Section for Cognitive Systems
DTU Compute

02901 Advanced Topics in Machine Learning

August 28-September 1, 2017 at the Section for Cognitive Systems, DTU Compute


The course consists of five days (Mon-Friday) of lectures and exercises on key topics in machine learning. This years summer school will focus on several different advanced topics within machine learning centered around cognitive systems, which integrate information processing in human brains and computers for collaborative problem solving. This involves representations and processes involved in thinking and decision making such as prediction, planning, interpretation, and interaction with humans and other cognitive systems.

The course (2.5 ECTS point) is passed by handing in a small report on the topics covered in the course maybe evaluated on your own problems or data. The exercises cover both theoretical, technical programming, and application aspects. Specific machine learning application examples are used throughout the entire week. For further course details click here.


Technical University of Denmark, Building 324 auditorium 060

Time Schedule

9AM-5PM every day August 28th-September 1st, 2017

Course programme

Click here to view the course program

Please bring your own laptop computer!


Lectures will be given by invited speakers and staff at the Section for Cognitive Systems.

Confirmed speakers

Course material

Detailed course material and day-to-day information and messages will be shared through the DTU Inside course web (for registered participants only).


General understanding of machine learning, statistical modeling, mathematics and computer science. For the course you are required to bring your own laptop computer.


As we anticipate more applicants than we have space for applicants will be selected based on their curriculum vitae (CV). To register please send an email to Wanja Andersen with your CV (maximum 2 pages). The CV has to be received no later than June 30th. We will notify applicants regarding acceptance to the summer school July 3rd.

For academics (masters and PhD students) there is no registration fee for the course. For all other participants a course fee of DKK 8250 will be charged. Participants are to cover all other costs such as food, accommodation, and travel expenses. One course dinner is included in the registration.

Practical information

For practical information regarding transportation and accommodation click here.

Previous years

2016 version of 02901 Advanced Topics in Machine Learning

2015 version of 02901 Advanced Topics in Machine Learning

2014 version of 02901 Advanced Topics in Machine Learning

For further information, please contact:

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