside group.

Signing up for the course etc.

How do I register / unregister from the course?

You must talk to the department of student affairs (AUS) about this.

The homepage says the sign-up is closed. Can I still participate?

Yes. There is no limit on the number of students that we take in and we usually take students in after the course has started. Contact the department of student affairs (AUS) to get signed up.

Can I follow the course "unofficially", without taking the course for credit?

Yes, if you have a DTU student id. Please contact the course responsible by email, give your student id number and write that you would like to be added to the course DTU Inside group. You will then have access to the course teaching material and online resources.

I have signed up late for the course, and do not yet have access to the course DTU Inside group. What do I do?

Please contact the course responsible by email, give your student id number and write that you would like to be added to the course DTU Inside group.

If I am not a DTU student can I sign up for this single course?

This is what is called a "single course student" under DTU's "continuing education" schemas. More information is available here. Read the information there and/or contact the continuing education staff at telephone +45 45 25 45 25 or email

Course material

Where can I find solutions for the assignments of the old exams?

The solutions are usually available on CodeJudge as "Suggested Solution" under the individual assignments of the exam (under "Exercises").


Why do you answer in Danish/English on Piazza?

Usually we will answer your questions here on Piazza in the same language as you post - so Danish questions are answered in Danish and English questions are answered in English. The reason that we don't just do everything in English is that Danish students also have the right to get help in their own language.

Danish students are very welcome to write in English, so that your non-Danish classmates can follow the discussion also. Non-Danish students are also very welcome to ask for a followup answer in English or post their own questions in English.


When and where exactly is the exam?

The time and place of the exam is always communicated directly by the exam office. You can find this info on DTU Portalen. The most relevant pages are: (requires login), Examination timetable and Academic calendar (Danish: Undervisningsåret).

What counts towards the final grade?

Only the exam project and the written programming exam counts towards the final grade. The final grade is given as an overall assessment that takes into account both the quality of the project and the correctness of the programming exam hand-in.

How do I sign up for the exam / re-exam?

You must talk to the department of student affairs (AUS) about this.

What happens if I fail the course?

The examination consists of two parts (the exam project and the written programming exam). To pass the course, both parts must be assessed as passed. If one part of the exam is not passed it must be taken again. For example, if your exam project is passed but you fail the written exam, you must attend a written re-examination.

When can I attend a re-examination?

You can attend a re-examination in connection with the next ordinary course examination. The course runs in January, spring, June, August, and fall semesters under different course numbers.