Bachelorprojekt - Softwareteknologi | ||
Project No. 0187: TinyOS on Patmos |
Aktuelle | Tidligere |
TinyOS is a small operating system mainly for wireless sensor network nodes. As it is a very small OS it is a very good fit for an embedded processor like Patmos. Patmos is a small real-time processor that can be a good architecture for low-power devices. The project is about porting this OS to Patmos and exploring it with small examples. Optionally the TinyOS functions can be analyzed for the worst-case execution time (WCET) with the WCET analysis tool of Patmos.
Prerequisites: | 02155 Computer Architecture and Engineering (recommended) 02159 Operating Systems (recommended) |
Supervisor(s) Martin Schöberl
Sidst opdateret: Nov 18, 2016 af Hans Henrik Løvengreen |