Section for Cognitive Systems
DTU Compute

02901 Advanced Topics in Machine Learning: Machine Learning and Human Cognition

August 17-21, 2020 at the Section for Cognitive Systems, DTU Compute


The course consists of five days (Monday-Friday) of lectures and exercises. The lectures will cover theoretical aspects such as Bayesian optimization, active learning, causality and reinforcement learning as well as their connections to human cognition. Technical aspects, programming and application of the developed concepts will be explored in tutorials and exercises. The course (2.5 ECTS points) is passed by handing in a small report on one of the topics covered in the course. For further course details click here.


DTU Building 303A auditorium 41 (lectures will also be streamed).


Every day August 17-21, 2020, 9 AM - 4 PM (except Tuesday and Thursday 9 AM - 5 PM).

Course programme and speakers

Monday 17th of August (9 AM - 4 PM)

Tuesday 18th of August (9 AM - 5 PM)

Wednesday 19th of August (9 AM - 4 PM)

Thursday 20th of August (9 AM - 5 PM)

Friday 21st of August (9 AM - 4 PM)


General understanding of machine learning, statistical modeling, mathematics and computer science. Programming experience, ideally in Python. For the course you are required to bring your own laptop computer.


REGISTRATION DEADLINE HAS PASSED. To register please send an email to Wanja Andersen with your CV (maximum 2 pages). The CV has to be received no later than 21st of June. We will notify applicants regarding acceptance to the summer school early July

For academics (masters and PhD students) there is no registration fee for the course. For all other participants a course fee of DKK 8250 will be charged. Participants are to cover all other costs such as food, accommodation, and travel expenses.

Links to previous courses

2019 version of 02901 Advanced Topics in Machine Learning

2018 version of 02901 Advanced Topics in Machine Learning

2017 version of 02901 Advanced Topics in Machine Learning

2016 version of 02901 Advanced Topics in Machine Learning

2015 version of 02901 Advanced Topics in Machine Learning

2014 version of 02901 Advanced Topics in Machine Learning

For further information, please contact:

DTU Compute, Section for Cognitive Systems, Building 321.
DTU logospace