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Bachelorprojekt - Softwareteknologi | Project No. 0171: Querying Graphs and Transitions Systems |
Aktuelle | Tidligere |
Query languages for databases allow one to check and extract information from a database. Similar query languages exist for graphs and transitions systems, which allow one to express queries such as ïs there path from x to y not traversing z" or "what is the length of the shortest path from x to y". Algorithms for solving those queries allow one then to analyse several properties of a graph or transition system, related to structural or quantitative aspects. Typical examples are query graph logics used to interrogate graph databases, and temporal logics used by model checkers for system verification.
The goal of the project will be to implement a tool to evaluate queries in language for expressing quantitative properties of transition systems and graphs. The tool can be implemented from scratch but there is also the possibility to exploit existing tools (e.g. model checkers or graph database software). In the latter case the project will focus on how to translate queries between two different query languages.
Prerequisites: | Ability to design algorithms and implement them in some programming language, as well as a basic background on graph theory and formal semantics is necessary. Familiarity with functional programming and logic may be useful. |
Supervisor(s) Alberto Lluch Lafuente
Sidst opdateret: Nov 2, 2015 af Hans Henrik Løvengreen |