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Bachelorprojekt - Softwareteknologi | Project No. 0072: Model Reports for MagicDraw |
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Modeling plays an important role in software development, and models may be exploited in either of two ways: (1) the Model Driven Architecture (MDA) paradigm that aims at generating production code fully automatically from models, or (2) the traditional approach of taking the models as a blueprint and writing software to match it. Either way, there is a huge need for documents summarizing and describing models, e.g. as part of a contract between customer and supplier, or as part of a quality assurance process involving people that do not have the CASE tool or skill to inspect a model. So, many modeling tools offer report generators.
The task of this project is twofold. First, it should create a number of complex and goodâlooking report templates to be used by the MagicDraw CASE tool. Since some of the transformations involved in the reporting process are quite complex, it may be necessary to tap into MagicDrawâs API and insert some minor pieces of code. Despite its somewhat misleading name MagicDraw is one of the leading UML Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) tools and offers numerous advanced features.
Depending on the ambitiousness and qualifications of the student, there may be a second part to this projects. In it, the student creates a plugâin to MagicDraw that collect some statistical and software engineering metrics to be included in the reports mentioned above. These metrics could include Use Case Points, Number of Model Elements, the classic Chidamber/Kemmerer metrics, and so on.
The work will be validated by the student through creating reports for a set of sample models. While the models as such will be provided as raw material, they may require some changes and additions to allow fully automatic report generations. Documenting these changes and additions, and writing a guideline for the usage of the report generator are part of the project.
If the outcome of this thesis is of sufficient quality, these reports will be used by the participants of the course 02264 Requirements Engineering to create their model reports in the future, that is to say: your work will really be used, it is not just a toy example.
This project is expected to create a 30-50 page report in English, a user guide to the reports, the report templates, and possibly a little code as needed.
Prerequisites: | A basic understanding of UML and modeling is expected, some experience with MS Word may be helpful. |
Supervisor(s) Harald Störrle
Sidst opdateret: Nov 18, 2011 af Hans Henrik Lřvengreen |