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Bachelorprojekt - Softwareteknologi | Project No. 0063: Social Commitments Semantics for Agent Communication |
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The ability to communicate is one of the salient properties of software agents. Although a number of agent communication languages (ACLs) have been developed, obtaining a suitable formal semantics for ACLs remains one of the greatest challenges of multiagent systems theory. Previous semantics have largely been mentalistic in their orientation and are based solely on the beliefs and intentions of the participating agents. Such semantics are not suitable for most multiagent applications, which involve autonomous and heterogeneous agents, whose beliefs and intentions cannot be uniformly determined. To address this limitation, an alternative model of agent communication has been proposed, namely the social commitment approach. The intuition is to shift the focus from agents' mental states to their ßocial state".
Although the increasing number of papers following this idea, so far the commitment approach has failed to be adopted in practice. The goal of this project is to analyze the key limitations of the social commitment approach from a practical point of view. This requires the investigation of the realizability of such semantics in open asynchronous distributed contexts, such as Multi-Agent Systems.
Prerequisites: | Basic knowledge of distributed systems and formal models for Multi-Agent Systems. |
Supervisor(s) Nicola Dragoni
Sidst opdateret: Oct 31, 2011 af Hans Henrik Løvengreen |