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Bachelorprojekt - Softwareteknologi | Projekt nr. 0079: ePNK: A generic PNML Tool |
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The Petri Net Markup Language (PNML) is an XML based interchange format for all kinds of Petri nets, which is currently standardized as ISO/IEC 15909-2 (and some extensions in ISO/IEC 15909-3). Different kinds of Petri net types can be defined by providing a UML model with the type's specific features.
The ePNK (eclipse-based Petri Net Kernel) is a tool based on eclipse that is fully compliant with ISO/IEC-15909-2 and serves as a test-bed for the defintion of ISO/IEC-15909-3. It provides a generic graphical editor to which new Petri net types can be plugged-in - basically, by providing a UML model of its concepts. The ePNK was developped in a model-based way, using the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF), the Graphical Modeling Framework (GMF), and XText and some related technologies.
The current version of the ePNK, however, is still very simple and many features that would be interesting for tool-developers or end-user are still lacking. Some of these lacking features could be implemented in student projects - as MSc-projects, BSc-projects (02125) or as Software Technology Projects (02122).
Below, there is a list of possible extensions. Each of them or a combination of them could be a project - depending on the number of students and the kind of project. The exact topic and scope will be defined before the start of the project together with the students, based on their experience and their interests.
Possible extension:
All projects require some basic knowledge of eclipse, EMF and GMF and model-based software engineering (such as provided in the course 02162, Software Engineering 2) and will help advancing the students' skills in modern software engineering technologies.
Forudsætninger: | 02162 Software Engineering 2 |
Vejleder(e): Ekkart Kindler
Sidst opdateret: Oct 31, 2011 af Hans Henrik Løvengreen |