02321 Hardware/Software Programming

General course information


Starting with Autumn 2015 this course is redesigned, and more emphasis is put on using a system on chip created arround ARM CPUs. This system on chip is created on the ZYBO board from Digilent.

Aim of the course is:

  1. To give a general understanding of how an embedded computer system is organized and works by considering the components involved and the layers of abstractions used to handle the complexity in such a system.
  2. To give an understanding of how an embedded processor/​microcontroller interfaces with peripheral devices. 
  3. To enable participants to design, implement, debug, test and document a computer system for an embedded application consisting of hardware and software components.

Half of the course will take place during the 13 week period where the students will get the necessary theoretical background through lectures and exercises. The second half of the course will take place during the 3 week period where students will implement a bigger design-build project. This project will be centered around the knowledge gained in the course 02321 but will also include elements from the other courses running in the 3rd semester for the Diplom IT-Electronics study.

Here are the links for the official course description in English and Danish.

Gallery of Projects

Here you can find a selection of the projects done by the students that have followed the course so far.
The projects are described using posters and videos.

Projects from January 2018
Projects 2018

Projects from January 2017
Icons 2017

Projects from January 2016
Projects from January 2013

In the bottom of this web page you can see the gallery of projects done in the previous version of the course.



E2B (Thursday 8:00 - 12:00) + January

Lecture room and Databar

Building 308/ Room 127

Teaching materials

There are two books used for the course:


Hardware boards

FPGA boards:


This is the main board used in the course.



Previous versions of the course (2008-2014)

Short Video Presentation of the course:



Gallery of Projects (2012 - 2014)

Here you can find a selection of the projects done by the students that have followed the course so far.
The projects are described using posters and videos.


Last modified: 25 August, 2023