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Bachelorprojekt - Softwareteknologi | Project No. 0170: Sharing Data in Distributed Applications |
Aktuelle | Tidligere |
Distributed applications are often designed as a set of programs operating on data items distributed over a set of logical or physical localities (a mobile phone, a server, a network, a core, etc.). The programs that form the application can be coordinated using message-passing (e.g. in actor languages) or shared-spaces (e.g. databases or shared-memory) or a combination of both. When data needs to be shared among computations residing in different localities the programmer must often implement such sharing via complicated low-level mechanisms, unless the programming language offers some support for inter-locality data sharing.
The goal of the project is to implement inter-locality data sharing support in a programming language for distributed computing and implement an application that exploits that support. The project can also include an experimental evaluation of the performance benefits of the implemented sharing support to be tested on the application. Possible choices for the language are X10 (http://x10-lang.org/) or tuple space languages used in 02148 02148.
Prerequisites: | Ability to design distributed algorithms and implement them in some programming language. Familiarity with concepts related to concurrent programming and formal semantics may be useful.
Supervisor(s) Alberto Lluch Lafuente
Sidst opdateret: Nov 2, 2015 af Hans Henrik Løvengreen |